Keith's Will

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Keith had a rough night. He barely remembered anything after Lance entered his room but he remembered how his night had started.

He had woken up to an awful itch all over his body and pain in his joints. It had probably not been every joint but it had felt like it and he couldn't say if the pain in his legs and chest came from how short he was of breath or if it was another thing wrong with him.

He had laid in his bed for a moment, trying to convince himself that it was just a dream or that he had been training too hard. He had believed neither. Mostly because he could still feel the restlessness running in circles in his body. A restlessness he knew would prevail and only disappear if he ever could exercise in some way.

Keith had tried to fight through his troubled breath but it had brought no fruit and he had given up when he had realized he couldn't feel his right leg. Not in the way it had been for over a week where he just hadn't had a sense of where it was but could still move it and feel pain if he hit it. No, this was complete numbness as if it wasn't there at all.

Keith didn't like asking for help but his heart had beaten fast and told him for every beat that he needed to ask for help. He had tried to convince his heart that he could wait 'till morning when someone would come and get him but it just beat with so much more determination and told him it had to be now.

Not willing to argue with one of his organs, Keith had looked around the dark room to find the device he had been given to ask for help. He had instantly wished now that he had used it even once. It would have made it much easier to remember where it was and what it looked like if he had. After having searched almost the whole room from his bed he had spotted it. The device looked like a one buttoned remote control, the kind the supervillains sometimes had had in the cartoons Keith had watched Sunday morning before various foster families had woken up when he was a kid. Except the villains' devices had red buttons and this one was a pinkish, purplish color.

It had been all the way on the other side of the room. Which normally would have been a problem as the room was narrow enough that Keith had literally jumped from the bed to the opposite side of the room more than once, but now... Keith had simply sighed with excess air he had had as he had tried to crawl out of bed only using his arms. Keith still didn't know if that had been the most efficient way of transporting himself but there had been no better time to try than that moment.

One arm in front of the other as he had ignored the tingling and itching. His arms had barely touched the floor before the vertigo and ringing in his ears had distracted him enough to fall to the floor with a yell.

The landing had knocked the breath out of him and Keith had laid for a moment catching his troubled breath. He hadn't been hurt through some sort of miracle as he had tumbled out of bed and landed on his back with his head towards the bed and feet towards the wall.

Not even a tick had passed from Keith's landing until Lance had stormed into the room in his nightgown and half a mask to exfoliate his skin.

"What the cheese?" Lance had asked in an attempt to seem humorous while getting information about what the mysterious sound had been. He had turned on the light and looked around the room until he saw Keith who had squinted up at him.

Keith had barely been able to see anything in the lit up room but Lance's confusion and weird mixture between relief and concern would have been hard to miss.

"Are you okay?" Lance had asked and had used his sleeve to wipe his face clean from the exfoliating mask.

Keith had hesitated for a moment before deciding to be truthful and had answered, "'o". Either Lance was getting used to Keith's altered speech or he had just looked at the slight shake of Keith's head.

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