Court day

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Mark's pov:

Today's the day that I get to be a free bird! Out of these metal bars! Shermie got released a few days back so I've been quite lonely lately. It's not like jack or Katie haven't been down here it's just they can't be with me all of time like he was. I sighed as I leaned against the cool brick wall of my cell. It's got quite hot over the week an a half I've been here so this has been my favorite place to be. I feel so damn disgusting because I haven't showered since the day before I got picked up. It's not like I don't shower a lot it's just that I like showering before I have to go to bed is all. Its been a couple of weeks since then though. As I was dozing off I started to hear the clicking and rattling of someone walking down the hall with a ring of keys. This big burly looking man came strutting down the hall like he was top dog when I know for a fact that the chief was this fifty maybe sixty year old man not this cocky asshole. He stuck the key for my cell in the keyhole and he whipped out his handcuffs and he yanked me up by my arm. "Jeez you could have just asked and I would have stood up!" He just snorted at me and put on the handcuffs extremely tight. Damn you would have thought that I was made out of jelly or something by the way he treated me. He shoved me down the hall and each time he pulled me back up by the cuffs. Each time he did this it made me want to kill him. No one should be treated this way no one in my eyes at least. I wanted to reach around and strangle him. It takes a ton to get a raise out me. Boy does this man get a raise out of me and not in the good way. I huffed and heaved as I got hit straight in the side of my gut by his nasty knuckles. Calm your tits mark think of jack. Think of holding him without fear of another cop walking in and pulling him away. Think of eating homemade food instead of that half baked can of soup! I snapped back to reality or more like got yanked back to it as he pulled my greasy tangled hair hard once which made me hiss in pain. I'm seriously going to need to speak to the chief when I get the chance. This guy is so damn mean he even did this to poor ol shermie! He then all of a sudden made it look like I was trying to escape when we reached the other cops. He would yank back my hands when he thought I was trying to run. Which in the real world I was walking a step infront of him. He even tripped me when no one was looking. When I went to stand up my hand landed on a stapler and in his twisted brain he thought I was gonna shoot him with it so he practically punch my hand. The stapler made a double staple sound as he pulled me up. This hand is going to be so bruised later. This is probably the happiest I've ever been in my life to be in a courtroom. I was shoved down in a sit across from the bitch as she sat there with the world's fakest bruises and scared face. The warmth vanished from my body when she started to cut her eyes at me every once in awhile as if she where a scared bunny but in truth. I could feel my depression and my anxiety sink back in. I'm the prey and she's the predator here. I'm going to die here!? I could feel my stomach knot as the door creaked open. People shuffled in and the jury went into their little box well they gave me dirty looks. The cop undid my wrists and they had purple marks on them. They had peeled skin with tiny dots of blood cropping up here and there. I rubbed my sore wrists well I turned around to see jack looking the sharpest he's probably ever been in his life. He had on a lime green tie and his hair freshly dyed dark seaweed green. He had on his work outfit but without the suspenders and he surprisingly didn't smell like alcohol like he normally did after a shift. He settled in a seat right behind me and he smiled this smile that made the world that was crumbling around me rise back up. The smile held doubt and fear yet hope,hope was the glue that held together him together. I wanted to kiss him to make the doubt leave those eyes of his. He reached forward and rested his hand on my shoulder and he squeazed it a little bit. I leaned my head against his warm hand and the heat flooded back into my body when he kissed my cheek. Oh God I hope this jury isn't homophobic as hell. The rude cop cuffed me to the table with a nasty clicking sound as they locked on tight. Eventually everyone filed in and they put the bitch on the stand. She acted all scared and shy about going up there. She better be fucking scared of me for what she has done to me. She told her side but two things struck me funny. 1: I can't get drunk, I'd die. 2: I don't work somewhere else,I work at home. I looked at the jury and they seemed to fall for her sap story on how I beat her almost to death every night. I've barely seen her since I've moved here. They then called me to the stand. The prick uncuffed me from the table but then redid my hands in front of me. He practically shoved me into the seat behind the booth. I finally sat down and the questions began. "Is it true that you beat this woman when you came home,staggering drunk." This lawyer had a slow drawl to his voice but he had a high voice. It was really weird, I truly wanted to laugh every time he spoke! He had a slim fit pinstripe suit with a blood red tie. He had fluffy short black hair with sharp old gray-black eyes. "I'm sorry to say this but that could never happen sir. "I looked past him at Sean. He had a look on his face that almost looked like my mom's don't you fucking dare face mixed with her proud face. "Why might that be Mr.fishbake?" Ugh he's one of those people. You know those people who misspronose your name. I kept my eyes on Jack but also on this lawyer. It truly helped that he always stood in front of him to! This helped calm me down some. "I can't get drunk sir, I'd die." I could see the gears turning in his head. "Why is that and what happens when you do?" Ugh did you do any research demon and lawyer!? "I guess it has something to do with being half Korean. When I did drink enough to get drunk I recently got seriously hospitalized from health issues." I looked back at the jury to see them changing their minds slightly. "When did you find this out sir?" I groaned in my head. You seriously are the worst lawyer!? " Back in 2015 on march the 22nd. I haven't touched a drop since." Her story unravels more. I fought a smirk from spreading across my very boring plain face. "How long have you been dating Ms.lestrange?" Why would I date that abusive animal!? " I have never dated her. I have only met her briefly." Your story dies more Ms. The lawyer turns on his heels to face the judge. "I have nothing left to say your honor. " I was let off the stand and the judge let us out for recess. The rude cop recuffed my hands behind my back and then he shoved me out of the court room and off down this hallway to this cafeteria that branched off from it. I found jack sitting in the corner smiling at me with a big bowl of steaming hot dumplings just sitting in his lap screaming for me to eat them. I was starving so right when the cop shoved me away from him, I speed walked my way over to my precious jacki. I plopped down on the bench right next to him and I wished that I could hug him. "I would hug you right now but you know!" I wiggled my shoulders a little and I smiled a bit at him. He giggled back and he sat the food down on the table. He then jumped forward at me and wrapped his arms around me. His arms where so tight that he almost hugged me to death. I rested my head on his shoulder and dug my chin a little bit into his shoulder. Jack giggled a little more at this. He ended up sitting on my lap and he made me groan. He looked down and then he looked back up at me and wiggled his eyebrows. I blushed and he got up off of my lap. He then shifted in his seat and I saw that he had a 'issue' as well. "You're so cute you know it!" He hugged me a little then let go of me. Then he scanned the room to see if anyone was looking. I guess the coast was clear because he suddenly slammed his lips onto mine and as quick as the kiss had begun it was over right then. "I've missed you so much marki." A tear rolled down his smiling happy face. I wanted to wipe it off so badly but I really couldn't. "What's wrong love?" I smiled lopsidedly at him as he sniffled. He looked like a little blue eyed, white baby bunny with grass stains in its fur. "I-I'm just s-so happy t-to see a-and hold y-you!" I leaned forward and kissed him on the nose. "I've missed you to jacki!" He smiled more and wiped the tear away. There was still a faint hint of a tear trail on his pale fuzzy cheek. "So I figured       t-the food here isn't a-all that grand and s-so I made this for you!" He grabbed a spork off the table and scooped/stabbed a bit of the dumplings and he went to feed me. I felt like a little kid as he spork fed me dumplings. Some of the sauce began to drip down the side of my cheek. So jack grabbed a napkin and wiped it off for me giving me on of his caring smiles. It's moments like these that I miss since I went to that place. The cop caught him doing it and marched over. "Times up." he said as he took the handcuffs pulling me along with them.  "Hold on a second officer but we still have-"But before Jack could finish the officer growled at him. "I said, times up." He yanked at my hand cuffs and pain shot threw my wrists. He then yanked his hand down hard on me.  (Oh the jokes in the comment section..) "H-Hey!" I said gritting my teeth. I felt something warm and familiar run down my arms. I looked down slightly to see that blood had started to run down my wrists. "Th-that really hurts!" I said but he ignored me. "Excuse me? Officer Wilfred? I'm changing with you. You can leave this poor man alone." said a familiar feminine voice. I turned my head around and saw Katie. He huffed and with a venomous glare he stormed off. "Are you ok Mark?" she asked taking the handcuffs off. "That guy did a number on my wrists." I winced as I rubbed my wrists and showed them my wrists.

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