Mr. Cinnamon roll

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Jack's pov:

I smiled at mark as he pulled the car around to the front of the hospital for me cause the nurses wheeled me outside and mark wouldn't let me get up and walk even though I wasn't shit in the leg but in the arm. Mark parked the car and he came scrambling from the other side of the car. I tried to stand up but he kept telling me I shouldn't be walking so I had asked him what I should be getting into the car and then next thing he did made me squeal. He had lifted me up bridal style and he made sure not to move my arm. I wrapped my arm around the back of his neck and I kissed his scruffy cheek. He keeps saying he gonna shave it but I like the feeling of the beard so so far he's kept it just for me! I had been in the hospital for a full week and when mark wasn't with me he was making vidoes,helping Luna move in,or catching up with nixie,dolly,and Katie. He had some how got expected as one of the girls and he was dressed up and he had gotten makeup all over his face. He had shown me a picture of what he had done and I had nearly shot milk out of my nose from laughing cause he looked like the joker! Then he showed me a picture of what the girls had done and he looked like a professional drag queen all propped up in a tight dress and shiny black heels. His shirt hair had been put in curlers and came out looking so damn curly. I loved the look and I said I wish he had done this hairstyle sooner and he said he would try and learn from them all how to do things. I laughed when he said I was in love with a future drag queen. I guess I had been chuckling so hard that I made a snort sound cause mark glanced at me well he was driving. "What's so funny?" I laughed even more when he cocked his eyebrow. "I'm thinking of Ms.sparkleplier! What a lovely lady!" I watched as his handsome face crinkled up in such a crazy smile that it made me smile more which made him laugh so hard he ended up coughing a bunch from choking on some spit. "Come on now Jack you said I could go out with the girls and I didn't expect some of those guys hitting on me. I still love their faces when they found out I'm a dude. One did give me his number but I threw it out." He laughed as I tried to act jealous but I failed and he smiled more and nudged me a bit which made me tip over a bit and I almost fell into the floor board. Mark apologized a bunch as we pulled into the pharmacy parking lot. I righted myself in the seat as he pulled around to the drive thru to drop off my prescriptions. As we stopped the car a kinda tall guy came bounding up to the drive thru window. He was really skinny and he wore a lab coat that looked a size to big for him. He wore a big smile and he smiled to bounce in place like an excited puppy. He wore one of those turkey hats a fluffed up piece of golden blonde hair was poking out from under it. It reminded me of butter. His eyes are about as green as celery and he had a little beauty mark on his round boyish face. He wore a big shiny white smile and he was slightly tanned. "Hiya boys! I'm Mr.rodchester and I will be your pharmacist for today! What can I do for you huh,huh?" He bounced in place and his hat flopped around a little and his smile grew more. He reminded me of chica when we get home after leaving the house for maybe five or ten minutes. I just wanted to reach out and pet his short fluffy hair. I could tell from the way mark handed the pharmacist my prescriptions he wanted to reach out of the car and pat his head. Maybe even call him a good boy if he wanted to go that far. I watched as he typed in all of my information that mark gave him. He had a shinny gold ring on his ring finger and when he would look at it you could tell he got even happier which I didn't even know that was even possible at this point. He waved us goodbye and said he hoped my arm got better. He gave me and mark a sucker and an even bigger smile as he leaned out the window and waved us goodbye. As we drove out of ear shot I just looked at Mark. "Is it just me, or did we find the human version of Chica?" Something seemed to click on his head after I said that. "Holy shit you're right. I wanted to pet him too. Weird but, somehow comforting." I laughed as he kept talking."Yeah.... anyway. Where too again?" I looked at my phone as it buzzed on my lap. I had gotten a text from katie. I typed in my code and read her text."Katie asked if we wanted to hang out at her place. So I guess that's where we're going!" "Tally hoe! Off we go!" After that the ride was silent except for the radio that was playing classic rock or classic country. It was just Mark and I holding hands. Once in awhile I could feel mark running his thumb over my knuckles which brought a small smile to my face. He drove us to the house so I could change into some new clothes. I felt like a kid as he helped me take off all of my clothes including my underwear. I looked away and blushed as I held my bad arm gingerly. He dressed me up in some grey pants and a loose short sleeve dark green shirt. His has was completely red as he finished tying my shoe laces. I looked at my phone as mark went off to answer the door. Apparently Katie wanted us to be at her house around eight o'clock. I went down stairs to see who had knocked at the door. I smiled as I heard the click clacking of nails on hard wood. "I wanted to surprise you with chica when we got home!" He shut the door and walked over to me. He pulled me in for a kiss but he didn't hold me close like he wanted to. He didn't want to hurt me. "So when I filled out all that paper work to become a citizen I filled out paperwork for them to ship over chica!" Chica seemed to cheer as she heard her name. She had went galloping around the whole first floor of the house checking it all out to see if there was any danger or even loose food. She had sniffed and stuck her head in every nook and cranny of the first floor trying to find anything to play with. "I had nxie go pick her up. She said she was sorry she couldn't stay long. She had to go pick up dolly from work. I hope it's ok with you jacki?" I laughed at his silly question. "What would you have done if I had said no!" He chuckled and kissed my cheek. Chica barked at us because we haven't paid attention to her at all. I bent down and kissed the top of her fluffy gold head."I knew already that you wouldn't say no to me! Nor would you have turned down chica beaka!" He fluffed up her furry head. I checked to see what time it was after I righted myself. It was 6:30 so we still had a couple hours. "Hey mark how about we go get chica some food before we go over to katie's?" He grabbed his keys and he held his hand out for me to grab his hand. I waved goodbye to chica before I grabbed his hand. We went off and bought some groccieres along with a big bag of dog food and a new rope toy for chica. We fed chica and put everything up before We left for katie's. Mark sang a few songs on the radio which sent chills down and he some how got ke songing along to a few songs. To me my voice was trashy compared to his rich deep voice but when I stopped he got me singing again by cheering me on. We pulled up to Katie's house and it looked so beautiful. It was a dark grey house with two white flowerboxes. Two medium sized rose bushes sat on either sides of the front stairs , one was a white rose bush the other a red one. The front door was a dark charcoal with aquamarine and a few pure gold doves where painted in great detail all across the door. I reached forward and made sure not to knock on one of the doves. They looked so beautiful and real that it made kenthink they where real and I didn't want to hit the poor beautiful birds forever stuck in flight. After I knocked on the door Katie swung open the door and pulled me and mark in for a hug. Not to loose and not to tight but I have a feeling she would have hugged harder if I hadn't been in a sling. "Hey guys! Come on in and make yourself at home! Liam is upstairs changing! He just got off work thirty minutes ago." She smiled wide at the mere mention of her husband. It was a cozy little house. Nothing to dramatic but it has this feel that makes you want to stay here forever. It felt kind of like when you enter your favorite grandparents home. "It's so beautiful!" I looked around the house to see pictures of her and friends and a few that looked like she has hanging on to the guy from the pharmacy. "Thanks! Liam should be down soon. He's been working a lot lately. Says he wants to make a bunch of money for when the baby comes. He was so excited he nearly fainted when I told him last week. I'm just a month along!" A big beautiful smile was on her face. She seemed to glow almost as she rubbed her still flat stomach. " Katie had sat us down in the living room and served us each a glass of sweet tea when I heard someone running down the hall. A tall man came running into the living room. It was the guy from the pharmacy! He had changed from the lab coat to a thick festive thanksgiving and light brown pants with roasted turkeys and pumpkin pies scattered all over them. He wasn't wearing his turkey hat so his blonde hair was sticking up everywhere from the static. He was in these fluffy socks and they didn't seem to get along well with the hard wood floor cause he ended up taking a spill and he slid into a tall lamp that was standing up next to the recliner next to one of the windows. "Hey Liam sweety get up off the floor and met some friends of mine! Let me introduce you to Mark and Séan." She helped Liam up and stood the lamp back up. Thankfully the bulb didn't bust. "Wait weren't you the guy who we gave Jack's prescriptions to just 20 minutes ago?" Mark's jaw seemed to drop when he saw the man. "Yeah! Actually that was two hours and.... thirty three minutes ago! Sorry if I disturb you I never forget a face! I just love people! Well I love people but I love love katie and now this baby!!" He bounced his way over to us and shook Mark's hand really hard and fast. After he shook Mark's hand he gave him a hug and he pulled back. "Do you guys have a dog? I love dogs! People say I'm like a dog but I just don't see it? I mean I'm not fluffy and I don't have a tail. Well I don't think I have a tail do I?" We laughed as he looked back at his butt and spun around to see if actually had one. He stopped and shook my hand as well and shook it as equal and as hard as he had done with mark. He didn't hug me because he saw my sling. "I know what happened Katie came home crying cause she was scared when she heard your address on her radio." Everything about Liam seemed to droop when he talked about Katie crying. He yelped when Katie playfully shoved him. "I'm sorry about that. Liam is an extreme people person and doesn't seem to have a filter ever. He never tells one of my secrets and I guess I forgot to tell him not to tell anyone about that." I smiled at her as mark pulled me closer to him on the couch and he snuggled into my side. It's gonna suck getting used to using my left hand for the next few weeks and then the therapy. I kissed the bridge of his nose and suddenly heard a very loud overly dramatic gasp. I looked around to see Liam bouncing in place again. He grabbed Katie's hands and he held them tight. "What's wrong?" My voice came out a little sharp then I ment but that didn't seem to faze Liam in the slightest. "Katie! Katie! They can be our first couples friends!! I've never had a couples friend before!" I didn't know my shoulders where raised until I let out a sigh and they fell back down. Mark kissed my neck after I relaxed a bit more. "Sorry if puppy here scared you! He's never really been married before heck I was his first ever girlfriend! Can you believe that he's nearly thirty and he's never dated before!" She kissed his forehead and fluffed up the just now falling hair. "He doesn't really mean to come off as rude or offensive. He's sorta like a little kid. He's so innocent and cute!" She booped his nose and he sneezed so hard he flipped from his perch on the armrest of the chair he and Katie had been sharing. Katie leaned over the side of the chair to see Liam on his back with his long legs sticking straight up in the air and this cute laughter came bubbling out of his cute and funny face. Katie shoved his legs and they came down hard making a loud thud. Mark started laughing so hard I began to shake from the vibration of his chest. I laughed to as he rolled all the way over to where he was laying on his stomach. Suddenly a timer went off in the kitchen and liam went running into the kitchen. His socks wouldn't give him enough grip to fully stand up so he ended up running in there on all fours. After he was gone for a minute I turned my attention back to Katie. "How and where did you meet that fluffy pup of yours and how long have you been married!?" I rushed it out in one breath and that seemed to grab her attention again. "Well it was back when I went by my birth name kane." She had a whacky sigh as she went on. "I was born with both parts you see. So I guess my body finally made up it's mind and that's how and why I'm called Katie and I still look a bit manly." I never really saw her body as femine. She was a little taller than me with a bit more curve to her body then mine. She had nice plump cheeks with medium sized lips. She had long natural eyelashes and a nice amount of boobs and butt. "You don't look all that manly to me. What do you think mark?" He smiled a little as he held me tightly but not to tight on my shoulder. He knew I always felt femine. He's caught me looking in the mirror at my curves before and I had my hands on my thick hips. "She has a very femine body to me as well!" He smiled wide at Katie. "Well thank you boys! So my old partner at the time Officer dean had gotten a call over the radio saying that a druggy had been spotted near a park. And guess who was the 'druggy'?" I sighed. "Who?" She grinned and her eyes sparkled. "It was liam! Some people had seen him at the park and had reported him as a drug addict. You know how overly excited he is. He's....he's like a...." I chuckled at this. "Like a puppy?" She nodded. "That's the word! So I went over there and saw him bouncing around the place and I thought he was on some heavy drugs or something. His hair was waving around in the wind while his eyes sparkled like freshly polished emerald..." She sighed and seemed to be lost in thought. She noticed us staring at her in anticipation. "Sorry.... Anyway we got there my partner had me go up and talk to Liam well he slowly snuck around to the side of him incase he made a break for it. I went up to him and did the normal tests to see if he wasn't on drugs. Turns out the closest thing he had came close to was a hug pile of candy. We talked for a bit and I had to leave cause a call came over my radio. So he ended up giving me his number cause he was new to town and he wanted a friend! Poor fellow. When I finally figured out what I was I came out to him first. He let me cry on him when my girlfriend at the time broke up with me. He was there threw the whole changing process to. He even helped me threw a ruff time where people at my old station harassed me. I was truly falling for him then and I still am now. Eventually I asked him out on a date and the poor guy got so excited that he got dressed up so prim and proper for a date to a cafe! It kept on going like that until our relationship got deeper and deeper. Soon enough we got married and then a tear later we now have a cute little bundle of joy on the way!" Liam sure seems like a nice rock for katie. "I'm so happy for ya Katie! Sounds like a charmer." I could feel mark's face pull on a pouty face. "Don't worry Markimoo you're still number one to you. My beautiful,handsome man!" He kissed my forehead and I kissed his cheek. Liam came back into the living room with a turkey. He was like the Flash himself too. He came speeding out of the kitchen with this fantastic looking meal. He had made stuffing,mashed potatoes and a nice coconut cream pie for desert."Lady and gentlemen. Dinner is served! Voila!" It looked so. Fucking. Good. As he started to slice into it juices leaked from the cut. "That looks amazing!" I cheered and wiggled out of mark's lap."Jack.... you're drooling a bit." Mark laughed and stood up after me.  I wiped my mouth and my face grew red a bit. "Aw shucks! Thanks!I try my best since Katie needs to relax! I don't want any harm coming to my precious little leanbh!" A question mark seemed to for on mark's face as his eyebrows raised."Oh Liam... you should be relaxing! You've been working so hard lately. Take it easy! I don't want you getting sick you silly man!" Liam didn't really seem like he liked taking the advice buy he agreed and calmed down slightly."Oh ok... Anything for you Katie." I leaned over to mark and he leaned my way to. "Leanbh means baby." Mark nodded and smiled at me as he went back to his turkey. I looked over to see Liam feeding Katie a spoon full of mashed potatoes. "Liam why did you make so much of a fuss for us? It's not even thanksgiving yet!" He stopped half way through feeding Katie another bite. "Katie told me we where having friends over and I got so excited and I minored in culinary! We've never had friends over before and I had a break during lunch so!" I smiled at him and asked him to pass the gravy. We all sat down and began to feast.

A skip a skip a time skipey skip!

I sighed as I woddled out of the house with my stomach all puffed out. I'm so freaken FULL. I said goodbye to Katie and Liam and I said goodbye to katie's belly. That made Liam and Katie smile wide which made mark chuckle and kiss my cheek. I made it to the car and I heaved myself up into it. I groaned as I leaned back into the seat. My meds where wearing off and my shoulder had begun to burn during the middle of dinner but I didn't want to bother anyone but I could tell Liam was picking up on my pain. Cause every time I moved and I would clinch my jaw a little he would look my way with sad puppy dog eyes. I watched as mark walked over to his side of the car with little containers filled to the brim with leftovers from dinner. His big beautiful smile covered his face from ear to ear and when he opened the door his smile dropped a little. "What's wrong jacki?" I groaned and sat my seat up. "My shoulder's hurting a bit it's nothing to worry about marki." He sighed and went to the backseat and sat all of the food in the floorboard so the food didn't slide around or flip over. "If you where hurting you could've told me and I would've went and got your meds!" I turned to look at him and I groaned a bit from moving. "It wasn't fair to make you leave during liam's wonderfully made dinner and I'm not one to complain about myself." Mark sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as he turned on the car. "I know I'm not gonna get threw to you so just lay back and get some rest." I smiled and reached out my good hand for him to hold it. He now had a worrying mother hen kinda smile on his face as he held my hand tightly in his warm hand. I smiled and layed back and began to daze off to the feeling of the car moving and my stomach full of turkey.

TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YA LADDIES!!!! Hazel and soph here and we're wishing all of you a very merry winter holiday! I ment to post this on Christmas and then new years when I couldn't post on Christmas. So here we are beginning the new year with a cute little Liam cinnamon roll!AND WE'LL SEE ALL YOU DUDES IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!



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