Chapter 9

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Violet's P.O.V

"Good morning everyone. Now today there is a special announcement. There is going to be a halloween masquerade ball. Tomorrow you will be able to attend hogsmeade in order to prepare" McGonagall said and all the girls squealed with excitement. "Shhhh. Now I understand your excitement however on the night there is to be no ridiculous or inappropriate behaviour" She said sternly. "A ball requires a certain type of dance. A waltz" She said and she waved her wand at the gramophone causing classic piano music to come through. "Gentlemen please chose a partner to practise your dance with" She said and the guys groaned before slowly making their way over to us. "Vi, partners?" Remus said as he stood in front of me with his hand held out. "Absolutely" I said and took his hand. He lead to me to the floor and we began to waltz. "Oh! Wonderful Mr Lupin and Ms Evans!" McGonagall gushed as she and the senior Gryffindors watched us. "Where'd you learn to dance so good Evans?" Sirius said from beside us as he danced with Katelynn Vine who was staring at him admirably. "My father and I would dance around the living room when I was younger. He taught me everything" I said before Remus twirled me before pulling me back in. "Ouch! Merlin McKinnon do you think you could be anymore clumsy!" I heard James complain and turned to see him and Marlene dancing awkwardly.

"Oh stop complaining you pansy!" She snapped before they began dancing and I giggled as I shook my head at them. "1,2,3...1,2,3...3,2,4 oh!" I heard someone count and turned to see Peter nervously dancing with Lily who was trying not to laugh as he looked at their feet. After half an hour we finished and exited the great hall making our way to classes. "James was so jealous that you were dancing with Remus and not him" Marlene said as we walked to herbology. "Like I care" I said as I rolled my eyes.

Remus's P.O.V

"My Violet! My Violet Remus!" James complained as we walked to class. "For the last time James I simply asked her to be my dance partner. I didn't ask her on a date!" I snapped turning to him and he rolled his eyes. "You may as well have!" He said back and I groaned. "You know mate, you two aren't actually dating" Sirius said. "Not yet! But soon!" James persisted. "So are you going to ask her?" Sirius said. "Of course Padfoot. Who else would she go with?" James said smugly. "I don't know. I've already heard that quite a few guys wouldn't mind going with her" He said and James stopped turning to Sirius. "Are you serious?!" James said. "Yes I'm Sirius and your James. How many times have we gone through this?" Sirius joked causing Peter and I to chuckle. "Mate this isn't a joke. Who is planning to ask her?!" James demanded. "I don't remember" Sirius said shrugging his shoulders. "I have to get her first! I just need to figure out the perfect way to ask her" James said as we strolled into transfiguration.

Violet's P.O.V

After classes I walked into the library and into the potion section. I reached for a book and began flipping through it trying to find the page I needed. "Hey Evans" I heard someone say and looked up to see Henry McLaggen standing there in his quidditch jersey. "Oh hi Henry" I said with a warm smile as I held my book close to my chest. "So you know how McGonagall announced we have that halloween ball this morning?" He said and I nodded. "Yeah" I replied. "I was wondering, do you wanna go with me?" He said as he tucked his hands into his front pockets. "Oh, umm so soon. Uh sure" I said taken back slightly. "Great! You tell me what colour dress you're wearing and I'll match my tie" He said excitedly and I nodded giggling. "Ok well I guess I'll see you round" He said and I nodded. "Sure. See you round Henry" I said before exiting the library heading back to common room. I walked in and saw my friends sitting in front of the fire place talking. "I wonder who I'll go with" Marlene said. "I'm sure you have a lot of options" Alice said and I giggled. "What about you Violet?" Lily said. "I've already been asked by someone" I said and they all gasped. "By who?!" Marlene said closing her Witch Weekly magazine. "Henry McLaggen" I said and they squealed. "Omg you're so lucky! I heard that so many girls asked him already but he turned them down!" Alice said.

"Really?" I said surprised. "Duh! Vi he's like one of the hottest guys in our year! Almost every girl is drooling over him!" Lily said and I rolled my eyes. "How did he ask you?" Lily said as she shook my leg. "Umm well I was in the library and he just came up to me and asked me" I said shrugging. "James is going to be so devastated" Marlene said as she laughed and I rolled my eyes. "I'm not that sods property. I mean I don't even like him for Merlin's sake!" I said annoyed and the girls giggled. "Who would you wanna go with Lil?" I said as I looked at my sister and she shrugged. "I don't know" She said. "I mean I wouldn't mind going with Amos Diggory" She said. "Marls?" I said. "Mmm maybe Martin Zanbini. He's pretty hot" Marlene said. "Isn't he a Slytherin?" Alice said. "Yeah but I wouldn't mind slitherin' to his pants" Marlene said and I rolled my eyes. "Typical Marlene" Lily said and I giggled. "Hey if you've got it flaunt it" She said. "So what dress colours are we thinking?" Lily said looking at us. "Mmm maybe a! Scarlet red!" Marlene exclaimed. "I'm thinking like a green colour. Maybe emerald green" Lily said. "That would be good for you Lily because of your hair colour. It would compliment it well" Alice said. "I might go for purple. What about you Vi" Alice said turning to me. "I think I might go for a light blue" I said. "Light blue would look so pretty on you" Marlene said. "I hope so" I said giggling.

A/N: OMG 2 Chapters in a day published...... I've had these sitting here for a bit editing them and stuff and I'm sorry about the extremely long wait you potterheads! Anyway I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. I started writing the Evans Twins/ Falling about 3 years ago and I've rewritten this loads of times before I decided I'm going to do it properly. Anyway I hope you enjoyed it chapters xxx

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