Part 1

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Stevie rose, yawned and stretched. They had just finished playing for Cincinnati the night before. They hadn't originally planned to play there but everyone was having so much fun they had decided to extend the tour indefinitely. Stevie was glad. She enjoyed performing for everyone even though she had noticed there were a few fans that were less the exuberant about their new material.

Stevie shrugged. She had mentioned on that VH1 All Access that new songs aren't easy for the audience and she firmly believed that. She just hoped that over time the fans that were reluctant about the new album would warm up to it.

She heard a knock on the door. She opened it and saw Lindsey, Mick, and John grinning at her.

"You up?" Lindsey asked.

"No Lindsey, I'm fast asleep. I'm just sleepwalking around the room!" Stevie said sarcastically.

Lindsey looked up at Mick as he pointed at her.

"Yup, she's up and she's her usual crabby self."

"Well, forgive me, but I haven't quite recovered from last night." Stevie said.

"Well, you better recover quick then." Lindsey replied.


"Because we are off for a day of fun before we head out of Ohio." Lindsey said, grinning at Mick and John.

"We are?" Stevie asked, hesitantly.

"Yup, we rented a car and taking a road trip for the day over to King's Island. Heard of it?" Lindsey asked.

"I've heard of it, but I've never been." Stevie said.

"Well, first time for everything then. Get dressed!"

"Whoa, wait, I didn't say yes to this." Stevie said.

"Aw, come on, Steves. It's been three months on the road. We deserve a day of fun." Lindsey said. "Just think of it as an adventure with three cute guys."

"It's not much of an adventure when you've seen the same "Three cute guys" for 3 months now." Stevie said. "Not to mention seeing you all the time we were making the album. So, trust me, the novelty of being with you has worn off."

"Ought-oh, sounds like someone doesn't want to have fun with us." Lindsey said, glancing at John and Mick.

"Yeah, you think we might have to tackle her and tie her to the roof in order to get her to come with us?" Mick asked.

"Hmmmm..." Lindsey said, scratching his chin thoughtfully. "I don't think that would put her in a good mood. Then, we'd have to suffer with her for the rest of the day. I think we should just try to convince her some more."

"You guys really wanna do this?" Stevie asked.

The three of them nodded.

"Even you, John? I thought you were more of the stay put and read a book type." Stevie asked, looking at him.

John shrugged.

"Eh, book reading does tend to get boring sometimes. Besides, I haven't been to an amusement park in a long time. It sounds like fun."

"So, see, are outnumbered three to one. Now go and get ready." Lindsey said, poking her in the side. "Move it, move it, move it! Unless you want some bruised ribs."

"Bruise my ribs and I'll bruise your eye to match it." Stevie said.

"Well, then, get ready Stevie. We have the car ready and we went out early this morning and got some snacks and things so come on!"

"Alright, geez! I'm going...sheesh." Stevie said, rolling her eyes.

"Excellent...and bring your swimsuit too, babe. There's a water park there." Lindsey said.


"Ah! You will bring your bathing suit! You will get wet because by God I wanna see it! Now get going!"

Lindsey, Mick and John giggled as Stevie rolled her eyes and shut the door. 

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