Chapter 6

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Violet's P.O.V

"Welcome back everybody. Now today we're going to start off with something fun in my opinion. Boggarts. Anyone know what a boggart is?" Professor Dumbledore asked as the wardrobe behind him rattled and Lily raised her hand. "Yes Ms Evans?" He said. "A boggart is a figure that has no real shape. It's shape takes form of the persons worst fear" Lily said. "Very good" Professor Dumbledore said and Lily smiled. "Now the counter curse for a boggart is riddikulus. This spell turns the boggart into something funny" Dumbledore said. "Repeat it to me" He said pacing in front of us. "Riddikulus!" The class repeated. "Very good. Now everyone make a line" Professor Dumbledore said and everyone lined up. I bit my lip as I waited in anticipation. First up was Frank Longbottom. He stepped up to the closet holding his wand at the ready. The door opened and out came a huge spider hissing. "Riddikulus!" Frank said and the spider turned into a big bouncing ball. After a few students it was Peter's turn. The boggart formed in the air into a giant troll roaring and Peter screamed before dropping his wand. He bent down picking it up before pointing it at the green best before yelling a shaky "R-Riddkulus!" And the troll turned into a teapot. Remus nervously stepped up and the teapot formed into a full moon. "Riddikulus!" Remus said and the moon turned into a flying balloon causing everyone to laugh.

Sirius stepped up holding his wand out. The balloon formed in the air before a man stood before Sirius with his wand out, an angry expression crossing his face. The man looked a lot like Sirius. The same dark hair and features only older. That must be his father... I thought to myself. "Sod off you bastard! Riddikulus!" Sirius said and the man turned into a statue. James was up in front of Lily and he stepped in front of the closet holding his wand up. The boggart transformed into people lying dead on the floor. I saw it was his parents, his friends but what shocked me was who was lying on top of them. Me. "R-Riddikulus" James said and the pile formed into a pile of pillows. James walked to the back and Lily walked up. She held her wand out and the pillows formed into McGonagall standing in front of her holding an O.W.Ls paper with a red O on it. "Riddikulus!" Lily said and the boggart turned into McGonagall dressed as a clown causing everyone to laugh. I walked up and the boggart began changing in the air before landing on the ground and there I saw my twin sister lying dead. "It's not real, it's not real" I whispered to myself. "Riddikulus" I said and it formed into a balloon animal. I shakily walked away from the closet into my sisters open arms.


I walked into the great hall for dinner and saw my sister and our friends sitting next to the boys. I sat down across from Remus who had James to his left and Sirius to his right. I served myself up some roast before beginning to eat as I listened to James and Sirius debate about which drink was better. "Padfoot butter beer is way better than pumpkin juice" James said. "You're dreaming Prongs" Sirius said. "Will you two shut up already?! You've been arguing about this for the last 20 minutes!" Remus snapped looking at his friends. "Well someone's a little bit moony" Siruis said looking ar James. "Guess it's his time of the month" James said obnoxiously before he and Sirius began to laugh.

I watched as Remus tugged up his sleeves before reaching his hands behind Sirius and James's head and slammed their face's into their plates. A whole bunch of people burst out laughing including me and my friends as James and Sirius lifted their faces which had gravy, bits of meat, apple sauce and vegetables all over it. "You two so deserved that!" I said between giggles. "I'm going back to the dorm" Remus said before rising from his seat and heading out of the great hall. "Prongs, remind me next time not to piss off Moony again" Sirius said as he wiped his face. After dinner I headed back to the door with James and Sirius travelling behind me. I felt someone put something in my hand and saw James and Sirius run past me. I stopped and looked in my hand to see a note. I unfolded it and read what it said.

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