Keith's Healing

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Keith looked up at the Jedrics and almost regretted not instantly forgiving Shiro even though he hadn't understood what everyone had been telling him. He still didn't understand but he knew that could really use Shiro's calming presence as he looked at the tall people and felt more than a child than ever before. He had not even felt this young as an actual child.

The Jedric in the front moved a long arm and Keith wished he had his bayard on him. Not that he could have done much damage. In addition to that, it would really compromise both the alliance and their willingness to help him but it was his safety blanket in a world of war and constant decisions.

Keith had Hunk and Lance right next to him and under his arms but they were both too anxious to be the least bit calming.

The arm moved even closer and both Hunk and Lance seemed to have to remind themselves multiple times that they could neither let Keith go nor take him with them as they can far away from this elvish looking creature. The long fingered hand attached to the arm ended up on Keith's head. He didn't know if it was meant as reassuring or to use some of their weird powers to examine him. Either way it made him uneasy and he wished Hunk and Lance would take him back to the castle. He didn't think he would ever have suicidal tendencies but he had thought he wouldn't fear for his life if he ever got it.

Space had been one of the most physically painful things he could remember and he remembered regretting putting himself in that situation but at least he had known what was happening. Or he had thought he did until he was allegedly saved by Red and woke up to the others' panic and anger.

However, this-this thing seemed godly in all senses of the word. All the Jedrics looked too pure for anyone to look directly at but deserving of admiration, but at the same time they seemed powerful enough to kill him with a single look or wave of their hand.

Keith's eyes followed the arm up from the bottom of the wrist, the highest place of the arm he could see with the hand on top of his head, and to the shoulder where he found out the skin disappeared under light blue clothing. Being this close to a Jedric, it was clear to Keith what was and wasn't skin but he still tensed in surprise when he saw that they weren't actually necessarily light blue, but instead glowing it in an even light. Maybe he was unobservant but Keith had never been patient enough to dwell on details like that for too long.

"Welcome," the Jedric said. Or at least Keith thought it was. His helmet had kept making scratching noises every time someone spoke almost from the moment he put it on just before they exited the castle.

Maybe it was impolite to not even try to answer but Keith didn't feel guilty about simply nodding his head the slightest bit. Both because he was in awe about the glow and because he was nauseated with the ominous feeling in his gut that kept growing for every second.

"Come with me," the Jedric suggested or demanded. The blood in Keith's ears was flowing too loudly for him to properly hear his own thoughts.

Keith really didn't want to and if he had been asked he would have said no and left but he accepted his fate when Hunk and Lance removed his arms from their shoulders. The Jedric in front of him caught his arm before he fell over in an attempt to look back at Hunk and Lance as they walked back to the others backwards so they could keep an eye on Keith and the Jedric.

He wanted to reach an arm out and try to catch one of them before they were out of his reach but it was unwise. That and he was frozen until he could see they were out of his reach. Maybe he could walk a step or two without falling, he had no way of knowing, but he doubted he could take more than that without falling. He knew he should trust the Jedrics but he couldn't help not wanting to show weakness to them. A lost cause when they were visiting them because of his injuries but Keith had never claimed to be logical to anyone when he wasn't having a fight with Lance.

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