chapter 13 - merry Christmas

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  John's pov

  Me, Paul, ringo, George, Brian and the rest were all stood in the airport besides the runway waiting for them to attach the stairs to our plane. The so far day had been uneventful to say the least and we all couldn't wait to get back to Liverpool. Especially me as I had a plan to put into action.
  I thought it up when we were going to the airport in the taxi and just couldn't shake it out of my head. It'd take a lot of work but if we're back at 1pm like we were promised, I could enrol the help of rigs to get it done for tonight. How Paul was going to react to it was unknown as well  but I'll just hope for the best.
  Speaking of Paul, the cute beatle had drifted off to sleep in the taxi and had never really woken up properly since. We was walking, if you could call it that, but his adorable eyelids were dropping and his hair was messy. Once he was awake he'd be embarrassed all his teen fans and paparazzi saw him like that but it didn't matter. He looked cute now.
  We had both changed when we got back to the hotel into our signature beatles suits the airport would be undoubtedly buzzing with fans trying yo catch a glimpse of their favourite Beatle and we couldn't be seen in old baggy jumpers. Especially not around Brian who surely would have killed us.

  "Ready boys?"

  Brian asked as we saw the machines retreat and the worker wave us over. We all nodded our heads apart from Paul who just stood there with the same dazed look he'd had on all day.


  Paul moaned as he wrapped his bony arms round my neck. You could barely tell he was so skinny under he suit because they were so bulky. That didn't mean it was impossible to see though as, as his arms reached up and wrapped around my neck I got a look at his tiny wrists. Poor thing. I knew he was tired having not slept and had an emotional night. Not to mention the complete lack of food he'd been eating. Only a few minutes though until he can go back to sleep on the plane. Or less...

  "Here we go."

  I whispered into his ears as I crouch down slightly to grab both his legs because I stood up and held him in my arms, bridal style.

  He tensed was I felt his thighs but relaxed a few seconds later as he let his eyes close again. He has gotten a lot better with touch since I made him tell me everything. He still didn't go near us much and carrying was obviously a bit much for him but it's decidedly a lot better than he was previously. Where he didn't even want to be in a car with any of us touching him- which was impossible.

  "John? We're leaving! Put Paul down."

  Brian ordered as we walked through the doors and into the runway lined with thousands of fans. Who's screams only got louder when all of us came into sight.

   "He's sleeping."

  I said simply before I plasters a big grin on my face for the crowed and quickened my pace slightly so I was next to ringo and George. Both of whom smiled and laughed at Paul's sleeping state. 
  Carefully I clumped the stairs to the plane. Making sure not to startle Paul who was silently sleeping against my chest even with the loud screams coming from all angles.

  I don't know how he does it. But i don't know how he does anything he does.


   Rings pov

   "So what's the plan?"

  I asked as I took a seat on the wooden chair opposite John in his and Cynthias home. We had all barely been home a few hours before I got a call from John asked me to come round to help "execute a plan" he had. I had bored so I didn't question it as much as I probably should have and just got the nearest bus over.

paper crown (been rewritten better under the name "Wonderwall - mclennon")Where stories live. Discover now