Shiro's Protection

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Shiro watched Pidge and Hunk lead Lance away. Lance was worryingly unsteady but he reminded himself that Hunk and Pidge had it covered. It was hard to do and he wanted to run after them when they walked out of his field of vision but he needed to stay and make sure Keith was as fine as he said he was.

Shiro turned his gaze away from his injured side and towards the direction of approaching steps. Keith's steps. His lips was stretching into a smile until he saw who was walking towards him. It was a Galra. He would never mistake that shade of purple and Shiro saw red the moment he saw purple.

Keith was legally an adult now but Shiro got an image of the 14-year-old Keith that had looked at Shiro in such wonder that one time he tied Keith's shoelaces. He had been so happy someone wanted to do it for him even if he could do it himself. The only difference was that now he saw the same innocent face only surrounded by blood. This creature. This monster had hurt Keith. It had to have. Keith would never let anyone near his lion if he wasn't injured. Or dead.

Had Keith pleaded? No, Keith didn't plead. Keith must have been strong and fought until he psychically couldn't anymore.

If he couldn't save Keith, he would avenge him.

His heart beat faster. It pumped the blood to his one arm and both legs. The Galra would regret laying a hand on the adult with the face of a sad child.

The Galra widened its eyes. Probably trying to look innocent to get his guards down. Shiro's eyes hardened and he lit up his Galra arm. He was ready for the beast to run away but it stayed.

The Galra turned its face away from Shiro but he didn't have a moment to waste in confusion and swung his arm. The Galra had good reflexes and jumped away from the arm.

It was a shame too. He had almost hit it with his metal arm. The arm was the only good, or at least not completely bad, thing Zarkon had given him. He took another swing but the Galra avoided that too.

Shiro threw himself at the Galra and almost fell to the ground when it stepped away. Anger filled him even more. This Galra was too lucky and too agile for his taste.

"Shiro, look at me! It's Keith," said the Galra.

"Keith?" Shiro looked at him. He felt himself calm a bit down at the name and the Galra relaxed its shoulders. Shiro let his eyes fall to the floor where the Galra had thrown something when Shiro started attacking it and he saw a helmet. A red one lying forlorn and alone like Shiro knew its owner was at that moment. "Keith," He voiced the owner's name under his breath.

Shiro lifted his eyes to the Galra. "Where is he!?" He demanded. The possibility of getting a satisfying answer wasn't great and the possibility of getting one that wouldn't haunt him was even less, but he had to try.

The Galra widened its eyes and its breath was stuck in its throat. It was afraid of him. Good. He hated having any living creature look at him like that but he could use that fear to get to Keith. His heart started pumping his blood around in a harsher rhythm.

He took a step forward and the Galra took one back. It lifted its hands, or was it paws, and showed Shiro the claws that was sticking out of the gloves. Shiro wasn't impressed by its way of showing off its weapons. Adrenaline had never been a bigger blessing. He couldn't feel his wounded side anymore and he could ignore the feeling of guilt for wanting to harm anything that got distracted by its own fingers and act instead. Not that the innocent look of the creature mattered. If it could hurt Keith, or any of his teammates, Shiro could hurt it.

He took a swing and finally hit it. Sadly, it was only with his human arm but it did its job and caused the Galra to end up on the floor. Just like the helmet. Just like Keith probably had.

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