Chapter 16: Guilt

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You made your final decision.

Jump in front.

The men keeping you still were slow to react to your sudden jerk. They loosened their grip a little bit, just enough to set you free. You ran for Google's aid. He was malfunctioning terribly. His head twitches frequently, wires poking out of his wounds, eyes flashing different colors, and his circuits were failing.

Farah comes to reality and shouts for your name. She knew exactly what you were doing. You were trying to save Google. Why would you care so much for a mere android that could easily be rebuilt, while you were fragile and easily broken....
"Stop! (Y/n)!" She screeches until her voice becomes raspy and painful.
Dark groans and tries to stand up, but a large boot shoves his head into the floor.

The manager laughs, manically and twirls the gun around his finger.
"This is too much fun! Just watching you tied to my strings! Oh, but just wait until the real entertainment begins...
I don't think I could ever get enough of this!"
"Psychopath! Murderer! That's what you are!" Farah growls, wanting bloodshed.

The manager looks over to her, and marches over to her restrained form. He places a gloved hand under her chin.
"I call it business, darling," he turns back to the hardly living pile of wires while pulling back out his gun,"Now say goodbye to your friend. It would be a shame to let this moment go to waste."

Do you assume that if those around you will be safe, you will too? Now you're just begging for mercy. What makes you think I'm willing to let you live?
I had some much potential but of course, you decided to twist my hand.

Dark gazes up at his brother one last time whispering his name in pain,

Your arms opened for Google just before he pulled the trigger. His head was too slow to glance at you one last time. Before you collapsed.

Dark stumbles to his feet and punches the guard. Google held no words, for he could not speak. He didn't understand why you would do it. Farah grabs your body away from him and takes off her jacket. Your chest was bleeding heavily.  It hit directly through your heart.

Farah wraps her jacket around the wound, while trying to maintain her overwhelming sobs. Dark finally gathers the strength to teleport to Google's side. His disoriented figure disappears in a cloud of black fog.  

Dark places his shaking hands on Google's shoulder, collapsing onto his body. " is alright. We'll fix them." His mangled body stood still. One might assume he was dead. A few sparks disintegrated in mid-air. In the corner of Google's vision was a flashing red,
'Warning: Systems Failing.
Estimated time of shut down-15:07:59'
"Come on, bub. We got to go."

Swiftly, the cloaked figure kneeled to Google's other side. Melody returned in time. Her mouth was running with apologies.
"I'm so so sorry for leaving you. I didn't think they would go this far-"
"It's fine just hurry up and help us!" She nods and gets her tool box from behind her back. Farah takes you outside the building and pulls out her phone. The nearest hospital was in 2 miles.

People stood still and gasped at the blood over her face and on the child's body. Crowds covered the sidewalks. There was no way they would make it across in time.
"Out of the way!" Farah shoves through the small gaps between adults and teenagers. She glances at her phone tracking her movement.

It was right around the corner. Exactly two minutes away if she ran. Her legs quicken in pace, crossing the street swiftly. Muffled groans could be heard, following close behind. Farah looks at the dying child wheezing out words.

She hushes you in a motherly manner.
"Shhh...It's okay, sweetie. You're going to be fine." The hospital entrance was fading into sight, causing hope to rise up once again. She charges in with full force, rubbing her head a few seconds later.

The lady behind the counter types on the computer with a cheery voice,
"How may I help you?"
Farah coughs with anger, informing the lady that she needed help. The lady turns her head and immediately notices the child. "Oh my..." She dials the emergency numbers and explains the situation, panicking.

Minutes later, several doctors took you out of Farah's arms, leaving her to worry about your well-being. She couldn't get into the room anyway. Farah was only the friend of Dark's brother's daughter.

Farah felt a wave of guilt consume her thoughts. I should have stepped in. What if they die? Will it be my fault?
Only time will tell. Google should be fixed by now...right?

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