Chapter 7

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"You can count on me like one two three
I'll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like four three two
You'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do"
Count on me- Bruno Mars

(Time skip)

Violet's P.O.V

I awoke and smiled because it was Saturday which means no uniform, no teachers and no classes. I got out of bed and had a quick shower before changing into a striped sweater and a high waisted navy blue skirt. I slipped on some tights before some flats. I left my hair down and quickly brushed it before grabbing my book and headed out of the dorm quietly as the rest of my friends slept. I walked into the Great Hall where there were a few students talking and eating amongst themselves quietly. I sat down at the Gryffindor table and saw Remus reading to himself.

I shuffled over and sat across from him causing him to look up and a smile came to his face. "Morning Violet" He said. "Morning Remus" I said returning the smile. "Any plans for today?" Remus asked as he took a bite of toast. "Mmm not really. Just some peace and quiet if I can get that around this place" I said and he chuckled. "Yeah I know that feeing. Trying to escape those boys is near impossible" He said and I giggled as I buttered some toast.

"You know it's good that you all have each other. I mean you guys just gel really well together" I said and he nodded. "I don't know where I'd be without those boys in all honesty. They've helped me in ways no one else could have" Remus said and I smiled. "Would you like to take a stroll around the school after breakfast?" Remus asked and I nodded as I swallowed my toast. "I'd love to" I said and he smiled. Remus and I finished our toast before walking out of the Great Hall and heading outside. I sighed in content as the sun shone onto my skin. "Remus, if you don't mind me asking, how did you get those scars on your face?" I said out of curiosity as we slowly waked along the grass. "I was attacked when I was younger" He said. "By what?" I said in slight shock. "Umm I'm not quite sure. My parents haven't told me" He said slightly nervous and I stopped him. "Remus, I just want you to know that you can trust me if you ever need to tell me anything. I'll always be here for you" I said and he sighed before sitting down the grass. I sat beside him and playing with the grass.

"When I was about 5, I always had this fear that something was in my closet or under my bed. Every night I would ask my dad to check both and he would always say that everything was going to be ok and that nothing was there. This one night in particular I was too scared to go into my room because I thought there was something there. I asked my dad to check and he said I needed to grow out of it and didn't check. When my parents went to sleep I can remember hearing something walking over to me. I called out mum and dad but there was no response so I pulled my covers over my head when I heard a growl right beside me. Then it ripped my covers off and I saw a wolf but it looked like a man. He attacked me for what felt like forever. Biting me, scratching me. My parents burst into my room and fought him off but he escaped out my window. Turns out it was a werewolf. When someone gets bit from one, they turn into one. I'm a werewolf. A monster. Every full moon I turn. When it happened my parents turned to help and all they got told was to lock me in a room and stand ready. I didn't understand what was happening when my parents locked me in an empty room with a few of my toys. Then the pain set in and it all went black. Once I turned back I can remember seeing scratches all over the wall, my clothes were all torn up and I remember feeling scared and hearing my mum sobbing on the other side of the door" Remus said and my mouth fell ajar.

"Remus" I breathed and Remus wiped a fallen tear. "Hey come here. You're not a monster ok. You can't control that...part of you ok? When I look at you now, I don't see a monster, I see my friend" I said and he gave me a small smile as we pulled away from our hug. "Thanks Vi" He said and I smiled as I rubbed his back. "So how many weeks until...your transformation?" I said. "About 2 weeks. I'll start coming down with symptoms like exhaustion and moodiness" He said and I nodded. "Is there anything I can do?" I said and he shook his head. "Well I'll be here no matter what" I said and he smiled. "Thank you" He said and I smiled however my smile dropped as I heard yelling coming from a distance. "Who's having a fight?" I said and Remus turned his head in the direction of the argument. "YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A BLOOD TRAITOR!" "YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A COWARD FOLLOWING EVERYTHING THAT MUMMY AND DADDY SAY LIKE THE LOST PUPPY YOU ARE!" I heard the familiar voice of Sirius yell. Remus and I turned to each other before jumping up and running in the direction of the fight where we saw Sirius and his younger brother Regulus screaming at each other, Regulus's Slytherin friends standing around them.

"AT LEAST THEY STILL LOVE ME AND I'M NOT A DISAPPOINTMENT TO THEM!" Regulus yelled. "LEAVING THAT HELL WAS THE BEST DECISION I'VE EVER MADE! JAMES IS A BETTER BROTHER TO ME THEN YOU EVER WERE!" Sirius yelled back and Regulus drew his wand causing Sirius to do the same. "Get him Regulus!" Bellatrix yelled and that's when I ran over to the two of them. "Hey stop!" I exclaimed pushing the two of them apart. "Mind your own business Evans!" Bellatrix snapped but I ignored her. "Sirius walk away!" I said but he continued to glare at his brother. "Sirius!" I snapped and Remus grabbed his shoulders puling him away. Regulus's Slytherin friends walked away shaking their heads. I turned to Regulus who had tears building in his eyes. "Regulus are you ok?" I said. "Just leave me alone will you?!" He snapped before walking away. I sighed before trailing after Remus and Sirius. They entered the school grounds and I caught up to them. "You ok Sirius?" I said. "I don't need your pity  Evans! You know not everyone grew up with perfect parents and a perfect family like you and your sister! Don't act like you know what I'm going through! Just leave me the hell alone!" Sirius snapped and I gasped at his harsh words.

I bit my bottom lip before walking away from them as the tears built in my eyes. I walked to the edge of the lake and sat down watching the water as the tears slipped from my eyes.

Remus's P.O.V

I watched as the tears built in Violet's eyes before she turned and walked away. I turned and saw Sirius walk up the stairs and I ran after him foliowing him to the common room where he went straight to our dorm. He walked in and fell onto his bed. "What the hell was that for Sirius?! She didn't deserve that! She was just seeing if you were ok like a good friend and you treat her like that?!" I snapped at Sirius and he rolled his eyes. "Woah woah what's going on?" James said as he exited the bathroom. "Sirius and Regulus got into an argument and Violet separated them then came to check if Sirius was ok and he yelled at her and was extremely rude to her for no reason when all she was doing was being a good friend" I explained and James turned to Sirius with an angry face. "Why would you treat her like that?!" He snapped. "Oh wow leave it to you guys to gang up on me! She was being a nosy cow!" He snapped and James lunged at him punching him in the jaw. I ran over and tried to pry him off with the slight help of Peter. "STOP!" I yelled pointing my wand at the two of them causing them to stop fighting.

"What is happening to us?! We were brothers!" Sirius exclaimed. "Don't you dare insult Violet you git!" James snapped. "James take a walk, Sirius you stay here with Peter" I demanded before slightly pushing James out of the dorm.

Violet's P.O.V

I threw a twig into the lake, watching it flour when out of the corner of my eye saw someone sit beside me and I turned to see James. "You ok?" He asked pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Yeah. Did Remus tell you?" I said and he nodded. "I punched Sirius" He said and I turned to him with a shocked expression. "What?! Why?!" I said. "Because he insulted you" He said. "You don't need to attack him though" I said and he chuckled. "You should make up with him James. He's your best friend" I said and he sighed. "I know" He admitted quietly. "Are you ok though after Sirius snaked at you?" James asked and I nodded. "Yeah. He was upset because of the fight. I didn't take it personally" I said and James nodded. "How come Sirius and his brother argue so much?" I said turning to James and he sighed. 'They're two different people with two different views on the world. Regulus believes in blood purity and Sirius believes in equality. The two of them just clash" James explained and I nodded.

"I think we should go and find Sirius" I said and James sighed before standing up and helping me up. We began to walk into the courtyard where we saw Remus and Sirius. Their eyes landed on us and a smile came to James's face. "PRONGS!" Sirius exclaimed dramatically. "PADFOOT!" James cried and they ran towards each other colliding halfway and falling to the ground. I smiled as I shook my head making my way towards the two of them. "I'm sorry darling" James said. "Me too dear. Forgive me?" Sirius said and James nodded and I burst out laughing. The two of them stood up and had a quick bro hug before Sirius turned to me. "I'm sorry for taking my anger out on you Violet. I didn't mean to" He said. "It's ok Sirius. I forgive you" I said as he hugged me. "Shall we head for lunch honey?" James said as he wrapped his arm around Sirius's shoulders. "We shall" Sirius said and they skipped towards the great hall leaving me astonished. "Those two" I said shaking my head with a smile. "Yep. Inseparable" Remus said.

A/N Tbh I love James and Sirius Bromance too much honestly, they are too cute in this chapter at the end. Anyway I hope you loved the chapter as much as I loved it!!

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