Pissy Mood and Kisses

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(You guys and gals or what ever you identify as better be glad I love you or platonicially love you cause I'm not normally sqeamish with blood and wounds and shit but I damn near threw up just trying to find this fucking one.)

Jack's pov :

I gasped as I streached and pain ran threw my calf. I looked down at my calf to see that it had bled threw the rag and it stained a small patch of my bed and sheet. I got up slowly and winced as I tryed to put weight on my leg. I shemmyed over to my closet and pulled out a pair of old crutches from way back  (lets all hop into the wayback and lets vist leonardo de vinchi!). I fitted them to the right height and hobbled clumsly to my bathroom. I looked around for my medical wrap and peroxide but I couldn't find it. I sighed and hobbled out of the bathroom and cursed as I bumbed my leg into the wall as I tryed to get out of my room. Key word:tryed to. I toppled over in the hall way and my thick skull made a loud booming sound as it the wall. I swore even louder as my head started pounding. I looked up at the wall to see what the damage was.Sighed as I saw a dent that I'd left in it. You'd think it'd have the word boss stamped in it but nope just my rotten luck. Loud thuds where heard in the hall as a bleary eyed glassless mark came out swinging a small wooden bat. I looked like a little kids t-ball bat. Where he got that thing I will may never know. "Who's there I'm armed?" He swung it around a couple times like a kid with a piñata. He tripped over one of my croutchs and the bat flew from his hands and went slamming down on my back. I swore in a deep scary sounding irsh (potato) voice. It startled mark and he jumped back up and searched around for the bat. He traced his fingers over the wall to move and his hand went over the hole and he cursed as he jammed his finger in it. "I don't think this is what my ma ment about not trusting bats merk!" I laughed as his blind eyes stretched wide and looked like big deer eyes. "Jack is that you?" I snickered. "Who were ye expecting, St . Patrick( have a very green St . Patricks day everybody!)!" He chuckled and stood up. He then offered me his hand and he pulled me up. On my way up grabbed a croutch and he jerked when he heard the sound of clanking medal(it's foxy in the vents! Run mark run!). "What's that jack yer not planning a sneak attack now are you?" I chuckle as I try to grab the other croutch off the floor. It had braced itself on the wall and if I left it there then mark could have easily tripped over it with his blind self. "Naw merk it's just croutchs also go put on your glasses on or your gonna end up killen someone!" His face dropped when I said croutchs but he smiled when I talked about him murdering someone just cause he was missing his glasses. "You could say I went into a 'blind' rage!" I chuckled and hobbled down the hall to the other bathroom and knocked on the door lightly. No one answered so I march/hobbled into there. I grabbed out the stuff I'd needed. I grabbed out the peroxide,disinfectant paste,gauzes,and the missing medical wrap. I sat down on the toilet lid and I unwrapped my calf. I looked at it in shock. It was bright red around the holes and there was nasty looking blood oozing out of the tiny holes. The once brown cloth was now dark shade of red. The holes looked a bit infected so I got to work. I pulled out a small wash cloth from a drawer next me and I wetted the cloth. I moped up the old crusty blood and I wiped up the blood that was coming out. I pressed the cool cloth to my wound as I popped open the top of the peroxide. The bleeding stopped a bit so I started pouring the peroxide on it. I hissed as I watched the small white bubbles rise up from the holes and a bit around it. I patted it dry and did that a couple more times. I pit little daps of the paste on each hole. Then I unwrapped a gauze and pressed it in place then I wrapped it up nice and tight and I glexed my leg. It hurt a little but it was better than earlier. I leaned out the door well leaning on the handle. I gasped as I almost opened the door right into mark's face. He stopped dead in his tracks and fell right on his squish able cute booty. I laughed as he swore this crazy ass curse. I limped out and looked down at him. Normally I have to look up at him a little but not much seeing as how his only a bit taller than me. I offered my hand and I pulled him up. "I see the crazed bat swinger finally foind his glasses! (WATCH OUT FOR THE CRAZED BUT STABBER! 😂)" I chuckled as he tryed to haul himself up without pulling me back down. Awe it feels so good to laugh. I've missed his laugh to. His deep rumbling chuckle that could make anyone smike maybe he could even get snape himself to even crack a small grin. He laughed and his face stretched to show his handsome smile. If looks could kill than smiles can bring you back to life. His smile made warmth flood into my cold soul. He stood up and he looked down at my calf. "What happened to yer leg?" He pointed at my now slightly bleeding leg. " Dia fucking diabhal é!?!" I huffed and hubbled back into the bathroom. I plopped back down on the toilet lid and hurriedly unwrapped and started reapplying everything. I put on two gauzes and wrapped it a little losser but still tight enough for pressure. I looked back up to see mark's face he just kept staring and it peeved me off a little bit. I hobbled past him I huffed in a slightly pissy mood. "I got forked that's all at work yesterday." I growled a little bit as I walked by. He just stood there as I hobbled by and cursed as I went down the stairs. Everytime I went down a step I would end up banging my leg off the step. I couldn't make up my mind on weather or not I should just slide down the banister or just keep going like this. The problem with the banoster was the idea of landing. "Fuck it." I grumbled as I slid down the banister and I friction burned my pour palms as I tryed to slow myself down. I cursed as I hobbled into the kitchen and rinsed off my hands. I grabbed the other first aid kit out of a small drawer next to the sink. I but a gauze on each hand after I put some more of the paste on it. I wrapped it up tightly and hissed at the bit of pain it caused. I wrapped it so tight and thick it was almost like having a cast on both hands. But I could still grab a cup with it. It was a bit slippery but still do able. I grabbed a beer and sat down on the counter. I twisted off the top and took a swig. It burned on the way down. Wow what kind of an irish man am I if I feel the beer of a cheap hardly even achoholic drink. I shrugged my shoulders as I continued to drink my beer. I was on my second beer when mark finally got down stairs. He just stood in the door way and stared at my bandaged calf. He looked up at my hands and sighed and I think whispered a curse when he saw the beer in my hand and the empty beer bottle poking out it's little glass neck from the sink. "Haven't you sen an irsh man drink before,hmmm?" I stared at him and gave him this sassy look as he finally snapped back to his senses. He choked and coughed as if he just swolloed a dust cloud. "So who stabbed you and why do you look ready to beat up rocky?" I chuckled as matk finally started to shine threw this new shy shell of his. He cracked a smile at me and I frowned back. "Oh I had a grand day at my job yesterday until she showed her ugly face. The nerve after whats she's down to me,us even. I can't believe she dares to show her hide to me. She had the nerve to almost get me in trouble then she fucking ninja stard a fucking fork at my leg!?!" I threw my hands in the air and I spilled a couple drops of beer on myself. I wiped off most of it but I didn't really care that much. "So where ya worken now jacki?" I smiled at him. "I'm workin at the towns bar and cafe the little brew! There's great people there and I get loads of tips and I man my own bar counter! It's a grand job and I've been friends with all of them and this girl alex is slowly turning into my new work best friend!" I watched as his smile turned into a pout as I said new work best friend. "iusedtobeyourworkbestfriend!" His bottom lip poked out. I decided to make this bold move. "If you don't put that lip back in I'll bite it!" He poked out his lip even more and he had this daring look in his eye. The other eye winked at me. I hoped up and hobbled over to him. I swayed my hips as best as I could with a limp but I managed. I got up to him and smirked. I grabed his bottom lip in my mouth and bite it teasingly. He gasped hot morning breath in my face and I gagged. Mark stole my beer and took a swig. I stared in shock at him. His crisp brown eyes blurred and he set down my beer on the counter. When he twisted back around he crashed his kissable lips onto mine and (guess what that cheesyness is realz!) sparks flew and erupted into fireworks in the background. He pressed deeper into the kiss and he made me gasp as he ran his hands threw my hair and down my back and he stopped on my butt. He sqeazed my arse and pressed even more into the kiss and his tounge poked out of his mouth and licked my bottom lip but I wouldn't let him in. He turned me around and pressed me against the wall. I pulled back and gasped for air. "M-merk why d-did you d-do that?" I was panting still as he answered. His eyes cleared and became crisp. "I've been meaning to tell you something jack." I nodded and egged him on. "ivebeendieingtoaskyouout." He rushed it out in one huge breath. I smiled at him. "What was that!" His face went red as he repeated it. "ivebeendieingtoaskyouout!" My smile grew elfish as I egged him on." I'm sorry but my we little ears didn't hear that!" His face grew even redder as he practically yelled it. "I'VE BEEN MEANING TO ASK YOU OUT YA IRISH POTATO!?!?" His voice grew shrill at the end. I smiled and kissed him hard. I kissed him so hard that we fell to the floor. I kissed all over his face and a little bit on his neck. I looked down to see that I had fallen down and stradled mark's waist. I felt something poke my leg and I looked further back to see mark's poor tight mustache boxers stretch to form a mustache tent. I jumped off and blushed pink as I saw how big of a tent it made. Mark hurried and flipped over and cursed as he hit the floor hard (thats not the only hard thing mark will hit! Wink wink nudge nudge!) I planted one more kiss on mark's burning hot cheek. I chuckled as mark tryed to hide his huge tent. "Well apparently I'm handsome then!" I made this mark's cheery red face stretched into a big grin as he looked at my face. He sat up and hunched over his lap totry and hide it.  He failed miserably. But hey its the thought that counts right! I leaned forward to kiss mark on the nose but he moved forward and we ended up kissing each others lips again. I felt the sparks light into a fire this time. It was so hot but it didn't burn it just kept inviting me in. He tasted like the best cookies,cakes and ice creams rolled into one big kiss (well all cookies and cakes well besides butter cream frosting it's to damn sweet for me but coodos to whom ever likes it. Also ice-cream is queen along with cookies as the king and cake is their baby.) I smiled as we finally stopped kissing. He smiled this doopy smile at me. His lips and probably mine where pink and slightly puffy. I leaned forward and you could practically here his breath hitch as he saw me lean in closer. Got in closer to his ear rn and whispered. "Yus!" His face flushed red as he wrapped me in a bone crushing bear hug. I cursed as my poor leg wacked the tile floor. Mark let go as I latched onto my leg. I shakily got up and hissed as I stood up and balanced myself by resting my hands on my knees. I stood up and hobbled to the same small drawer. I dug around in it and pulled out a bottle of pain killers. I popped in two pills and swolloed them. I turned around and saw the clock. I have an hour until I had to go to work and I still had to get dressed and find a ride to work. I rushed upstairs as best I could and I pulled out my uniform and hurried down stairs. I grabbed my phone and clipped on my tag an tie. I hurried over to mark and kissed him on the cheek. "Hey merki ya want to go to work with meh!" I smiled at him as he nodded. I laced my finger with his as we walked to the cafe bar. We got there two minutes early so I sat him down at my bar and fixed him a ginger ale. I payed for it with the tips that where on me. It was only 1.86€($2) but he kept saying he wanted to pay for it but I refused,it was my treat. I limped over to the back room so alex sitting on the orange crate. She had short legs dangling off the crate and swinging back and forth. "So who's the cutie with the gloden booty!" I chuckled as I remembered that mark had worn his bright yellow pants here. "Oh that's just my new boyfriend mark."I smiled as I watched her jaw drop. "See I told ye that you could get a hottie ya debby downer! Now introduced your bestie to your hotty babe of a man out threr!" (I'm ok with people saying babe but I want to slap people who say bae. It literally means poop in one language and bye in another one.) I chuvkled and clocked in. I dragged her out by her hand as I walked us over to the bar. "Hey marki my friend tomato face over here wanted me to introduced you to her. Alex say hi to mark!" Mark turned around and made a smexy face at me and winked. My face grew red and I laughed as alex's jaw dropped again. I put my hand under her dropped jaw and shut it. It made a popping sound when it hit the top of her mouth. It snapped her mind right out of the probably lovely gutter. "Hi I'm mark and jack's told me a bit about you. I'm still sad on not his work best friend anymore!" He made a cute pouty face and I bit his dangling lip and he kissed my cheek as I let go of his lip. "Also I think someone else besides me likes yer golden booty!" I pinched his butt as I walked around the back of my bar. He jumped but smiled at me. The bar slowly filled with people some going to the bar others sitting at the tabkes or just to get out of therain and to smoke a fag. By the end of my shift my tip jar had been filled half with eruo the other half with numbers yet again. How fucking thirsty are these people in town. Like seriously my boyfriend is sitting right there. I walked over to alex and we added our tips together. We split up our tips and talked about crazy costumers. "This one guy kept trting to pick me up it was so freaken funny. It was that tall brunette guy that stayed tell almost closing. He was so fucking thirsty. He kept grabbing my butt when I walked by. Like seriously what the fuck dude my boyfriend was right there. So I called over mark and kissed the shit out of him right there. Poor guy got a boner again. He had to go fix himself in the bathroom." I blushed as I said this. I must be freaken hot in his eyes to give him a boner twice today justfrom kissing. Watchwe go to have sex and he's a limp banana. I turned around to see mark walking out of the bathroom well ue zimped up his pants. Then a few minutes later this other guy came strutting out of there. My ueart sank a bit until I saw the guy walk over to this chick and kiss her full on the lips. She laced her dainty arms around his strong next as he pick her up and monovered her around so that they walked out withthe guy giving her a clumsy piggyback ride. I let out this big sigh as the walked by me. I smiled as mark walked over and rested his scrubby head on my shoulder. I waved to alex as we walked out of the bar.

TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YA LADDIES!!!! Hazel here with a new chapter! I would have added more but wattpad is beeing so slow with keeping up with this skill#noskillatall. Oh well I'll add more detail in the next chapter. Word count 3224. AND I'LL SEE ALL YOU DUDES IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!

~♡ hazel ♧

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