Chapter 9: Melody

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Large feet stomped their way swiftly through the forest. Each step lead to another inhalation of the cold and dry air.

A hideous creature with almost seventeen eyes scattered across their body.

The nameless monster had an unstable body; constantly changing its figure from a majestic a savage black bear. What could they possibly be running from? There's a simple answer for that.

Them self...

The creature stopped at a small riverbank with no one in sight.
They looked down into the water. Goldfishes and salmons swam along with a glowing yellow and magenta mist trailing behind them. It as truly captivating to look at.

All except one thing,
  The reflection....
"Look closer. Tell me what you see." The voice spoke.
"I see a murder...a beast! An animal not worth anyone's time..." The creature swiped at the water reflecting the image with rage and despair.

"Do you know what I see?  I see a lost soul trying to find a way to fill that empty hole in his heart..."
The voice scoffed and blushes at them, turning away. The voice also turned away...

They turned back to their eyes with a dove gently placed in the palm of their hand. It had a bandage wrapped around its left wing, and another one on its leg. The small creature bundled up against the voice's body warmth. The snow began to pick up again, so the voice holds them closer to their chest.

"What is it?" They ask curiously, tilting their head to the side.
The voice chuckles and explains,
"This little one lost its mother and father when they were young....
they got into a terrible accident when their parents were still with them a few weeks ago..."

"I'll try to take care of them...precious.."
"As will I..." They shook hands in agreement to signify their trust and safety to the innocent dove. Their lives depended on it.

Google jointed out of his seat, but only stood an inch above his seat, because of the buckle restraining his movement. He gently sat back down when the flight attendant looked at him strangely. (Y/n) groans in their slumber and moves closer to his presence, holding a turquoise dragon plush they received on their fifth birthday.

Google places a kiss on their forehead and resumes his charging mode. Farah snores next to Dark as he quietly reads  Edgar Allen Poe's 'Tell-Tale Heart'. He seems very fascinated by the gore and mind-set of this work of art. It was mostly to block out Farah's intense snoring and the crying baby in the seat behind him.

"(Y/n)..." Google gently shook their shoulders to wake them up. Their eyes opened slowly and looked around " Are we here?" He nods and zips up the backpack under their seat, placing the straps on (y/n)'s shoulders.

Almost half of the plane was empty. Farah and Darkiplier had already gotten off, and went to find a taxi. Since it was already so late in Japan, the search would have to wait. Google carries you on his back and walks off the plane, giving the employees dirty looks every time they glanced at the sleeping child.

Google's eyes scan for two specific life forms in the airport. His scanners traced the immortal auras back to the terminal outside of the airport, where Farah was frantically searching for a taxi. Google speed-walks towards the exit to the terminal while occasionally looking back at you to see if you were okay.

The outside reeked the scent of cigarettes, fresh pastries, and Korean barbecues. The smell slowly woke (y/n) out of their dream. "Huh?" They observe their surroundings with tired eyes. The moon illuminated through the darkened sky. The current time must be around midnight compared to California.

"Google!" Farah waves her hands around to attract your attention. You point to her for Google to see and walks to her presence, while Dark pays the taxi driver. "To GardenFall Hotel, please." The driver was amused by his manners and opens the door for us.
We all hop in and strap our buckles on. The driver heads out of the terminal and to the designated area.

While you looked out the window, peacefully, Dark asks for more detail about the person that works for Google Incorporations. Farah explains, "She is a good friend of mine from Summer Camp. Her name is Melody Stolls. She's working undercover for some secret agency. Hopefully she doesn't get herself caught...but I trust her..." Dark nods while taking in the new information.

Sorry this chapter was so short 😬 But I'll make sure the next one is long enough. I've been rushed to get this chapter out for a while but I hope the next one won't be so long.

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