Chapter 13

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Cause baby, everything you are
Is everything I need
You're everything to me
Baby, every single part
Is who you're meant to be
'Cause you were meant for me
And you're everything I need.
Everything I need, Skylar Grey


Violet's P.O.V

After the ball James and I decided to keep our relationship a secret. The next few weeks were filled with flirtatious looks, secret love notes and sneaking away to the room of requirement whenever we could to be together. On weekends we often snuck off to Hogsmeade via the one eyed witch staute using James's invisibility cloak.

I smiled as I read the latest cheesy love letter James had given me earlier today. I unfolded it and hid it between the pages of my book so that my friends wouldn't see it

'Roses are red
This won't rhyme
You looked beautiful today
And I wanted to let you know'

I giggled as I folded the note. "What's got you giggling?" Alice asked from her bed. "Oh nothing. Just something in my book" I said and she nodded. I grabbed a small piece of parchment and my quill. Room of requirement? I wrote before giving it to my owl. She flew off and I continued to read. A few minutes later she came back and dropped a small note into my lap.

I unfolded it reading what it said. "Definitely". I smiled and folded the letter. "I'm going to the library to study" I said as I stood up gathering some random books and putting them into my book bag. "Oh ok. Will you be at dinner?" Lily said as she exited the bathroom. "Uh yeah I think so" I said and she nodded before I left. I eagerly exited common room and made my way upstairs to the seventh floor. Once on the floor I cautiously looked around and saw no one else. I then made my way to the wall and closed my eyes thinking about James and I's room. A door appeared and I smiled as I entered. The room was a small bricked room with a red carpeted floor, a love seat in front of a fireplace and floating candles. I saw James sitting on the couch looking at some piece of parchment. As he heard me enter he turned to me, a smile coming to his face.

He stood up and I smiled as I walked into his open arms wrapping mine around his torso. He wrapped his around my waist kissing the top of my head. "Hi" I said playfully as I looked up at him. "Hi" He said back before I leaned up pressing my lips to his for a few moments before pulling away. "I missed you today" I said and he smiled. "I missed you more" He said and I giggled as we walked over to the couch.

"I got your note" I said as I sat in between his legs leaning against his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "What did you think?" He said and I smiled. "The rhyming could use some work but other than that, I loved it" I said as I turned to look at him. He smirked and leaned down pressing his lips to mine.

We pulled away and I sighed as I leaned against him. "You ok love?" James said as he gently squeezed me tighter. "Yeah just finding it hard to keep this from my friends I mean having to lie to them, it feels so strange because we've always been honest with everything" I said and James let out a sigh. "I know how that feels. Sirius and I do practically everything together and he's starting to question me and I'm finding it hard to keep it from him" James said. "It's just hard because...ugh I can't even put it into words" I said. "Don't stress Vi. When we do tell them they'll understand" James said and I nodded. "When should we tell them?" I said as I ran my thumb over his knuckle. "Mmm I don't know. When the time feels right I guess" He said and I nodded.

Lily's P.O.V

"Lily what are you looking for?" Alice asked as I looked through Violet's trunk. "Her diary" I replied as I continued to dig for it. "Why?" She said confused as I closed it. "Because there's something going on with her like she's really jumpy and secretive and is always going off for an hour or two and I know she's not going to the library because I check and she's never there" I said as I looked under her mattress.

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