Chapter 11

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Without you, I feel broke
Like I'm half of a whole
Without you, I've got no hand to hold
Without you, I feel torn
Like a sail in a storm
Without you, I'm just a sad song
I'm just a sad song-
We are the Kings, Sad Song

Lily's P.O.V


"You excited for tomorrow?" Molly Prewett asked as we walked to lunch. "Yep. I'm really looking forward to it" I said as I smiled. "Who are you taking?" She asked as we entered the Great Hall. "Remus Lupin. We're pretty good friends" I said and she nodded. "I assume you're going with the one and only Arthur Weasley" I said and a blush instantly rose to her cheeks. "Yeah I am" She said sheepishly and my smile widened. "Who's Violet going with?" She asked as we sat down. "Henry McGlaggen" I said and Molly's face scrunched in confusion. "Really? I thought she would've gone with James" She said and I shrugged. "She really doesn't like him in all honesty but for a few weeks they were getting along pretty well until he insulted her because she's going with Henry" I said and Molly rolled her eyes. "Boys. Sometimes I question if they have brains" She said and I giggled. Out of the corner of my eye I saw people approaching and turned to see my friends and my sister walking over to Molly and I.

"Hey guys" I said as they sat down. "Heeey" Marlene said as she gently nudged me with her shoulder before getting a plate. I looked across the table and saw Violet pushing her food around her plate as she was lost in thought. "Hey Vi, you ok?" I said and she snapped her head up to me. "Y-Yeah. Sorry just a million miles away" She said giving me a non convincing smile. "You sure?" I said and she nodded. "Yeah I swear I'm fine" she said and I chose not to push it anymore. "Omg I am so excited for tomorrow like I can't even put it into words!" Alice said and I giggled at my giddy friend. The Great Hall doors opened and I saw the guys walk in only to sit at the end of the table like they have been over the last few weeks. "This divide is still on going?" Marlene complained. "I'm shocked James has managed to keep away from Violet for this long. How does it feel to be a free woman Vi?" She continued. "Oh umm I don't know" Violet said not looking up from her plate. "Vi are you sure you're ok? You seem really distant" Alice said. "I'm actually not feeling well. I'm going for a lie down" She said before abruptly leaving the Great Hall and I looked at the girls to see confused expressions on their faces. "What is her deal?" Marlene said.

"I don't know. She's been like this since her fight with James. You don't think she could be...falling for him do you?" I said hesitantly. "I think she might be Lil. I mean I've caught her staring at him in classes without even realising she's doing it and I saw how mad she was when James was talking to Avery Kents last week" Molly voiced and I turned to her. "I think you're right" I said.

James's P.O.V


I sighed as I took my tie off and threw it into my trunk. "You ok Prongs?" Sirius asked and I nodded as I took my shirt off. I slipped a plain white shirt on and took my pants off leaving me in my blue checkered boxers. I sat on my bed and laid back on my pillow with my hands behind my head as I stared up at the ceiling. "Why Henry? What does he have the I don't? I mean seriously? I'm rich, good looking, popular, funny. What girl wouldn't want me?" I said. "Violet Evans" Sirius said causing Remus and Peter to chuckle and I rolled my eyes. "Shut up you bunch of assholes" I said. "Moony, you're friends with her. Has she spoken about me?" I said as I sat up looking at my friend. "Only her utter hate for you" He said as he hung his shirt on a coat hanger. "I know she fancies me deep down. She's probably going with McGlaggen to make me jealous"I said letting out a laugh. "I don't know mate" Sirius said as he brushed his hair. "M-Maybe McGlaggen has a thing for her. I did overhear him talking about how he wants to do stuff with her" Peter squeaked and I instantly sat up. "What things?!" I demanded. "U-Umm h-he said that he wanted to take her to his room and b-bang her" Peter said shakily and anger filled me. I instantly stood up and ran out of the room down to common room where I saw McGlaggen laughing with his friends.

"Oi McGlaggen!" I exclaimed as I walked over to him. "Nice boxers Potter" He said but I didn't care. Even if he was 'good looking', I was slightly taller and stronger than him. "What's this that I hear you wanna bang my Violet?!" I said as I glared at him. "Well she is fine" He said as he looked at his mates who laughed. I clenched my fist before swinging and hitting him right in the face, a satisfying crack coming from his nose. He covered his nose as he fell to the ground, blood pouring down his face. "Ahhh!" He cried as his friends gathered around him. "Nice hit mate!" Sirius said as he placed his hand on my shoulders. "Bloody hell that hurt" I said as I looked at my now bruising fist. "You're gonna pay for that Potter!" McGlaggen cried as his friends dragged him out of common room probably heading to the hospital wing. I walked up to my dorm and the boys followed. I looked at my fist to see my knuckles swollen. "Let me see your hand" Remus said. "Reparifors" He mumbled causing the swelling and bruising to disappear. "Thanks moony. What would I do without you?" I said and he rolled his as he walked over to his bed.

Violet's P.O.V

I exited the bathroom drying my hair with a towel as I walked over to my bed. The door opened and the girls walked in. "There you are. You feeling better?" Lily asked as she took her jumper off and I nodded. "Yeah" I said as I sat on my bed, reaching into my bag puling out my book Alice in Wonderland, my favourite story book. "What's that you're reading?" Marlene asked as she put her hair in a plait. "My favourite book called Alice in Wonderland. It's about a girl who falls down a rabbit hole and ends up in this other world" I said and a confused expression crossed her face. "How strange" She said and I giggled as I shook my head. After a few conversations the girls one by one fell asleep. I closed my book and put it in my bedside drawer before pulling my diary out. I grabbed my quill and opened it to a fresh page.

Dear diary,

I don't know where to start. James and I still haven't spoken and I'm not going to lie, it does feel strange because we went from talking everyday to this weird divide between us. He hasn't been his usual bubbly self either or so Remus tells me anyways. He started it all because he had a problem with who I was going to the ball with. It's not my fault Henry asked me first and he didn't. But deep down, I was hoping James would ask me. I thought he would've the moment we found out there was a ball but he didn't and Henry got there first. I couldn't say no to Henry, they would have been rude but I'm still bummed that I'm not going with James. Apparently he's taking Hayley Woodstock. One of his stupid fan girls that follows him around like a stupid little lost puppy. Ugh! Why her?! I would've preferred if he went alone than take that stupid ditsy no good lousy tart! But I'm not jealous. At least I think I'm not. I've been conflicted for weeks now. Do I have feelings for James Potter? Part of me is screaming no absolutely not and the other half is saying that I do and it's so confusing. I don't want to be with him yet I don't want to see him with someone else. Part of me is glad that he is leaving me alone and the other part of me misses his bad jokes, constant flirting and his contagious laugh and smile. Maybe I should give him a chance...

I let out a sigh as I closed my diary and walked over to the window. I cracked it open slightly and stared out at the stars, the brightest one catching my eye. "Oh dad, what do I do?" I whispered as I wrapped my arms around myself.

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