Chapter 21

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Ringos pov

After a few awkward minutes of silence we eventually broke into an easy chat. John didn't speak at all and kept his eyes fixated onto the TV screen that was playing a show while Paul and I spoke. The show was one I would have never guessed him to be interested in but regardless he spent a solid hour watching it until we heard the door bell ring.

"I'll get the door!"

Paul chimed with an easy going smile on his face. He seemed rather happy the whole time we've been here, it makes me feel less worried about him. Maybe he was just too stressed and busy that he never took enough time to eat. Surely after this though he'll get back into the swing of things.

"no no, Paul. I'll get it, the hospital did tell you to rest and all that."

I stood up before Paul did and walked past John, who was still very absent from our conversation, and towards the from door to let the rest in.
As I opened the door I was met with brain's and George's smiling faces. In Brian's hands were some papers and in George's were a tin of digestives, so very George.

"come in guys! We're in the living room."

I stepped out of the way to let them in and we all shuffled back go the living room and took a seat. Soon after Brian began to speak.

"so, Paul, if I remember correctly you need to use your tube in an hour, correct?"

Brian stated, making me and the other two oblivious Beatles turn and stare at our manager. What the fucks a tube?


George asked, taking the words right out of my mouth. Brian only shook his head and continued to look at Paul inquixitively.

"No, I don't think so."

He said simply, messing with his thumbs on his lap. Why would he leave out such a big part of his treatment?

"I'm pretty sure the hospital said you had to. I suggest you take it soon because in an hour and 15 minutes we need to be at a sound check for tommorow."

Brian sighed at the first part. Looking odly like a parent who's child won't eat thier vegetables. I had forgotten about the sound check almost entirely too. I mean I knew me and John had to drive here so the taxi could pick us all up in one go but I had gotten to swept up in the convocation with Paul I had forgotten about it almost entirely.
The sound check was going to be utter hell. With Paul in hospital we had missed out on three concerts - all three of which had sold out - so we had to reschedule them so we didn't disappoint the fans. This means that we have a 5/7 days packed with live shows this week. How Paul was going to handle it I don't know.

"Do I have to?"

Paul huffed as he stood up from his chair, making me wince slightly. I didn't like him being to active when I knew what was ahead. Obviously walking around the house wasn't really being active but still, I didn't like him missing out on rest.

"I mean if the hospital says so you need to, Macca. Look I'll help you out."

John chimed in with a almost annoyed voice, to my supprise. I didn't think he had taken in what we were saying as he watched the TV but I guess we was at least vaguely listening. Paul looked taken back slightly from John's sudden choice to speak but regardlessly he and John walked out the room and into the hall to fetch this tube thing.

"The hospital said how he hated using his tube. He does need to do it though."

Brian explained to both me and George. We both nodded and George began asking questions about, and a quote, "what the fuck is a tube?" I listened loosely to what Brian had to say as I heard the footsteps from the other side of the wall sound towards the music room, no speaking though, just footsteps. They were probably going to do it in a more private area. Perhaps John would bring up whatever happened in strawberry fields.


Done, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Especially since you didn't have to wait a month+ for it like the last three!

Remember to vote and comment!

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