Chapter 8

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(Monday morning)

Violet's P.O.V

I walked into the great hall with Marlene. "My goodness Joe will not stop flirting with me even after I told him there was nothing there but of course he doesn't know how to take a hint so I've been avoiding him since school started. Yesterday he left flowers for me, the day before he left me chocolates and this morning a singing card. I regret getting with him now. Sure he's hot but bloody annoying" Marlene complained as we sat at the table where I saw Remus reading. "Morning Remus" I said as we sat across from him. "Morning Violet, Marlene" He said looking up at us. "Where are the others?" Marlene said. "Umm-" BANG! I gasped at the loud bang and everyone turned to the door. "Those boys!" Remus muttered before running out of the hall. Marlene and I looked at each other before running after him. We followed Remus down to the dungeons where we say a huge red splat on the wall with GOOD MORNING! Written in gold paint. Also covered in paint was a huge group of Slytherins including Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape and Bellatrix Black. Standing in front of the group was a laughing James and Sirius with Peter nervously laughing behind them.

"YOU STUPID BLOOD TRAITOR! YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!" Bellatrix screamed drawing her wand. "Cru-" "Expelliarmus!" I exclaimed interrupting her curse causing her wand to fly. "How dare you?! You filthy mud blood!" Bellatrix snarled and I glared at her before pointing my wand at her. "Evanesco!" I exclaimed and Bellatrix's mouth faded away. Her screams were muffled as she felt were her mouth used to be. "Stupefy!" Lucius said but I quickly blocked the spell. "Expelliarmus!" I said pointing my wand at Lucius causing him to go flying backwards landing with a 'thump!'. "VIOLET EVANS!" The voice of McGonagall shrieked and I turned to see her and some other teachers making their way down through the crowd of students. "What on earth if going on here?! I want an explanation immediately!" She snapped as she glared at the 6 of us. "It was all those stupid Gryffindors fault! They started this!" Lucius said pointing at us. "Boys! I presume you were the ones who were the cause of this?!" McGonagall said referring to the paint covered wall. "Yes Professor but it was a simple joke. Lucipoosy and crazy eyes over here are the ones who took it to the next level!" Sirius said. "All of you to the headmasters office now!" She said and I huffed before stalking up the stairs making my way to Professor Dippets office, the boys trailing behind me laughing.

"Vi that was awesome!" Sirius said wrapping his arm around my shoulders and I smiled. "I may be a muggle but that doesn't mean I can't kick ass in a duel" I said and they laughed. We walked into Professor Dippet's office, Lucius and Bellatrix trailing behind us. "Good morning" He said looking up at us. "Good morning professor" We said in unison. "Now I heard of the...incident this morning. What started it?" He said and instantly everyone started talking at once. "You stupid blood traitors started everything!" Bellatrix said. "Watch it Bella or I'll make your mouth disappear permanently!" I snapped and she glared at me. "ENOUGH!" Professor Dippet boomed and we all jumped. "All of you have detention. Mr Black, Mr Potter and Mr Pettigrew you will go down to the dungeons and clean the mess you made" Professor Dippet said. "That will be so easy" They snickered to each other. "Without magic" Professor Dippet said waving his wand causing three buckets with sponges in them to appear in boys hands causing them to groan in annoyance. "Mr Malfoy, you can help Professor Sprout move plants in her green house today after classes. She has some new Mandrakes coming in" He said and Lucius rolled his eyes. "My father will hear about this" He said glaring at us. "Indeed Abraxas will hear about this along with all of your parents" Professor Dippet said and I sighed.

"Ms Evans you will help Professor Dory in the library to rearrange the returned books after classes" Professor Dippet said to me. "Yes sir" I said quietly. "Now Ms Black, you will dust off all of the portraits in the school without magic" Professor Dippet said and Bellatrix gasped. "WHAT?! That's not fair! How come their punishments arent that bad?!" She exclaimed. "Ms Black you attempted to use an unforgivable curse" Professor Dippet said. "They deserved it! Those stup-" "I will not accept such intolerable behaviour like that in my school! Do it again and you will be expelled! Do I make myself clear?!" Professor Dippet snapped rising from his chair. "Yes sir" Bellatrix said rolling her eyes. "You are all dismissed accept for you Ms Evans" He said and I sighed and watched the others leave. "Ms Evans I was quite shocked when I heard you were involved in this" Professor Dippet said as he looked at me. "I'm sorry sir. I didn't mean to let my temper get the best of me" I said lowering my head. "It's ok Ms Evans but I never want to hear of you causing trouble again do you understand?" He said and I nodded. "Now run along" He said sitting back and I left his office hastily. I walked back to the great hall to grab my book bag where I saw Lily talking to Alice and Marlene. "Oh my Merlin there you are Violet!" She exclaimed jumping up from here seat.

"I was wondering where you were" She said. "I've got detention" I mumbled. "Well that's what happens when you get yourself in trouble" She lectured and I sighed snatching my bag from the table. "Lily I'm really not in the mood for your lectures. I was protecting my friends from an unforgivable curse!" I snapped. "I know but sometimes you just shouldn't get involved because you just get yourself in trouble" She said and I stormed off shaking my head.


I moved the cart into the next book shelf and grabbed the books letting them float up to their spots. I sighed before walking to the next shelf. "Boo!" Someone whispered harshly and I let out a scream as I jumped. I turned and saw James standing there laughing. I slapped his arm and his laughter died down. "You stupid git!" I snapped before turning and putting the books in their place. "What are you up to?" He said as he leaned against the cart. "I'm doing my detention. What does it look like I'm doing?" I said sassily. "Well someone's a little snappy" He said and I pulled the cart away causing him to fall. "You're the reason I'm in trouble in the first place!" I snapped. "Hey I never asked you to step in. Sirius and I could've easily defended ourselves" James said. "James, you can barely protect yourself from a pixie let alone an unforgivable curse" I said rolling my eyes before continuing to put the books away. "You just didn't want me to get hurt because you fancy me" He said smugly and I shoved him with the cart knocking him down again. "Will you stop that?!" He snapped as he stood back up straightening his jumper. "Nope. It's sort of fun" I said before shoving him again.

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