Chapter 5

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Violets P.O.V

I awoke the next morning, the events of last night flooding my mind and I could feel my cheeks heating up at the thought of James Potter and the kiss we had shared. 'No stop it violet he's an ignorant toerag' I thought to myself. I got up from bed and went to the bathroom to do my daily routine and got ready for the first day of classes. Once I was done washing myself with my peach body wash and berry shampoo and conditioner I got out the shower and changed into my uniform.

I walked out of the bathroom only to see Lily and Alice racing around. I went to my mirror and dried my hair with my wand and put it up into a half up half down style. "Morning Mrs Potter" Alice said smirking. "Alice don't even go there" I said while glaring at her playfully. Alice and Lily just looked at each other and smirked. "Is someone going to wake Marlene up?" I asked "Dibs not!" Lily and Alice said together as they held there fingers on their noses causing me to roll my eyes at their childish behaviour. "Ugh fine I'll do it" I said while rolling my eyes and walking toward Marlene's bed where she was sound asleep. "Marls get up" I said loudly and nothing "Sirius is downstairs flirting with some 4th year" I said and she instantly sat up. "He better fucking not be" She said jumping up about to run out the door and we burst out laughing. "I can't believe you fall for that every time" I said after my laughter had died down and Marlene rolled her eyes at us. "I hate you guys. I was having a really good dream too" She complained as she stretched. "Let me guess it was about Sirius?" Alice said. "Got it in one Alice" Marlene replied with a smirk. "Hurry up we're going to be late for breakfast" Lily said as she shook her head. I collected my books and put them in my bag before heading towards to dorm door, "I'm gonna wait downstairs ok?" I said turning to my friends who nodded as they continued to get dressed.

I exited the dorm and walked down the stairs to see a few Gryffindor students sitting around. I sat down on the couch pulling out my book and continued to read.

James's P.O.V

I spit the toothpaste into the sink before putting my toothbrush back and walking into the dorm where the boys were getting ready. "Prongs, I love how you've cleaned yourself up for the first day" Remus said sarcastically as he fixed his tie. I looked down at my untucked shirt and messy tie and shrugged. "No need to look good Moony. It's only school" I said brushing him off. "You know I did overhear Violet saying that she liked it when guys clean up well" He said and I instantly ran into the bathroom. I grabbed the first hairbrush I saw which belonged to Sirius as it had an S engraved into the handle and looked in the mirror. I brushed my hair forward, then brushed it to the right, then brushed it to the left. "Padfoot, which side do you think Violet would like, left or right or should I spike it?" I said as Padfoot entered the bathroom. "Right" He said and I nodded before brushing my messy hair to the right slightly. I threw some gel in the front to neaten it up before tucking my shirt into my pants. I also threw on my black leather belt and fixed my tie so it was neat.

"How come you never dressed up for me?" Sirius said with a frown. "Because Padfoot. Violet's different" I said before exiting the bathroom. "Wow, I never thought I'd see the day where you cleaned yourself up Prongs" Remus said and I rolled my eyes at him. "I can be very spontaneous sometimes Moony" I replied as I grabbed my brown leather book bag. "I'm gonna see if my wife to be is downstairs" I said before exiting the dorm. I walked down the stair case and saw Violet sitting on the couch reading. Some of her hair had slipped over her shoulder and some strands had falling into her face shaping it well. I smirked before walking over and plonking myself on the couch beside her. "Good morning my darling" I said wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "For goodness sake's James I'm not your darl-" She said stopping as she turned to me her eyes going wide.

"James, are you feeling ok?" She said as she placed her hand on my forehead. "Yes my Violet Flower. Whenever I'm around you I feel more than ok. What make's you say that?" I said. "You actually look decent like you've put in effort today" She said as she looked at me. "Pfft I look like this everyday" I lied. "Umm no you don't. Usually you look like you've been dragged behind a carriage" She said sassily as she put her book back into her bag. "AH HA! I knew you noticed me!" I said as I pointed my finger at her causing a small blush to rise her cheeks. "Well James it is hard not to miss you since you stand out like a toad in a flower field with how disheveled you usually look" She said brushing it off and I chuckled. "I can see it now Evans. Us sitting in front of our very own fireplace as our children play in front of us" I said as I kicked my feet up onto the foot stool.

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