Sunsets and love

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Luria's pov:
(Luna to any of you who has forgotten her real name)

I smiled as I saw my beautiful Alexandria come walking down the hallway. Her hair rolled down her shoulders in icy white waves. She had on her glasses that she used when she would either be reading or drawing.

She clutched her sketchbook close to her chest along with these fancy colored ink pens that took me ages to save up for

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She clutched her sketchbook close to her chest along with these fancy colored ink pens that took me ages to save up for. As she came closer you could hear the pens,pencils,and crayons rattling around in her huge backpack. I had her meet me in one of the empty halls ways for lunch and she had happily agreed. Mark had packed me so much extra food that the money in andria's had begun to gather dust. I also had her meet me here because I was sick and tired of jake and his gang harassing us. Then laura and her bitch brood would get jealous that jake and his gang wouldn't give them the time of day. Andria plopped down next me and I pulled out two tuna salad sandwiches and two chicken salad sandwiches along with an apple and a huge bottle of water. "Did you bring those cups I asked for m'lady?" My smile grew wider at her cute bubbly laughter as she pulled out two ceramic cup. They where elegant and smooth. They where short teal colored ceramic tea cups.

I still can't believe she's gotten so good at ceramics

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I still can't believe she's gotten so good at ceramics. Andria seems to master any artistic thing you throw at her but if I where to give her her math homework then her brain turned to puddy. Well mine does to so I can't say anything. I laughed from what I was thinking about and that seemed to draw out of her world of sketches. "What's so funny lu?" I love when she gives me nicknames and only her cause hers aren't mean nicknames. "Just thinking of that face you make when you're doing math!" I laughed more as she started making a monkey face. Her eyebrows lifted a little bit and her mouth was open like she was saying 'hur' and she scratched the top of her head. I laughed so hard that water came out my nose and it burned a bit but I didn't care. I guess fun times don't get to last forever because right after water squirted out of my nose like a spray bottle I saw Laura's mousy brown head come around the corner. It looked like a movie as her murder of crows strutted behind her like everything or everyone was below them. They all had their hair up in messy buns and they had long fake nails all painted a sickening color of pink. They had big dark Gucci sunglasses on and their make up looked as if they all had mini make up artists in their pockets. I could feel my blood boiling just from seeing their almighty bitchy looks. "Look what we have girls. TWO BIG FAT SLUTS! One who's so freaky that She can't speak. Then there's that sideshow who has two dads!"She smirked as she saw andria shut her sketchbook fast and then tried to hold it air tight to her chest. One of the bitches,kember. Saw the cups and walked up in her wedge boots and shattered them with one mighty soccer kick to the lockers behind us. She gave off a bubbly bitchy movie popular girl giggle and went back to her place in the group. Laura snatched the sketchbook from andria's mournful body. She tried to grab it back but one of the other girls,Ashley clawed her pale hand. It wasn't enough to make her bleed but bright red scratch marks where left on her hand. She shot back her arm and began to silently began to cry. She was never one to really stick up for herself. She hated fights and believed that there was still good in everyone. Insults where tossed our way as Laura flipped threw the sketches. Bitch,whore,sluts,freak shows,smart ass,fat,ugly was burned into our memories as those curses seemed to bounce around inside our heads. When Laura came across fully finished drawings she would tear them to shreds and call them ugly. That's when andria started crying loudly. She didn't cry for her shattered cups,she didn't cry for those horrid words that got stuck in her head. She cried because Laura was ripping pictures that she had drawn of me,of her mother,of her dogs. When Laura had found them she knew how much it hurt andria. So before she would ripe them she would show them to andria and then call them and their muses ugly,sluts,whores. This made me snap and right when I was about to get up and beat the shit out of everyone,one of the girls that was in track ran forward and tied me up in a hog tie with a scarf that I guess had gone out of fashion. I wasn't really into fashion. If I liked how it looked and it was comfortable I'd wear it. I was tied so tight that they had me sitting on my knees and my shoulders where pushed back so far that i was almost bent in half. One of the stronger girls that I knew was in kickboxing came up and started punching and hitting me in the head with her shin. Andria tried to scream but another girl stuffed a few wads of not yet shredded art work into her mouth. After a few minutes the bell rang and lunch was over. Laura and her crowd whipped around almost in sink and parted to let Laura walk up front. Before laura and her group left she yelled something back that I didn't know how to respond to. "Do you even know what your dads do? I bet their strippers or whores. Maybe a pole dancer!" She let out a cackling laugh as they walked away. Her group mimiced her but they made these caw sounds like crows. Andria calmed down some and got her ruined drawings out of her mouth. She crawled over to me and untied me. I smiled back at her and I started to feel queasy. She helped me up to go puke in the trash bin that was across the hall from us. I felt bad when I saw that I had just spewed chunks all over the remains of her sketches. I wiped my mouth on my sleeve and let out a shakey breath. "I'm sorry ria." Andria never really spoke much so she just peered into the bin and saw her stained book. She didn't cry,she didn't get mad. She just ran her hand up and down my back and had a concerned look on her pale face. She grabbed all of our stuff and packed the food that wasn't soaked or stomped on back up. She cleaned up the ceramic and ended up cutting her finger. I went to help her but she waved me off and nursed her finger by sucking on it. She finished cleaning and we walked out the door. Our teacher in this period was a drunk and never took attendance nor did he care. As long as we gave him a paper with our name on it we got one hundreds on it. "We can't go to your home. Your mom's always home. Let's go to my place. Don't give me that face I don't live with my dad anymore." We walked over to the bike rack and andria unlocked her bike. I hopped onto the pegs on the back after she got on and steadied it. After she had started pedaling I leaned forward and rested my chest on her back and I wrapped my arm around her waist. I thought it was cute when I saw blush creep across her pearly white cheeks. I told her the way and I squealed with joy when we came across big hills and we flew down them. After that andria would make sure we slowed down so we didn't flip and then we would pedal on. She got tired two streets away from the house so she slowed to a stop and I began to pedal us home. To steady herself andria wrapped her arms around my waist. I then felt her press her face into my back. I could feel her smile between my shoulder blades. I stopped us infront of my house and she hopped off. I grabbed the bike and threw it over the fence. I tried to open the front door but it was locked so I tried all of the windows until I found one of the bigger windows that was unlocked. I pulled it open and helped andria into the house. I then crawled up into the window and flopped down onto the kitchen tile. I looked up to see andria going around the kitchen making a pot of black tea. I got up and left to go relax in the living room. Right when I flopped onto the couch my phone began to explode with notifications. I pulled out my phone slowly and I flipped. My whole screen was covered in notifications from my facebook and instagram and text messages. I clicked on them to see pictures of mark hanging from a pole and him pouring shots. There was even a picture that looked new of him kissing another man. Their was a picture that looked like he was even part of an orgy. What the actual fuck is this?!?! Something white was covering parts of his face and his mouth was opened wide in a big smile."Ria!!" I practically screeched like bird as I stormed in to the kitchen "I see it too! This has to be photoshopped!" It all looked so real. It can't be photoshopped."Oh fuck... fuck... that bitch Laura..." I grasped my hair tightly in my hands and tugged on my short hairs. "I can feel the rage from here. Don't do anything drastic ok?" I screamed and started crying as I slammed my phone down hard. I could hear the sharp crisp sound of my screen cracking."I need to speak to Mark and Jack." I began crying as everything began to crash down on me. I could barely make out the sound of the door lightly scraping over tile on in the front hallway as it was slowly pushed open. "Sweet heart I'm home! How was school?" He pulled his suspenders off his shoulders gently and quickly. He then unclipped them and threw them onto the couch. He looked up to see my face covered in tears and smeared running make up. His eyes filled with concern but something inside of me snapped. My rage bubbled over and I exploded. "Something wrong?" His voice was so full of love and concern but my anger didn't seem to register that. I started yelling and screaming in his face and he seemed to shrink under my glare. I yelled about how mark was a whore. How mark sold himself to other people. How he danced on the pole. practically shoved the phone in their faces. Right when jack saw the screen he began balling his eyes out. A look of shock and hurt filled his eyes as he fully saw the image in question. He turned around and ran down the hall way and up the stairs to his room. I could feel the wall vibrate as he slammed the door. A couple minutes later a very confused looking mark came bouncing down the steps one by one with a loud thud. "What's wrong luna?" His deep brown eyes looked so loving and trusting but my rage still bubbled and boiled. Why are the men in my life such nasty and disgusting pigs? I shoved my phone in his face and stormed into the kitchen. I wanted to scream and cry but I just slid down the pantry door. I grabbed my hair in my hands so tightly that my already pale knuckles turned an almost unnatural shade of white. Tears ran down my face in a slient stream. I guess over the years of living with my father I lost my choking sobbing sounds and adopted this quite mess. I could hear andria explaining everything to mark. I heard him slap something on his skin. I curled in a ball as I felt heavy foot steps fall as they came my way. "Luna,Luna come on and look at me." His voice was so velvety smooth as he coaxed me to look at him. When I looked at his face all I could see was that nasty,vile picture. "Luna those photos aren't what they look like." I looked him right in the eye and he seemed to shrink back a little bit from my glare. "Well what does it look like!?!? It looks like you where being a whore!?" His eyes softened as he inched closer to me. "I've only been with two men before in my whole life. Well I did date one woman once but that doesn't count. We never went past holding hands back in our 'straight' days. Those pictures are clipped from my early videos." A slight edge was taken off my rage but my mind was racing from what he ment by 'videos'. "What do you mean by 'videos'?" I made air quotes with my fingers and his chuckles pissed me off. "Have you never been on youtube? People are always either hating me or their doing collabs with me. My name is markiplier on there. Those pictures are from the weird,early, and cringy days of my channel." I didn't quite believe what he said but I watched as he flipped through my phone and typed in something. "Here watch these." We sat there and watched video after video and my anger towards mark and jack began to fade. But it began to form into self hatred as I realised what I had just done. I had yelled at Jack and planted a seed of doubt in his mind about mark. Then I saw a video that made it even worse. There was Jack's final video. I watched in horror as I saw how miserable he was. From all that I had ever seen of him he had always been happy and always smiling. But here his hair was greasy and his eyes dull. A deep from was etched in his face in such a way that you could tell it had only just recently learned the expression. His beard was over grown and messy and his clothes stained and hug loosely on his frame. I looked at the comments and the newer ones where filled with caring comments but the further you went down the nastier they got. As the video came to an end I found Mark's video. As I watched it I began to grow scared of the man before me. His eyes looked like an angry volcano. His face was scrunched and his mouth spat hate and bits of slobber. By then end of the video he had calmed down slightly and I was shaking in fear. Why had I done this to Jack? "Mark we need to go find jack!?" I jumped up and ran down the hall way and up the stairs as I slipped my phone in my bra. I threw my hands at the door and began jiggling and pulling on the locked door in a despite attempt to open the door. I soon realized that I couldn't open it and I was strong enough to ram my body into the door. Suddenly I felt mark's strong a hands grab my arm and shoved/moved me put of the way as he began ramming his body into the door. One,two, three.

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