Chapter 4: Fixing Mistakes

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Google has become skeptical of you since last night. You wouldn't even take your eyes off the window for a second.
That was until a black mist appeared in the front yard.

You giggle with glee and run outside.
A very tall person with a gray suit, maroon tie, and black hair.

"Are you Google's twin brother?" You ask while tugging at his pant.

"DARK! W-WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?" Google's eyes fade back to red with rage.

"Oh hush, rust bucket. Your little human here called me herself/himself." Dark straightens his tie.

"I-IF YOU T-T-TOUCH HER/HIM, I SWEAR I WI-" Google's eyes meet Dark's hypnotic ones and slowly forces himself to stay awake.

"Don't make this harder on yourself." Dark smirks when Google finally gives in and falls to the ground.

"Now. Why did you call me, human?" He kneels down to your level to show that he is harmless.

"Well....Google has been acting really scaring. He made my arm sting a lot with the cake chopper." You hold out your arm to show him to bandage wrapped around it.

Dark thinks for a moment.
"Come with me. We will see what is the matter with Google at my mansion." You gasp at the thought of a giant house possibly with a slide.

Dark walks over to Google's limp body and throws him over Dark's shoulder.
You gently grab ahold of Dark's cold hands for safety. He teleports you and Google outside of a black and white manor. Carriages park right outside the gates with horses of gold armor.

"How did you get so much money to buy this house?" You stare in awe as Dark's gates open automatically.

"I have my ways." Dark grins with pride at his prized possession.

You and Dark finally reach the end of the long path way and in front of the marble black door. Dark opens the door for you and leads you through the mansion. Knights with armor stand by each door with jet black staffs for protection.

He finally stops at a room with the same marble door as every other room in this giant house. Dark grips Google's body tighter as he walks inside the room. Surgery table are place at every corner. There's many tables with jars of mythical creatures inside. One of the jars even had a human hand inside. It gave you chills.

A man with black hair, a surgery mask, and a bloody lab coat, turned away from you, was poking something on a table.

"Dr. Iplier! We have a guest. " Dark shouts, disturbing Dr. Iplier's work.

He quickly turns around in shock.
"Can't you see I'm busy?" You walk up to him and try to see what he's working on, but Dr. Iplier throws a white blanket over it. A hand and leg stick out from the cover, exposing the bloody, limp skin.

"Nothing to see there, child..." He chuckles nervously.

Dark takes Google off his back and slams him down, without a care in the world, onto another surgery table.

"Fix him." Dark commands him.

"What's the magic word?" Dr. Iplier puts on a devilish smile under his mask.

"I hate you."

"We're never going to hear it from you, are we?"


Dr. Iplier sighs and walks over to Google, shooing you two away. You and Dark both walk out of the room and wait patiently, thinking of any possible outcomes to Google's virus. You worry for his safety as you kick your feet back and forth.

Secondary Objective: Googleplierxchild!reader  Where stories live. Discover now