Shiro's Compressions

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The mission had gone unbelievably well; no one was hurt beyond bruises so light they didn't need any medical care, the lions didn't have a single scratch on them and Pidge had succeeded in collecting information as well as hindering the enemy ship.

Shiro knew the last part hardly mattered as the ship had been so small and would therefore neither be much difference to Zarkon and insignificant ships probably wouldn't have much information in them.

They landed in the castle and Shiro smiled for the first time in forever when he stepped out of the Black lion and with Hunk by his side. They walked to the medic bay to give Coran the medicine in the hopes that he would know what to do with it and Shiro found the hope bubble inside of him.

Allura was waiting for them when they arrived. She was utterly furious that they hadn't listened to her, but Shiro suspected that she was more frustrated that she couldn't command them than disappointed or even hurt about their actions. As mad as he had been about what she said about what was best for the Universe, he hoped she wasn't hurt. Although, even if he knew he would hurt her, he would still have gone in for the medicine. Even if it turned out to be as ineffective as mints or poisonous, he and Hunk had done something about the situation Shiro had landed Keith in.

"What is the meaning of this?" she asked. "You can't go out recklessly when we had agreed on a plan!"

"Princess, we did what was needed," Shiro said patiently. A great accomplishment especially for someone who had just returned from an enemy ship and was greeted with shouting.

"What was needed was you keeping your head instead of running out headlong and put everyone in danger unnecessarily like some child."

"Princess," Shiro inhaled deeply "we can discuss this later. For now I would like to give this" Shiro lifted his arms as much as he could without losing his grip on the medicine "to Coran."

Allura narrowed her eyes but kept quiet. That was all Shiro and Hunk needed to walk past her and put all their cargo on the table Coran was gesturing towards with a professional aura that contrasted his usual, lighthearted behavior.

Coran somehow succeeded in ignoring Allura but not seem the least bit rude as he looked at the labels on all the medicine in front of him. He didn't really read the writing, that was obvious from how his eyes switched from staying too long and barely skimming over each of the labels, but he seemed to be able to get something from them.

Lance and Pidge arrived not long after but Coran chucked all of the paladins, as well as Allura, out of the medical bay as soon as it was established that no one was seriously hurt on the mission. Shiro had thought he would want Hunk and Pidge to help him again but, apparently, the chance of them distracting him was greater than their chemistry knowledge.

Shiro looked at them as they exited the room and saw that they didn't protest beyond a simple, "We want to help" but it had come out halfheartedly. Shiro suspected they were both too tired and didn't have a lot of knowledge about chemistry compared to Hunk's mechanical knowledge and Pidge's computer knowledge, so they knew they wouldn't be of great help even if they had been well rested.

There was no sneaking in to see Keith for days and no need to run away from the sight either. Except being called in the day after the mission because Coran wanted their input on why Keith's legs had swollen, they were all forbidden from nearing the medical bay. The team had been thrown out of the room just seconds after they had seen Coran typing something into the pod that made it hum loudly with vibrations to help the blood vessels in Keith's legs with transporting the blood from his legs back into his body.

Finally, on the third day after the mission, Coran let them come into the medical bay again. Keith's legs were still slightly swollen but Coran said that couldn't be helped. The cryo pods were designed for quick healing, not housing someone for two weeks. The liquid would simply have to disappear on its own when Keith was well enough to walk again.

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