Chapter 3

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Violet Evans POV

+1 Week Later+

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off at it's normal time of 7:30am except today was the day Lily and I go back to Hogwarts. I crawled out of bed and grabbed my toiletries and towel before heading to the bathroom.

When I was in the bathroom I stripped out of my pyjamas, threw them in the laundry basket and stepped under the warm water of the shower.

I thoroughly washed my hair with berry scented shampoo and conditioner and peach body wash then I stepped out, wrapped a towel around my torso and let my waist length hair flow out in it's natural curls.

After I was done with my shower I walked back to my room, grabbed my clothes which consisted of a brown skirt and a colorful striped shirt that were laying on the dresser. I slipped undetected back into the bathroom to get dressed and brush my teeth.

I walked out the bathroom to see Lily awake "Morning Lily-Flower" I said smirking a bit knowing she hated being called that name "Good Morning Violet-Petal" Lily replied smirking more than I was, while I just glared at her in return "Lils you know I hate being called that" I said while passing her to head down stairs and hearing her laugh at my whining.

I reached the bottom of the stair surprised to see Petunia there having tea with Mum "Morning Mum, Petunia" I said to Mum and nodding to Petunia, "Well if it isn't the freak" Petunia said with disgust in her voice "Petunia dear be nice, your sister here has been made prefect" Mum said in a sing song voice "Hmm, anyway mother I am here with exciting news" Petunia said changing the subject "What's the exciting news Tuni" I said with face curiosity "Nothing that concerns freak" She replied back with a glare on her face I let a silent tear roll down my face and yelled at her "WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO MUCH PETUNIA" "BECAUSE YOU'RE A FREAK, FREAK" she yelled back "WHATEVER TUN.. PETUNIA DON'T EVER TALK TO ME AGAIN" then I stormed up to my room to grab my trunk and wait for Sev and Mrs. Snape.

When Sev and Mrs. Snape arrived we apparated to the station and the only compartment left for me and Lily was the Marauders compartment when we walked in "Hello Remus, Peter," I said while completely ignored Potter and Black.

" Hello Violet" they both replied with a small smile of Peter's face and a nod from Remus "Ahh well if it isn't my favorite Evans, how are you this fine morning Love" Potter said/asked while smirking and out his arm around my shoulder. "Well Potter my morning has been better but then you came along and ruined it for me" I replied while pushing his arm off me " Prongs are you really going to take that" Black asked while smirking "Padfoot I would take anything for my Violet-Flower" Potter replied while winking at me. I had to put up with Potter's nonstop flirting until it was time to change and for a Prefects meeting with this years Head Boy and Girl.

I walked to the girls bathroom to get changed into my school uniform and then walked to the prefect compartment to see Alexander Wood and his girlfriend Maria Pitcher standing in front of all the house Prefects, I walked down the isle and saw Remus sitting in the Gryffindor Prefects seat "Hello Remus you looking forward to being prefect" I asked while sitting down next to him "Hello Vi and to answer your question I am looking forward to being Prefect for Gryffindor and to also work along side Alex and Maria" He replied. You see Alexander is 7th year Gryffindor while Maria is a 7th Hufflepuff and have been dating since 5th, and I think its a wonderful idea to have both of them as Head Boy and Girl they're perfect for the roles this year. I hope I'll become Head Girl when I reach 7th Year I'll still be happy if Lily got it though.

"Alrighty Everyone lets get started shall we" Alex said while clapping his hands together and smirking " Now you all have been chosen to represent your house's, your are to be responsible, reliable when it comes to being a prefect and do not take advantage of the power you hold of being prefect, if you do you will be stripped of your prefect badge and role." Maria explained, while she kept explaining I started to look around at all the other prefect. For Slytherin I saw Narcrissa Black and Lucious Malfoy they're both 5th year same as Remus and I.

Narcrissa Black is Sirius Black's cousin with her insane sister Bellatrix and her Lovely older sister Andromeda Black who looked like Bellatrix but was so much nicer and is someone who doesn't belong in Slytherin, she's in her 7th Year while Bellatix is in her 6th year at Hogwarts. Lucious Malfoy is from the more pure-blooded family The Malfoy's who are strongly dedicated to You-Know-Who, he has platinum Blond hair with grey eyes and a pale complex, Narcrissa is the same with the pale complex and grey eyes but she has brown hair and is very beautiful and she is a very good potions partner and is so nice. I looked at the Ravenclaw Prefects and saw Jeremy Chang and Andrea Lee, they were both smart and are in they're 6th year, I looked at Hufflepuff and saw Stefan Jones and Nina Webber both nice and extremely good looking.

I snapped out of my thoughts to see the meeting ending, once we got back to our compartments it was only 30 minutes until we reach Hogsmead, I got my book bag and got 'Fantastic Beast and Where to find them' By Newt Scamander.

-30 Minutes later-

We've reached Hogsmead and walked off to get the carriage and it took about 10 minutes to get there and there is it the most Beautiful place in the world.... Hogwarts.


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