Chapter 19: Reassurance

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Very Important Question: Would you rather want me to have an all category Roleplay book or continue on with the NatemarexReader with pre-written chapters?
(Can't choose both)

"Did you put them under the anesthetic yet?"

"No, no. The nurses are trying to calm them down before we start."


Everything hurts....
Why is my vision fuzzy? The room is spinning. Oh gosh..
I'm going to barf. I need to get out of here. It's so musty...

"We just need you to relax, sweetie."
Who are these people?
You're voice isn't making me feel any better.

"I am Doctor Lenning. The surgery will be very inefficient if you do not cooperate..."

What are they grabbing?
Just close your eyes
It's not real
It'll all go away then, right?

Close your eyes

Close your eyes

The tray of barbecue pork, green beans, and mashed potatoes from the cafeteria remained untouched. 'Pokemon: X and Y' was displayed on the retro television on the wall with English subtitles. It seems to mute out all other noises at this time of night.

The cafeteria is about to close for the day. You felt a burning desire to choke down the food in front of you, since you had been under the anesthetic for four hours.

Your attention was focused on your chest. There was no movement inside. Only painful creaks and squeaks from the thick metal exoskeleton, creating bruises on your skin. Your body was full of painkillers, yet the aching feeling still remained.

Suddenly, there were three gentle knocks on the door.
Without waiting for an answer from the other side, a nurse enters the room.The nurse shut the door behind her and positions herself in front the T.V.

"お元気ですか?" She asks with fraud concern. You stare blankly back at her glossy brown eyes. She took your emotionless expression as a sign of misunderstanding. So, with her best English accent, the nurse asks.

"English?" You nod so she would stop talking.

"I suggest you eat what has been provided for you before the....guests visit you."
All she received in response was a muffled insult. The nurse ignores it and carries on with her tasks somewhere around the building.

A few minutes after she left, you realized you had forgotten something. Non-existent hands surrounded your weak form; as weak replacements of falling asleep into the arms of....


It was shameful that you had stopped thinking about him. The one who was willing to take you in as a loving parent;
A killing machine opening up his heart to you!

Without hesitation, you jolt out of the hospital bed and into the hallway. Many adults and children look your way as you push past them. You turn right to try and at least find one of the three.
"Dark! Farah! Google! Anyone!"
The employees chasing after to escort you back to your room, but you were too far from their grasp.

While frantically running in circles, you stumble upon a janitor's closet to your right.
'I'll just hide in here until they leave'.
You thought, relieved.

The small closet was very dim and dusty. A wet substance covers parts of the floor. It wasn't too clear to be water, but it wasn't too thick to be a spilled drink.

It was made clear that you were not alone. A faint outline of a man in some sort of fancy clothing was located on the other side of the room. Thankfully, they were facing away from you. A hand stuck out from behind their hunched over form.

You hide behind a cart of cleaning supplies when the figure turns their head to a shelf. Parts of their facial features became visible: black hair, pale skin, and dark bags under their eyes. couldn't be him.
They grab a garbage bag from the shelf, aggressively shaking out the bag and shoving an awfully heavy item into the bag.

Then, you saw it. A sun-kiss skinned leg with a white sock slipping off their foot inside the bag.
You've seen too much.

'This was a bad idea.'
'Hey! Don't look at me! This was YOUR idea!'
'Shush! They're turning around!'

The figure turns around in front of the light, so they can be seen fully.
It was Darkiplier....
His suit was hanging from his shoulder and his hands were white as snow.

And he was looking directly at you.

"What do you mean they're GONE?!"

"T-The nurse said they weren't in their room l-last time they checked."

"Then, check again because I'm not loosing my niece/nephew to the likes of you!" Google holds Farah back from the frightened employee.

He was as concerned for your well-being as she was, but to an extent.
It hadn't been at least an hour and Farah had already started to establish her fortress in this battleground.
And she was about to blow it all up to smithereens, until Google stepped in.

Dark has left to take care of some 'business', as he likes to call it. He seemed very suspicious at that moment. But, it is not to Google's concern.

After Farah cooled down, she went to buy a chocolate bar from the vending machine while Google began his search for you. The hallways had cleared up quite a bit since a few hours ago.

It became quieter the farther Google traveled down the poorly lit hallway.
The atmosphere was unsettling and alarmingly mysterious. Like a foreshadowed warning, a post-it board on the wall had bold letters sticking out. Attached to it was a printed out long paragraph about the guidelines of becoming a future employee.
'Turn Back'

Even though this could be a life threatening entity, Google was determined that he could handle it.
His footsteps were cut short when he heard gentle sobs and whispers.
A door was left open a crack, unlike all the other ones in this facility.

His robotic eyes peer into the dim room. You had your fragile arms wrapped around Dark's neck, while he patted your back and whispered reassuring words.

Only one of them was heard by Google,

"I'm sorry..."

Secondary Objective: Googleplierxchild!reader  Where stories live. Discover now