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Hi everyone,

So my sister and I have a short preview of what the next book is going to be like. We hope you like it!


I smiled at Harry as the fireflies James had conjured tickled him. he gurgled as his green eyes followed them as they flew above his head. The clink of the get caught my attention and I turned to James with a confused expression. James handed Harry to me before standing up and walking to the window. I watched as the colour drained from his face and instantly my heart dropped. "Violet it's him! Take Harry and run!" James said as he ran over to us. I rose from the couch and vastly ran to the stairs as I cradled Harry to my chest.

"What about you?" I said as I turned to look at my husband who had a panicked look on his face. "It doesn't matter. You two need to stay safe whilst I try fight him off!" James said and I felt the tears build in may eyes. I leaned forward pressed my lips to his for a second before pulling away. "I love you" I whimpered. "I love you too. Now go!" James said pushing me gently and I ran up the stairs to Harry's nursery slamming the door shut after running in.

I heard the front door blow open and felt my heart race as I heard the commotion downstairs. Things shattering and James yelling. I walked to Harry's crib and placed him in gently before bending down looking at him. "Mummy and daddy love you so much, you are so loved Harry. You have Aunty Lily, Uncle Padfoot and uncle Moony" I whispered as he gurgled. He smiled as he place his hands on my wet cheeks letting out a laugh.

"Avada Kedavra!" I heard his cold voice exclaim and a thump. I gasped as I turned to the door which blew open and I screamed as I turned away from the matter flying around the room. I turned back around and saw Voldermort standing in the doorway with his wand pointed at me. Behind him I saw James lying motionless at the top of the stairs and felt my heart break. My husband, my best friend, my soul mate, my world...gone. I turned back to Voldermort and glared as the tears continued to fall from my eyes. "Move aside and I will spare your life" Voldermorts cold voice said causing shivers to go down my spine. "No" I seethed through my teeth. "Move aside you stupid  girl!" He exclaimed. "NO! What kind of coward are you to go after a child?!" I exclaimed as I blocked his view from my son. "Last chance. Move aside" He spat. "No." I said back firmly and he chuckled dryly before lifting his wand pointing it at me and I felt my heart race as adrenaline coursed through my veins. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" He exclaimed and I felt the spell his my in the chest a painful sensation quickly going through me before everything went black...

I opened my eyes and saw a white light. I looked around and saw someone standing in front of me. I gasped as I saw James who had tears streaming down his face. I ran to him and we held each other for a moment. "Look!" James said and I looked down to see Voldemort step over my limp body dead on the floor. I turned and saw Voldermort with his wand pointed at Harry who looked innocently up at him. "NOOO!" I screamed as he screamed 'Avada Kedavra!' But a bright light flashed and I covered my eyes. Once it faded I looked around the room and saw Voldermort gone... I turned and saw Harry sitting in his crib with a lightening bolt scar on his head. "W-What happened?!" I said and James looked as confused as I did.

Lily's P.O.V

"Peter did what?!" I exclaimed as I cradled Cordelia to my chest. "He betrayed them that bastard! We have to warn them" Sirius exclaimed as he slipped his coat on. "Remus can you please watch Cordelia?!" I said and he nodded as he took her from me. I slipped on my coat before grabbing Sirius's hand as we apparated to Godrics Hollow. Once there we ran down the road to Violet and James's house. I gasped as the sight of it. The front door was open and the lights were off. I felt the tears build in my eyes as I turned to Sirius who had a look of shock on his face. "M-Maybe they left already" He said before we slowly approached the house. He held his wand out as I gripped his hand tightly. He pushed the door open some more. "James? Violet?" He called as we walked cautiously into the house. I looked around in the living room and saw James's wand on the floor by the couch along with Violets. I pulled on Sirius's hand and pointed to them. "No" He whispered before we made our way to the stairs. As we walked up them I gasped as I saw James's lifeless body lying at the top. "NO! JAMES!" Sirius cried as the tears fell from his eyes. He fell beside James and held his face as he looked into his blank eyes. I covered my mouth as I let out a sob.

I saw a light flicker and looked to Harry's nursery where the flickering came from. I rose from beside Sirius and slowly approached the room where I gently pushed the slightly cracked open door to reveal a lifeless Violet lying on the floor. I let out a gasp as I covered my mouth. "NOOOO!" I screamed as I fell to the ground uncontrollably sobbing as I looked at my dead sister. I felt Sirius wrap his arms around me as I cried into his shoulder. I heard a cry and saw Harry in his crib with tears in his eyes before he let out another cry. "Harry!" I cried as I stood up running to his crib and picki ng him up cradling him to my chest as he cried.

"How did this happen?!" I cried to Sirius. "I'm going to find that bastard and fucking kill him!" Sirius exclaimed. I handed Harry to Sirius before bending down to Violet's body. Before she died she told me to take her engagement ring. I gently slipped the ring from her now cold hand and let out another sob as I stared at her motionless body. "I love you so much" I cried before kissing her cold cheek and rising before Sirius and I exited Harry's nursery. "Mama!" Harry exclaimed and I continued to sob as we walked over James's body. "Dada!" Harry said as he pointed at James and leaned over for him.

Sirius and I exited the house where we saw Dumbledore, McGonagall and Hagrid standing there. "Lily, Sirius, I'm so sorry" Minerva said as the tears fell from her eyes. I let out a shaky breath before looking at her. "It was Pettigrew. He betrayed them!" I said as another sob racked my body. "We should be going" Sirius said as he held Harry. "I'm sorry Mr Black but you can't take Harry with you" Dumbledore said as Minerva gently took him from Sirius's arms. "What?!" I exclaimed. "Let us keep Harry! I'm his God father! I'll look after him!" Sirius cried as the tears fell from his eyes. "We're all he has left and you're just gonna take it away?!" I snapped as the tears continued to fall. "I'm sorry Mrs Black but it's too dangerous. Death eaters are going to be looked for him" Dumbledore said. "No. I don't care I will protect him!" I said reaching for Harry who was in Hagrid's arms. "Lily. Please" Minerva said as she placed her hand on my arm and I shook my head as I cried.

"Where is he going to go?" I whimpered. "To live with Petunia in the muggle world where he will be safe" Dumbledore said. "She'll be horrible to him!" I exclaimed. "I know but it's for his own safety" Dumbledore explained. "Can I at least hold him one last time?" I cried and Hagrid handed him to me. I sobbed as I looked down at my nephew who was now asleep. "I'm sorry Harry. I promise I will see you again" I whispered before kissing his forehead.

I unwillingly handed him back to Hagrid and cried into Sirius's chest as the four of them disappeared. Sirius and I apparated home where Remus was worried. "Well?" Remus said and I shook my head as the tears continued to fall. Remus began to shake as the tears filled his eyes. "No...No!" He cried shaking his head. "I'm going to find Peter" Sirius seethed as he made his way back to the front door. "Sirius please! Wait!" I cried as I ran after my husband.

"Don't do this! Think it through" I pleaded. "Lily look what he did! James and Violet are dead because of him!" Sirius cried and I looked to the grown as I sobbed. "I'll be back I promise" Sirius said before planting a kiss on my forehead. He apparated and I walked back inside closing the door.

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