I love you to pluto and back

34 1 4

Jack's pov:

I woke up to sun in my eyes and someone slightly nudging my shoulder. I tryed to roll over and continue snuggling this squishy warm thing next to me. My eyes focused and I saw my beautiful markimoo snuggled into my side like a kitten. He's muffled snores felt like purring to! I chuckled and closed my eyes again until I heard someone say my name. I cracked my eyes open again slightly and I could make out a blurry looking woman. I opened them wider to see a worried looking Katie looking down at us. "Aye katie how long has it been? A week a day or two?" I smiled as she chuckled. "Ok smartypants I missed you to." I chuckled at her slight smile and chuckle. "So who was it this time? Ex girlfriend or freaky night at the bar gone wrong?" I laughed." How far off you truly are ma'am! Weird guy in his underwear!" I laughed a little more which made me groan and laugh more as I saw her blush a little. "So I see you and mark gotta freaky with your roleplay!" I laughed so hard I was crying from the joke and the pain. I then heard mark groan and yawn as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. He opened his practically blind eyes. I guess from what he could hear was me crying so his eyes snapped wide open and he bolted into an up right position. His fists where up and his tired face was all red and the lines from his face pressing into the bed was an even darker red. I patter his shoulder and I used his strong shoulder to help me pull myself up. I wrapped my good arm around his stomach and I rested my head on the middle of his back. He relaxed a little at my touch which made me smile." It's just Katie sweetheart. No need to go up in arms,you don't want to go to jail for beating up an officer do you?" I smiled more as he melted into me and apologized to Katie. I put my legs on either side of him after my back started getting uncomfortable from being all twisted. I hissed from the bit of pain I felt when my shoulder pressed against his shoulder. He whipped his head around and so I tryed to dodge his head from hitting mine. I found out the hard way that hospital beds aren't that wide. I ended up flipping myself off the bed and I landed on my stomach which made the air rushed out of my lungs. I just layed there like a dead person as I tryed to get air back in my lungs. My throat hurt like hell and my shoulder made me have pitch black and blinding white spots dance across my vision. I looked up and I barely made out what looked to be a very out of focus stranger running around the bed and bending down to pick me up. I wiggled away as best as I could but I didn't feel them grabbing me. My eyes focused and my shoulder didn't feel like it was on fire anymore. It still hurt some but not as badly. I sat up with a groan and I saw who had tryed to pick me up earlier. It had been an extremely teary eyed mark. I slowly tried to stand but I guess one of my legs didn't have the same idea because it decided to buckle and I went falling to the floor. Before I hit the floor completely I felt someone grab my good shoulder. I'm so glad that didn't grab my sling because that would be hurt like a bitch and it might've broke my stiches. I looked up to see my red eyed markimoo lifting me back up on my bed before I ripped out my I.V. which wasn't doing anything for me to begin with. "What's wrong markimoo?" I smiled at him and my eyes pooled with concern as I waited for him to wipe away his forming tears. I patter the seat next to me and he stood there like he was trying to figure out if I was going to kill him or not. This truly hurt my feelings and I guess mark picked up on that cause he quickly sat down but he sat at the foot of the bed and on the edge as if he was going to have to make a run for it or something. "I'm sorry." We sat there shocked that we had said that together and we started to laugh a little. "No you go first!?" Katie chuckled a little and I let mark go first. "I'm so sorry I hurt you...." I sighed and leaned forward. I put my finger on his lips which seemed to hush him before he went into this whole thing on how it was his fault. "I was the one who pressed my shoulder up against your back. I should know what hurts and doesn't. Now don't get all panicky and freak out on me. I don't need someone ditching me when I'm like this." I wiggled my arm a little to show my point but I ended up making myself wince a little. "Ya gotta heal this wounded bird's wing marki!" I smiled slightly as I waited in silence for him to answer. He sat there with his jaw slightly unhinged but I put my hand under his chin and I ran my fingers delicately under it a little before I closed it for him. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "I'd never do that to you sean." He slowly pulled me into his lap and I twisted around so I could sit on his lap and talk with katie. "So Mark's told me about Liam and micheal! How are you three?" She smiled and blushed as she rubbed her stomach. "OH MY GLOB!!!! ARE YOU PREGNANT?HOW FAR ALONG ARE YOU?!DOES LIAM KNOW? DO YOU HAVE NAMES?" I jumped off the bed or more like ran off of it and I dashed over to katie. I laughed as I tryed to lift her with one arm. But I got yanked back and the I.V got yanked out of my arm. I hissed as I got yanked back and hit the floor. I hit the floor hard and blood splattered the wall a little bit. My chest tightened from the pain as my lungs screamed for air. My shoulder hit the floor so hard I could hear the stitches pop and blood make a squishing sound. "Ow!This hurts like a major bitch! But to be honest I'm not surprised this happened..." I said as the blood began to trickle down my arm and chest as I gingerly sat up "Jacki! Are you ok!? I'll get the nurse!" Mark said as he immediate pushed the nurse button and dashed of the room. "Are you ok Jack? It's looks bad...." Katie said. "Don't worry Katie a couple more stiches and I'll be good as new." I smiled as I tried to reassuring her. "I worry for you sometimes you know..." she sighed and smiled grimly as she started to walk me over to the bed. "At this point who doesn't?" I tried to sound a bit sarcastic but it came out in this strangely depressing tone I guess whiched shocked katie. Before katie could question my tone the nurse rushed in with a doctor followed by a terrified looking mark. I winced and sighed as they stuck a needle in my arm but then it went numb. I could feel the pressure of them sticking the thread and needle threw my skin. I kept wanting to look but the nurse would then make me turn and face her. She had a nice classic look to her aging face. She looked like a young magda gabor. When they were done they told me it was just best if I rested a bit more and didn't move around like I had been. I don't usually like to stay in one place too long but I'll make an exception for poor markimoo. I can't stand the thought of him leaving me like everyone else. After the doctors left and Katie said her good byes, Mark just sat there in the corner with his head in his hands. I could see his shoulders shaking. I really wanted to get up and hug him but Mr. goody two shoes markimoo wouldn't possibly let me get up even to comfort him. "Hey Marki?" I tried to smile for him but I couldn't possibly stand to smile when I saw his tear streaked bloodshot eyes. "Y-Yes-s j-jack-k?" The shakeyness in his voice just felt so out of place in his normally happy deep voice. "Where is Luna?" I tryed to make my voice stronger but it sounded so tiny compared to the barely even awake hospital. "S-She's i-in a-another-r-room-m b-but she-e should-d be here-e s-soon to v-visit." "Ah, ok. And one more thing Mark..." A shaky smile tried and almost failed to form on my tired face. "Yes-s?" "I love you, you know that?" "I love-e you to-o." He seemed a bit worried when my eyes started closing but I beckoned him over and he slowly came over. I held out my hand and it seemed to shake as I held it out. It was pale and skinny. It kinda looked like it belonged to an old man who hadn't seen the sun in a long time. Mark placed his velvet soft hand into my hand. We seemed to be opposites but we also seemed to complement each other. I kissed his tanned knuckles and smiled. "My mother always said to save the best for last when it came to eating my vegetables." I watched as a chuckle some how escaped from Mark's drooping face. "It looks to me like the universe did the same thing with my love life." I smiled and chuckled a little. I kissed Mark's knuckles and he blushed a bit." Marki you are and will always be my one,true,and final love." I shakeliy reached my hand up further and my small fingers wrapped around the collar of mark's shirt. I pulled him down and I kissed mark deeply. "Mark..I..love..you." A small ghostly smile formed on my lips as I kissed the bridge of mark's nose. My eyes grew fuzzy as small tears fell on my face.

Time for a time skipey scap!! Woooohoo who's missed us?

I groaned as I woke up to someone poking my good arm and I jumped when they almost poked my eye. "Jack.......Jack........JACK........JACK WAKE UP!" I shot up straight. "WHaAT!" I laughed as I felt my dry throat have me a voice crack. "I'm here!" My eyes finally focused and I got so excited when I saw luna! "Ah! Luna you're here! How's my little girl doing!?" I grinned but I was kinda sad that I couldn't throw my arms in the arm. Damn sling won't let me. I pouted a little but I smiled after. "I'm doing better! How about you?" She seemed to look over me like a mother hen which made me chuckle. "I'm..... actually doing better. I just wish I could get out of here soon." I groaned like a slightly pissy teenager which made Luna laugh. Gawd I love the sound of laughter! It's like a drug! "I
r-really hope so to..." Mark seemed to melt out of one of the dim corners of my room. I turned to look at him and my mouth fell open in horror. He had dark blood shot eyes with bags under them. They looked so dark it looked like someone had smeared coal under them. His skin was so pale it only seemed to hold the ghost of a tan. His hair was so messed up it looked like he had been doing nothing but pull on it. He smelled like he hadn't showered in a few days and his clothes were dirty and rumpled. "Mark, how long have you been here?" My throat was so tight that I choked on my words as I looked my poor boyfriend over again. "I haven't left your side since I went and got the doctor...." Mark's pale watery eyes seemed to zone out and fill to the brim with such sad heart broken tears. "Mark you can't do this to yourself. It's not good for you." I tried to get up to go to him but he rushed over shakely and made me lay back down. "I didn't want to leave your side.." He looked down on me with his darkening eyes with love and worry as he pushed my fluffed up hair. "Mark lay down with me. Please!" He gingerly layed down next to me but he was laying down on the edge of the bed. I pulled him close and I could feel his stomach growl as it practically tried to eat itself. "Look at you!? You're practically wasting away!? You should take better care of yourself. So please, take care of yourself. For me?" I didn't notice I was crying until he placed his place hand on my cheeks and brushed away the tears."For you love. I'd fly to pluto and back." His voice was so sticky with love that they seemed to get stuck in my head and filled my heart so fast that it over flowed. He looked over to Luna and smiled a little. "Can you watch Jack for a few while and make sure he doesn't bust his stiches again? I need my stomach to stop sounding like a zombie from the Walking Dead!" "No problem. Have fun and bring me back a muffin please!" She yelled to him as he ran out of the room after he blew me a kiss and dashed out on wobbly legs. I caught the kiss and held it close to my chest. After awhile I couldn't hear mark's bounding steps and Luna turned back to me and she giggled a little at my antics."So,when's the wedding?" She grinned and wiggled her eyebrows. I blushed and made her tell me about the things she and her girlfriend Alexandria have been up to.

TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YA LADDIES!!!! Hazel and Sophie here with a new chapter! I hope you all liked this chapter! It took me awhile to write because I recently found out I have brouncits. So I don't know who I offended this time but please stop. PLEASE!


Ps it's me Sophie. Just a friendly reminder if anyone gets majorly offended by the smallest things.... the door to the book is in the upper left hand corner. Also anyone who criticizes Hazel....  well, I'm just gonna stop there... luv ya all~!

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