Chapter 10: Infected

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I made a quick little doodle of Farah cause she's a smol bean.

The heart aching, ear deafening cries echo throughout the small suburban house. The voice pleaded out for attention. The robotic figure marched in obedience to the wails. A small child lays under a (f/c) blanket.

The artificial intelligence scoops up the baby and gently rocks it side to side. Moments like these were always the quietest. The infant tried to make out the words heard from Google 'Dada and train' but it sounded more like a kitten hissing at the open waters. The robot found it adorable to hear.

The baby's wails deceased after a couple of minutes and fell into a deep slumber against the warm figure. As the child rests against Google's chest, the android pulls up a screen with the search bar as 'How to take care of human babies'. The results were mostly pictures of baby triplets in animal onesies. The screen closed when a knock was heard at the door-

The dark figure shot up from the covers and looks around, cautiously. His brother was sleeping on the guest bed next to him, peacefully, while occasionally mumbling inaudible phrases. The optimistic witch slept on her back towards the ceiling, muffling her loud snores: on the couch next to their room.
The little human child slumbered on a make-shift bed (in reality, it was just some pillows and blankets stacked on top of each other) with a couple of stuffed animals peeking out of the blanket.

The hotel room was quiet...too quiet, except for the occasional footsteps outside of the room; most likely some young couple coming back from their honeymoon. Dark seems to notice the footsteps because when they draw closer his gray fingertips twitch, then relax afterwards.

Google calms down and flashes back to his dream. 'Why do I keep having dreams of (y/n)?' He thought for a while and decided to give it a rest. A little screen on the side of his vision flashes, 'Warning: Battery Percentage 20%'. Google lets out a sigh and gives in to the calling of sleep. What does worries him the most was the words of Darkiplier's mortal enemy, 'and a child of a thief'.....

My conciseness fled to the back of my mind when the rectangular-shaped digital clock flashed the numbers, '3:00'. I felt numb and cold in the empty abyss. But, somehow, my mechanical body was moving out of bed and towards the kitchen.

The lifeless hands pull open the wooden drawer by the microwave, gripping the sharp vegetable knife provided. His eyes illuminated a blood red glow: the same shade when (y/n) was at Anna's birthday party.

'Something is wrong..' Google's mind pleaded for mercy, kneeling that blood would be shed tonight. The dazed out robot limped over to the double bedroom with the knife ready to kill. (Y/n) breathed quietly while their stuffed animals provided comfort for them. Google unconsciously smirked at the sleeping form, waltzing over to the other side of the room.

'Please' he stumbled onto his knees and cried for the safety of his adopted descendant. The virus found his cries of despair and terror amusing. They finally brought down the knife towards the delicate heart.

iT's FuNNy...
KnOwiNg thAt aNy OnE In tHIs uNIvErSE hAS tHE pOWeR tO kILl a HuMan...
sO pUre~
So iNNoCEnT~
I wOndEr wHAt thEy wOuld tASte lIKe...
That statement pulled a trigger. Something snapped inside....mentally. Like a bullet through a wounded chest, Google threw the knife across the marble floor. The faint sound caused (y/n) to readjust their position. Fortunately, the child kept their tired eyes closed while they fixed their blankets. Google regains his sanity for just a brief moment. Then the room becomes quiet again.

No snoring...
No laughing...
Just....empty silence.

Google sighs quietly, sniffling up his 'tears'. 'Deep breaths....everything is're fine' The artificial intelligence retained his posture and placed a small kiss on their forehead.

'What did you ever do to deserve this?'
No reply. Google realized how strong the bloodlust was becoming. If they wanted to get back in one piece, they needed to! Google returned to his 'Charging Mode' with the unsettling thought that they weren't alone.

Hello! :p This was a build-up for the next two chapters, which will include the reveal of Melody's appearance.

What do you guys want to see in the future? Let me know! I'll be open for ideas.

Secondary Objective: Googleplierxchild!reader  Where stories live. Discover now