Shiro's Anarchy

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The hasty decided plan consisted of Pidge sneaking into the Galra ship to hack it and place a virus with Lance as her eyes in the back and protection when she would be too busy looking at her computer to notice any enemies at the door. Shiro and Hunk could act as both distractions and backup in case the other two would need it but they too would look around for information or ways to secretly disable the ship.

The castle of course were there as a backup plan as usual but it was far less comforting than before.

Pidge and Lance flew in the green lion as it was still the only lion with a cloaking ability, and Hunk and Shiro flew in the black lion because of Black's high speed compared to the yellow lion.

Hunk was awkward and stiff from the moment he stepped into Shiro's lion but he didn't complain and Shiro knew he would do his job when they arrived at the Galra ship.

Lance and Pidge was just as quiet as Hunk and it made Shiro uneasy to not being able to see or know where they were, neither when in space nor in the ship but he would just have to trust them when they didn't trust him.

The halls were dark. Shiro didn't understand how the Galra could live with so much darkness and not perish as the few memories he had about his time with the Galra were darkened further by the gloomy colors.

Hunk and Shiro hid Black at well as possible but Shiro doubted anyone would be fooled if they were in the hangar for more than a minute. They left the hangar in the shadows and Shiro was ready to be detected at all times but no one came for them as they moved through the small ship. Some doors opened automatically when they walked past but everything was surprisingly empty.

Shiro was about to walk past one of the unopened doors when he was stopped by a firm grip on his arm. He looked from the hand up to Hunk's face that was staring closely at the symbol next to the door.

"What is it, Hunk?" Shiro asked quietly, afraid that someone would hear him but also in need to know what had caught Hunk's attention.

"I think, this is an infirmary," Hunk whispered back.

Hunk understood Galra? Shiro stared back at the symbol but it looked like any other Galra symbol to him.

"I'm not completely sure," Hunk elaborated. "Pidge is the one learning all the languages she can get her hands on but I think she said this was it."

Shiro at first didn't understand why Hunk wanted to talk about Galra script now of all times but he quickly caught on. Keith was part Galra, maybe even half. They wouldn't know what the things in there were, if it was even an infirmary, but maybe there would be something they could use. Even if it wasn't species specific, maybe it could help anyway as the Galra must have used their 10 000 more years than the Alteans for some medical breakthroughs.

"Pidge, Lance?" Shiro called into the communication system in his helmet. "Have you found anything?"

"No, not yet," Pidge answered devoid of any emotions.

"Why? Are we evacuating?" Lance asked.

"No," Hunk answered while he still looked at the symbol with calculating eyes. "We may have found a Galra infirmary."

"But we may set off an alarm if we enter, so we need evacuate when that happens," Shiro continued before Lance or Pidge could ask more questions.

"You need to stick to the plan," Allura scolded them. "We can't lose any paladins." She hesitated for a moment before continuing with less fire, "We can't lose any more paladins."

"We've found the control room," Pidge informed Hunk and Shiro all the while she ignored Allura.

"Keep us updated," Shiro demanded and for just a moment, he could forget about everything and concentrate solely on the mission. It seemed like any other mission if he ignored that they weren't listening to Allura. She started sounded frantic before quieting down but Shiro wasn't about to surrender to her at that moment just because it would ease his stomach from the stone in it.

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