chapter 5

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*ding ding ding*

  My eyes blinked open. Where was I? What was that noise? A yellowish light was shining on me from the cieling through my squinted eyes.
   Gradually my eyes began to focus and I could take my surroundings. I was on the stairs, laying on the stairs even. My back hurt along with my stomach. How long have  I been here?

  My eyes darted to the old grandfather clock on plain the wall. Wow, I was only out a few seconds. Great. I mean I lost the challenge but at least no one was going to come looking for me.

  I pulled myslef up to my feet. Feeling as if the world was spinning around me as I did so. My hands gripped the banister tightly to steady myslef. I needed sleep. I needed to eat.

  But I couldn't do that. I should just sleep instead. I'll stay as far away on the bed from John as I could to avoid any touches to my chubby arms and thighs and I'll hopefully be a good night's sleep and be ok by the morning. Hopfully.

  Slowly, using the banister and doors for support I pulled myslef to mine and John's hotel room. Once I finally had my hand on the door knob I stilled outside the door.

  You can't do this Paul.

  I straitend my back and relaxed my sholders before knocking. Everything's ok.

  George's pov
"You took your time."
  I commented as the door was opened by Ringo and a very disheveled Paul walked in.
  Seeing the boy shoot up the stiars 5 minutes ago really made me think the bassist  was going to win our stupid race like he's done so many times before.  But somehow he lost today. I mean I'm great full because I haven't won in months but still it's strange.

  "Needed the loo."

  He commented. Sounding remarkably of breath as he said so.

  Probably the stiars.

  "Ah, well that loo break as cost you to buy us a paint each!"

  I declared. Making Ringo cheer in agreement with me. Paul only smiled and sat down on the couch next to me and Rigs. Some random show was playing that I didn't quite know the name of but we didn't mind. It passed the time while we waited for john to make our tea so we could go to bed.

  It wasn't everyday that John offered to make tea. Or offered to anything like that fir us. Normally all the 'motherly' jobs were left to Paul to handle even though he rarely made himslef anything we ate as he was "going off it". We always joked that America's ruined paul. He doesn't eat our crumpets, full english breakfasts or our tea. He just says he doesn't feel like them anymore.

  But that's nothing a few weeks back in England won't fix.

  "Teas ready children!"

  John yelled from the kitchen in a high pitched voice. He emerged with a try of four cups of tea and 8 digertives. Two for each of us.

  "Thanks mum."

  Ringo laughed as he took his cup and digestives from the tray, me doing to same afterwards.

  "And my favorite child, paulie."

  John said in the same high pitched voice as before. Making us all burst out laughing as he set the whole try on Paul's knee before he took his own stuff and sat down between him and Ringo.

  "How's come he gets a tray mum?"

  I asked, rubbing along with the joke. John dunked his digestive in his tea and took a bite out of it before answering my question.

  "Because he's my favorite and he gets privileges."

  "That's fucked up."

  Ringo commented, shoving the last of his digestive into his mouth and chugging down his tea.

  "It's the truth."

  John commented. Making all three of us burst into laughter. I glanced over to Paul. Perhaps he wasn't laughing because he didn't want to be teased? He was just sipping his tea slowly and watching the tv.

  Oh he just wasn't listening.

Ringo's pov

  "Are you going to eat those?"

  Goerge asked paul. Nodding to the uneaten digestives on his tray. He shook his head and continued watching the tv. Letting George lean forwards and take them.

  "Oi! Stop taking paulie food."

  John warned, making George smirk as he popped an entire one in his mouth.

  "Wow deep throat."

  I commented, making John burst out laughing and George start choking.

  "Serves you right."

  John laughed as snatched up the remaining biscuit before turning to paul.

  "Come on darling. Eat up."

  John said to Paul as he broke the digestive into quaters. Paul just shook his head and closed his eyes.

  He hadn't been eating much latly. I've noticed him dropping pounds a little too quickly. I had made a comment about it to John today just before we went on stage only really to get a second opinion on it. Maybe I was just crazy.
  John agreed though. He had noticed it to. He was shivering quite often aswell. He didn't have enough meat on him.
  It was just the tour though, we agreed. I mean it couldn't be any other reason. Paul always got home sick so it is reasonable to think his lack of eating was just because he was sad from being away from home. At least we were back tommorow. Well to Liverpool at least.

  We were going to be in a hotel there for a week or so near the air port before we flew off yet again.  But that would give Paul loads of time to see his family.

paper crown (been rewritten better under the name "Wonderwall - mclennon")Where stories live. Discover now