Chapter 1

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Violet Evans POV

I woke up to tapping on my bedroom window, I then got up up to investigate what it is only to find an owl and that only means one thing... it's mine and Lily's Hogwarts letter. I quickly opened the window to grab the letters and gave the owl a treat which it nipped my fingers in affection then flew away.

I quickly put the letters on my desk and dashed over to my wardrobe and grabbed my floral designed shirt, my favorite orange dress, some black tights and my ankle boots and dashed to the bathroom to shower.

I stripped and jumped into the shower and washed my hair with my berry shampoo and conditioner and my peach body wash.

I jumped out the shower and dried my self and got dressed and put my waist length ginger hair in a messy high pony tail.

I walked out the bathroom back into my room where I put my dirty PJ's in the basket to be washed, grabbed the letter and walked down stairs to see my beautiful Mother Rose Evans making breakfast for my twin sister and I, "Good Morning mum" I said while walking into the kitchen "Morning my darling girl" Mum replied.

After mum's reply Lily came bounding down the stair "Did I see an owl at your window Violet?" Lily asked "Yeah you did it was our Hogwarts Letters" I replied while holding them up.

I passed Lily her one and then saw my one slightly bigger, confused I opened it and saw a shiny thing fall out and onto the floor.

I picked up the shiny thing only to see it was a badge I quickly turned it over only to see the word 'Prefect' on a red background with gold writing, Gasping I quickly got the letter and read it " Dear Miss Evans, I am pleased to announce you have been made Prefect this year for Gryffindor house. I hope you wear this badge with pride and I hope you are responsible with the advantages of being a prefect. I look forward to working with you for your prefect duties. Regards Minivera McGonagall."

I stared at the letter shocked "Vi whats wrong?" Lily asked while coming over and taking the letter from my hand, she quickly read through the letter and screamed "Mum Violets been made Prefect" while rushing over to mum who was now putting Pancakes on the dining room table.

"Darling that's wonderful news, oh your father would be so proud of you" Mum said with a sad look in her eyes but a smile on her face.

You see our father died in a horrific car accident on his way home from work, mum, Lily, Petunia and I were all devastated when we found out the news but lily and i were only 9 years old that was before we even found out we were both witches and that was when Petunia loved us so Petunia helped us through that tough time.

Tomorrow is the day we go to Diagon Ally and get our Books and new robes for school and then a week later its back to Hogwarts. Lily and I went to better later that night to get a good nights sleep for diagon Ally.

A/N: Hey guys don't forget to Comment and Vote on each chapter xoxo

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