Chapter 2

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Violet Evans POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going which I set the night before  for 7:30AM so Lily and I would have time to get ready and have breakfast. I quickly got up and grabbed my jeans and shirt and dashed to the bathroom before lily was even out her bedroom door with her clothes in her arms, I stripped and jumped into the shower.

I washed my hair with my berry shampoo and Conditioner and peach body wash, I turned off the shower and jumped out and dried my body off and got dressed for the day. I brushed my teeth with my peppermint toothpaste and did my waist length hair is waves, I opened to bathroom door only to find Lily standing there ready to knock on the door "Finally" Lily exclaimed before shoving me out the way to get into the bathroom.

I walked into my bedroom to get my Hogwart's book list and to find the shoes that I wanted to wear, I the proceeded to walk down stair to get some breakfast before mum dropped Lily and I off at the leaky cauldron. I heard Lily bounding down the stair while I'm sitting there in the middle of eating my toast " Girls are you nearly ready to leave" I head mum ask from upstairs "Yes" Lily and I replied at the same time which cause us to laugh at each other.

Mum walked down stair with her purse and car keys in hand. " okay girls are you ready to go now" mum asked "yep let me just finish my piece quickly" Lily replied while shoving the last piece in her mouth, once she was done lily and I raced each other to see who got shot gun, which Lily got the first "Hey no fair Lils you yanked my shirt back" I complained while opening the back door, you see our car was dads which was a Cadillac Seville which is now mums since dad left it for her.

"Girls stop fighting please now its a hour drive to London so behave" mum said looking at us sternly "Yes mum" Lily and I said while buckling up for the hour car ride.

+One Hour Later+

Lily and I unbuckled our seat belt and stepped onto the side walk and waved bye to mum, we walked toward the leaky cauldron and walk through the door and through the pub to get to entrance of Diagon Ally.

I tapped my wand on the right bricks and it opened up to an entry arch which allowed Lily and I to enter Diagon Ally, after all these years it never cease to amaze me. "We better get out money first" I suggested to Lily who nodded while her eyes were wondering everywhere.

Lily and I walk to gringotts and walking into the crooked building up to the desk "Name and Key please" The beady eyed goblin asked while peering down at Lily and I, "Lily and Violet Evans" I said as I took the key from my pocket.

The golbin nodded his head and told us to follow him. we got on the cart that took up to our vault 708, the goblin dragged his finger across the vault door and all the locks and everything unlocked and our vaulted opened. Lily and I grabbed out little sacks and filled it with Gallon, Knuts and Sickles. Once we were done we walked out of the crooked building and walk down the ally.

We walked toward Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions shop to get fitted for robes first. after getting fitted for our robes we payed and then walked out the store towards Flourish and Blotts to get the books we needed for the year, once we got all the book I decided to get extra book for light reading.

I then heard an obnoxious voice from behind me. "Hey Evans your looking fit today" he said "Potter what do you want now?" I asked turning around slowly with a glare on my face and crossing my arms "Well what I want Evans is just for you to admit you undying love for me" Potter replied with that stupid smirk across his face "Not even if we were the last two people on the planet Potter" I replied with a scowl " Ouch Evans you've punctured my heart" Potter said putting his hand on the opposite side to where his heart is.

" Uh Prongs your heart is on the other side" Remus Lupin corrected " Cheers Moony, don't want to be embarrassed in front of my Violet-Petals now do I?" Potter said "well Potter this has been a horrid conversation but I must go because I'm meeting Marlene, Alice and Lily, Bye Remus and Peter" I said ignoring Black and Potter "SAY HI TO MCKNNION FOR ME EVANS" I heard Black yell while I was walking up to the counter to pay for all my books.

After I payed for my books and walked out the store to find Lily waiting there with my two best friends since first year Marlene McKinnion and Alice Fortescue. Marlene is a beautiful Blonde who is with a different guy each week, She super sweet and one of my greatest friend. Everyone knows that her and Black have a thing going on but we just don't say anything about them. Alice is a Petite girl, shes short but she is extremely bubbly and super nice, she see's the good in people, she has a boyfriend who's name is Frank Longbottom they are perfect for each other Frank is the opposite of Alice, while he is Awkward and Shy Alice is outgoing and Welcoming.

"OMG its been forever since I last saw you Violet and Lily told up the news on you becoming prefect" Marlene said while hugging me as soon at i was a foot away " Marl it's only been 4 weeks since i last saw you and thank you" I said while giggling lightly and hugging her back. "Alice how are you? How is Frank Treating You" I asked while going over and hugging her tightly " I'm good and Frank's been treating perfectly in fact I saw him just yesterday" Alice replied while blushing a bit after we pulled back from the hug.

"Was that Potter and his band of groupies talking to you in the book store?" asked Lily "Yeah it was unfortunately" I replied with an eye roll. "Ah Evans talking about me and how much you love me" speak off the devil himself " Potter you wish I was actually hoping I wouldn't  see your face again until school but it seems I've jinxed myself" I replied with a scowl once again on my face, " Well Evans your luck is about to change, how about you and me first Hogmeade trip" Potter said while smirking and wiggling his eyebrows "Please Potter I would rather date a Slytherin before i go on a date with you" I replied then started walking away with Lily, Alice and Marlene following.


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