Chapter 10

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When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight,
It just won't feel right,
'Cause I can't love you more than this, yeah,
When he lays you down,
I might just die inside,
It just don't feel right,
'Cause I can't love you more than this,
Can love you more than, this-
One Direction, More than This

Violet's P.O.V

Marlene, Alice, Lily and I walked the street of Hogsmeade as we looked at the windows  of dress shops. "Oh that ones nice" Marlene said as she pointed to a pink dress. "Yeah it is. Should we go in and have a look?" Lily said and we nodded before entering the shop where there was sewing machines working on their own as they made dresses. A lady in her mid 40's walked out of a room and smiled at us. "Hello ladies how may I help you?" She said as she walked over to us. "Hi there. We were just coming in to look at some dresses because we have a school ball coming up in about a month" Alice said. "Oh very nice. Any ideas about what dress you'd want?" She asked looking at us. "Mmm I think I'll have a look around" I said and she nodded. "I would love to look at this dress over here" Marlene said as she walked over to a dress and the lady followed her, the two of them gushing over the silky red dress. "Ohhh this is nice" Alice said as she looked at a dark blue silk dress. "Oh Alice that would look so nice with your skin complexion" Lily said as she looked at it too. I looked through the several racks and didn't really see something I admired. "Any luck dear?" The lady said as she walked over to me. "Mmm not really anything that jumped out at me" I said glumly.

"What colour were you looking for?" She asked. "Like a blue maybe" I said and she thought for a second before her eyes lit up. "I have something in the back that you might like" She said before disappearing into the room. She came back out a few moments later holding a beautiful blue dress. "I made this years ago but I always thought it was too pretty to be put on display. It needs the perfect girl to wear it and I think that's you" She said as I took the dress from her. "Oh my Merlin! It's stunning. Do you mind if I try it on?" I said admiring the detail. "Absolutely!" She said and I walked into the dressing room. I changed out of my clothes into the dress and smiled at my reflection in the mirror. "Come show us already!" Marlene complained. I opened the curtain and stepped out watching as their mouths dropped open. "Oh my Merlin!" Alice said. "You look..." Marlene said lost for words. "Perfect" Lily said and I smiled. "I love it" I said as I twirled. I decided to get the dress whilst the other girls looked. "I'm glad you liked the dress" The lady said as she wrapped it. "I absolutely love it" I gushed. The girls found there dresses too. Marlene had gone with a red mermaid shaped dress that had a sweetheart neckline which did reveal a lot, Lily had found a beautiful emerald green halter neck dress that had a bejewelled top and Alice had found an elegant lavender purple dress.

"Now the masks" I said as we exited the shop making our way to an accessories shop. On the way we saw the boys messing around with each other till their eyes landed on us. "Ahhh there she is" James said as his eyes landed on me. I ignored him as we walked past them to the store behind them. We made our way to the masks section and looked at them all. "Oh I like this one. Sexy, mysterious" Marlene said as she tried on a black mask. "Yeah that would go with your dress" Alice said. "I think I might get this one" Alice said as she held a silver mask. "I'm gonna get this black and emerald lace one" Lily said. "I think I'll get this one" I said as I picked up a white one with silver jewels on it. We paid for our masks before deciding to head to the three broomsticks. We walked to a booth in the back and sat down ordering 4 butter beers. "I'm so excited now that we have everything" I said. "I know right. I was so stressed that I wouldn't be able to find the perfect dress" Alice said and I giggled. "I'm in love with mine. All eyes will be on me. Every girl will envy me and every guy will want me" Marlene said cockily causing Alice to slap her arm. "Except for Frank" Marlene said and I giggled. Our drinks arrived and I took a sip.

"Hello ladies" I heard Sirius say and we looked up to see the boys standing there. "Any room for 4 more?" James said. "Nope sorry" I said causing Lily to jab me in the ribs. "Yes there is plenty of room. Move over girls" Lily said and I rolled my eyes before shuffling over as James sat beside me. "So Violet, I was wondering what colour dress did you buy? We need to match for the ball" James said and I scoffed. "What makes you think I'm going with you?" I said as I turned to him. "Who else would you go with?" He said. "For your information I've already been asked" I said and his face scrunched as the table went quiet. "What?! By who?!" He snapped as anger crossed his features. "If you must know, I'm going with Henry McLaggen" I said. "Are you seriously going with that git?!" James said. "Why not?! You're no better!" I snapped back. "I'm much better than that pompus idiot! I can tell my head from my toe unlike him!" James said. "Are you sure?! Because as far as I'm concerned you can't tell your head from your ass since you talk so much shit!" I snapped back. "Oh whatever! I can take someone so much better than you!" James said. "Go for it because guess what James, I don't care!" I snapped. "Fine! Go be with that idiot!" He snapped back. "He isn't an idiot!" I said defending Henry. "You're right! He's not, you are for taking him!" He snapped and I gasped before grabbing my butter beer and throwing it in his face causing the whole pub to go quiet as they stared at us. "And to think we were getting along for once" I said before grabbing my stuff and stalking out of the three broomsticks not looking back.

"That stupid arrogant git!" I snapped to myself as I stalked back to the castle. "Hey Vi are you ok?" I heard someone say and turned to see Andromeda Black running over to me. "Oh hi Andromeda" I said as she walked beside me. "What's wrong?" She said. "Just Potter acting like a jealous git all because I got asked by someone else to the ball" I said. "What happened?" She said and I explained everything to her as we walked back to the castle. "Wow what an asshole" She said. "I know. He deserved that drink to his face" I said and she giggled. "Who are you going with?" She said. "Benjamin Twine" She said and I nodded. "Found your dress yet?" She said and I nodded holding up my bag. "What colour?" She said. "Baby blue" I replied and she smiled. "It will look amazing on you" She said. "You know I wonder how you're related to your sisters. I mean no offence but Bellatrix is crazy and Narcissa is quiet and intimidating" I said and she sighed. "I think the same thing. My mother always fights with me and is always saying 'Why can't you be normal like your sisters?! Why do you befriend all of these blood traitors and mud bloods?!' I always say she's wrong" Andromeda said sadly. "I'm sorry that you have to go through that Andromeda" I said. "It's ok. I still have Sirius I guess but my parents never let me see him outside of school and Bella always tries to keep me from talking to him here" She said. "Your life sounds chaotic" I said. "It is but only 2 more years then I can leave my family and never see them again" She said with a smile.

"Wouldn't you miss your family?" I said and she shook her head. "In our family, there is no such thing as love. Their reputation and image is more important" She said. "No wonder Sirius ran away" I said and she nodded. "He's lucky he had somewhere to go" She said and I nodded. "I was planning to run away too but after seeing the rath of my aunt and my mother I decided not to take that risk" She said and I nodded. We walked inside the castle and went our separate ways.

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