Chapter 14: Accidents

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Melody quickly sat down when she heard the announcer clear his throat.
"Now, let's continue. Here stands the latest prototype: XF600. Built entirely out of vibranium; the world's strongest material. We'll start at 1,000 dollars."

Google motions for you to follow his lead while the announcer is busy. You wattle closely behind the curtains. The hooded-figure tracks Google's movement and walks towards you, undetected by anyone else.

She follows you very closely. You try to shout for Google but Melody places a had over your mouth. The android she bought got the attention of the other A.I and dragged him to you.

"What the heck do y-you think you're doing?!" Google exclaims in alarm.

The A.I tries to calm him down, but he doesn't listen. Instead, he grips his hands around the android's neck and lifts him up, his eyes fading into a dark crimson.
"D-don't you dare...t-touch them!"
The androids breath becomes short, trying to choke out a word.
A sentence.
A noise.
Anything to get Google to let go and talk this out.

Melody steps in before his throat can be crushed completely.
"Google! Drop him!"
He turns his head to look at her, engulfed with rage. Melody's eyes are pleading for mercy of her assistant.
You, frightened, stood behind Melody's cloak while your head poke out to look at Google's rampage.

Google finally releases his grip on the android's neck, guilty for making you witness another murder attempt.
'I thought....I was getting better...'
'I tried...I really make you believe...
I'm okay
I'm fine.'

"Dad..." Your glossy eyes fill up with tears of betrayal. Out of blind fear, you ran away from them. You kept on going through the curtains, trying to locate the exit.
"(Y/n)!" A distant voice cried out
for you. It wasn't clear who shouted, but you didn't care. You just kept your pace. Away from all the shouting. The chaos....

"What were you thinking?! Are you trying to get us in trouble?"

"H-he became an o-obstacle so I w-was simply acting accordingly."

"Don't you care?! This is one of your own!"

Dark! His darkened figure became closer to view, standing next to the familiar sorcerer's silhouette.
His eyes glance over at you, worried.
His gentle arms grip your tiny form as you choke out pitiful sobs and sniffles.
"What's troubling you, (y/n)..?"

You let a few tears drizzle down your cheeks before you speak,
"G-Google hurt the r-robot man..."
"Who is the robot man?"
"*sniff* It was Melophy's robot guy.."
You stumble when trying to remember the right pronunciation of Melody's name. Dark nods, leading you to Farah to watch over you. Farah stretches out her arms for a comforting hug, which you gladly except in tears.

Dark's deepened voice cries out to Google, "Pull yourself together! Do you want us to get caught?"
Seconds after those words came from his mouth, there was a loud gasp followed by a deep growl. You grew concerned for Dark's safety. Melody's cloak poke out the corner the noises were coming from.

There was a faint sound of metal clinking onto a hard surface and shuffling of feet. Melody walks over to you with Google's limp body in her hands. Her A.I follows behind her, while Dark's arm was slung over their shoulder. A dark stain bled through Dark's gray suit.

Farah waits for Melody's response to all the events that took place in the last few minutes. Dark weakly looks around him. He places his hand over the open wound to heal.
"....We need to hurry and fix him before...things get out of hand."

Happy Pride Month! I hope you all have fun doing whatever you're doing to celebrate. I'm starting to lack some inspiration for this book (if you couldn't tell)
So updates might be a little bit shorter :/

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