Chapter 13: Step right up, folks

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Warning: Sensitive Subjects will be mentioned. Suggested that you cuddle up in blankets for my
C R I N G Y writing.

Enjoy the Chapter! :p

You softly squeeze his hand in submission as he leads you to a back hallway within the building. His concentration was broken by a gentle voice.
"Where are we going?"

You had noticed that Dark and Farah had not been informed of your departure. They must be worried.
He stops in his path and turns his head to you. You cower and back away in fear from Google's frustrated eyes.
The android lets out a sigh.
"I'll explain later, sweetie. We need to continue the task at hand..."
"And that is...?"

He pauses, gazing at the empty abyss in front of him.
"I've detected unidentifiable life forms below this establishment. Now, no more questions...We need to move."

You stay silent for the rest of the time you held his hand. Google's soft metal hands grip yours for safety precautions.  His aura seems to dark the farther you stride through the empty hallway.
Getting farther...
And farther...
And farther...

Google gasps with wide eyes and steps back. A faint clunk reverberated across the hallway. Google's shoulders were hunched closer to his body. His metallic gears spun quicker than before.
Was this fear?

The strong scent of leather, peppermint, and men's cologne grew closer towards you. Google frantically inspects the closed space for any hiding spots.
When a burnt umber-colored shoes steps foot into the light in front of the hallway, Google snatches your small figure and hides it in the shadows.

His frigid hands cover your mouth to prevent any sudden noises screeching out, alerting the manager of your hiding spot. The silhouette of a man passes by the alley with a steady pace.
Your heart pounds against your small ribcage; blood rushing through your veins with adrenaline.

Google watches the manager's movements slowly as he walks out of view. The heel-clicking noise soon faded away, leaving you and Google in silence. The atmosphere was quiet...unsettling. The artifical intellegence slowly sets you down, taking your hand and guiding you further into the hallway. The darkness comsumes your vision. Google's stiff hand was the only thing keeping you safe at this point.

Hushed chattering was muffled from a thick metal door. Their seems to be someone talking on a loud speaker with whispers of envy following after. Google uses his free hand to break the passcode with the power of the internet.

Small sparks of electricity illuminate the darkened room. You step back to avoid the shock. The metal door creaks open, allowing you and Google to enter.
Google grips your fragile hand harder and pulls you closer to him.

"Stay behind me." He spoke firmly.
You nod in submission. The room was fairly large compared to the outside. The floor was roughly stained with hard, cold cement. Freshly painted walls were covered with light blue pigement. It made the atmosphere seem brighter than it was. There were rows of clothed chairs placed aline with each other.

Google scanned the room with his iris to spot any potential threats. He pauses his thought process and anounces his discover.
"Multiple classifications of nylon, copper, iron, and steel detected. Safety precautions are advised before entering."

Google lugs you over to a red curtain hung up along side that left wall. A repeated slam of a wooden hammer snaps him back into reality. A loud masculine voice spoke into a microphone,
"Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
We shall start the bitting at 30 dollars
For Google Incorporations's 2016 model; mainly designed for housework and pet-sitting."

You peek out a little to see what was going on. You spot a middle-aged woman raising her hand in the air in the audience's chair.
"40 dollars for Ms. Percy," the man announces.

A soft whimper located from the wooden stage alerted you that someone was hurt. You gaze at the blond haired man standing still by the stand with the microphone. His skin was carved with red marks and bruises. His hands were tied by ropes held by a manager holding him back from escaping.

Wires and cords stuck out of the android's abdomen in all directions. Their metallic limbs try to force itself out of the restrains, failing miserably.
His silent lips mouthed a faint,

"85 dollars to Ms. Stolls!"
A suspicious figure in a black poncho, with a salmon-colored bow connecting the ends of the cloth together, walks up the stage. They give a small piece of paper to the announcer....most likely a paycheck. The mysterious figure takes the prisoner's restrains and tugs them to the chairs.

The figure stops it's movement before sitting down. Their face is covered by a hood, making it hard to tell the expression written on their face.
They turn their head towards your hiding spot. Google steps in front of you to block their view of you. Their face is more recognizable.
Google mumbles out faint words of realization...
"It's Melody..." 

Sorry, it's been so long. I'm finally getting more inspired to write! So, hopefully, the next chapter will come out a little bit sooner :)

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