Chapter 4

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Violet's POV:

After everyone got off the train everyone from second year and above walked over to the carriages to be taken to Hogwarts, Lily, Alice, Marlene and I quick got into a carriage before anyone could claim it. "How many little Gryffindors do you think we'll get this year" Alice asked, " I don't really know I would say maybe about 5-10 but is up to the hat don't forget" I replied with when suddenly our carriage door opened "Ahh well if it isn't my lovely Violet-Flower, I've missed you love" Potter said while him and his groupies climbed into the carriage "Ugh Potter you couldn't have chosen a different carriage" I said while glaring at him.

"Sorry love I couldn't keep away for your beauty" he said with a smirk, I just rolled my eyes and decided to ignore him "Hello Remus" I said while smiling at him you see my sister has a crush on Remus and Remus has a crush on Lily "Hello Violet, L...Lily" he said while blushing at my sister "H...Hi Remus" Lily replied with a blush in her pale cheeks "Oi moony stop talking to my girl" Potter said slightly glaring at Remus and putting an arm around my shoulder. "Firstly Potter I am not your girl nor will I in a million years and secondly he was being polite" I said while removing his arm from around me and I strangely felt cold without it, No stop it Violet Evans you don't like Potter! My inner self exclaimed.

+20 Minutes later+

We've finally arrived at Hogwarts, the carriages stopped outside the bridge that lead to the courtyard which lead to the great hall, everyone in my carriage started to all try get out at once while I was just sitting in my seat still my crossing my arms "Guys one at a time" I said while rolling my eyes "Well then Evans ladies first" Potter said and with that I stepped out of the carriage and waited for my friends to get out, once they were out we walked through the courtyard through to the great hall with has a ceiling which in enchanted to look like the night sky, the girls and I walked to the Gryffindor table and sat not to close to the front but not to far back. Just as I thought I didn't have to deal with Jams... I mean potter anymore he and the other boys sat down right next to us.

Once everyone was seated Professor Dippet stood up "Good evens returning students, I would like to start with welcoming our first year. Now shall we get on with the sorting ceremony" he said and with that Professor McGonagall walked forward with a lost in her hand "Olivia Crest" A first year girl walked up to the stool and had the hat put over her head 4 minutes later "RAVENCLAW" the hat exclaimed "Jason Wilson" A boy walked up to the hat and before the hat touched his head "SLYTHERIN" "BOOOO" I heard right next to me only to see Potter and Black being immature "Rebecca Wilson". A girl similar looking to the boy before walked up and sat on the stool, 3 minutes later "GRYFFINDOR!" The hat exclaimed after that it was
in the end Gryffindor got 10 new students, Ravenclaw got 11 new students, Hufflepuff got 9 and Slytherin for 10.
After we've all had Dinner Remus and I stood up "Gryffindor first years this way" I yelled above the noise, the first years piled towards Remus and I " Okay Gryffindor Listen closely the way to the tower is confusing at first and you get lost easily" I explained "so follow closely and pay attention and keep up" Remus said before walking off leading the line with me in the back to make sure none of the first years get left behind.

We walked down the corridor and up the moving stairs "Be careful these stairs are known to move frequently" I explained while walking towards the fat kady portrait "Password" she asked "Caput Draconis" Remus said she nodded and let us in "Okay boys room up on the right and girls are on the left, you'll see who your roommates are and they will be your roommates for the rest of the year" I said and once I said that all the little first years quickly moved up the stairs.

I walked over to the couch by the fireplace and sat down, Marlene, Alice and Lily all walked over and sat down around me "What time is your prefects duties" Lily asked "I dont have them tonight I;ve got them Tuesday, Thursday and Friday's" I explained "We should play a game" Marlene said with a smirk "Did someone say game" Black said while throwing himself down next to Marlene "What game are we going to play Violet-Petal" Ja-Potter said while sitting down next to me "It's a game called none of your business" I said while crossing my arms and glaringat him. "She's just joking the game is called Truth, or Dare" Alice said while smirking at me "You boys are more than welcome to join" Marlene said with Lily nodding and blushing with Remus next to her "Sirius Truth or Dare" Alice asked "Dare" Black said while smirking and puffing his chest out "We dare yoou to go the Dumbledore's office naked" Marlene said and with that Black stripped down and out the Common room "Do you think he'll do it" Peter said "Wormtail he isn't a whimp" Potter said while smirking in confidence after 20 minutes Black arrives back smirking "Well that was Fun" he said while putting his clothes on again.

"Violet Truth or dare" Black asked me "Dare" I said while feeling brave "I dare YOU to snog my dear dear best mate James here on the lips" He said with a trumphit smile "O-Okay" I said while struttering and blushing, 'Wait why am I blushing and feeling nervous its Potter the one person I hate the most' I leaned in closer to Potter and noticed how good looking he is with his Hazel eyes and his messy Black hair, I leaned in and closed my eyes and felt his lips on mine and this may sound cheesy but I felt sparks and fireworks in that kiss, I quickly pulled away and moved back to my spot next to Lily blushing.

I looked over at Potter to see him with a dreamy expression on his face "wow" he siad with the same look and a dreamy tone "I think thats enough for one night" I said quickly getting up hoping to go to bed " Aww but Vi its only the begninng" Marlene said... Yeah it was the beginning, the beginning of me realizing that I have feelings for Jame Charlus Potter.

A/N: Hey guys I'm back with a new chapter sorry for my bad updates I've just been super busy with me being in year 12 and thinking about what I want to do after school and lets not forget I've got a lot of competions. I've had this in a draft for awhile and I have been meaning to add more to it and to complete this chapter and I finally have!!! Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll try update this bookas much as I can. You guys can also check out another book I'm writing called The Protector it's an Avatar Last Airbender FanFic. Anyway sorry for the long wait guys.

Word Count: 1,266 words


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