Keith's Claws

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Adrenaline filled all of them

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Adrenaline filled all of them. It always did in battle. It was a curse and a blessing. It made it so hard to think sometimes but it made sure they did things they never thought they were capable of when they weren't in battle. It also helped Hunk act without being too anxious and Lance to be more confident on the inside as well as the outside.

Adrenaline was good. The feeling of it leaving was not so much. They had taken down a Galra ship from the inside. The plan was to not be noticed but of course they did but, luckily, everyone was responding when Shiro ordered them to state their injuries when they flew away in their lions, so Keith knew that, even if they lied about their injuries, at least they were alive and coherent.

The last lion arrived in the hangar just seconds before the castle jumped through a wormhole and everyone exited their lions. Lance was holding a bloody hand to his waist and Pidge and Hunk hurried to his side to help him to the medical bay. Pidge and Hunk looked like they would need a bit of medical attention too but it looked like it was nothing urgent.

Shiro lingered in the hangar. Probably to see if Keith really was as okay as he had said. Keith wasn't as fine but he was fine enough to go to the medical bay by himself. The vertigo was almost completely gone and he couldn't see how Shiro would be any help if he had needed it as Shiro looked like he could barely stand upright. It hit Keith that Shiro had ordered the rest to state their injuries but he hadn't stated his own.

Keith sighed. There was no way around it and he took off his helmet as he limped the last few steps out of his lion and towards Shiro. His ankle hurt but it was probably just a sprain and he barely felt it over the lingering adrenaline and pulsing pain in his head. He was probably concussed which was never good. Apparently, Altean technology was much better at big wounds and life-or-dead situations than a shaken up brain. Something about different brains or skulls or something. Keith hadn't really been able to listen too carefully through his first space concussion and envy over being the only one with one the one time Coran lectured the team about it.

Shiro were looking at the wound on his side when Keith walked over to him but quickly looked up. His usual smile disappeared before it had fully formed. Keith looked at Shiro with raised eyebrows and slightly widened eyes, asking nonverbally what was wrong. Shiro didn't answer and instead hardened his eyes.

Keith was so focused on Shiro's face that he didn't notice the lit up arm before Shiro took at a step towards him. This was Shiro's warface, Keith would never be able to forget it after having seen it so many times. He turned 180 degrees to see whatever Shiro was ready to attack before he instinctually jumped to the left when he felt a burning heat move towards him.

Keith dropped the helmet in his hand and looked shocked at the arm that had almost hit him. Shiro's arm that had almost hit him.

"What the hell," he said disbelievingly. The adrenaline increased and clouded his mind and made it hard to find a meaning in all this.

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