hey boys

702 33 23

i think i was around 13 when i wrote this,, I'm now 16 and looking back I don't think it was written very well at all :/ seeing as I have a lot of time on my hands whilst in quarantine, I thought id maybe rewrite this if you were interested? not the exact same storyline because honestly there was no structure to it or anything but the main parts will be the same with Pauls eating disorder and so on. it'll be a whole new story so this will still be here to read in addition to a new and improved version of this fic. part one will be out in three or so days if its something you would want

please get back to me if interested, and follow my Beatles Instagram if you want to be friends (phe.starkey) 

paper crown (been rewritten better under the name "Wonderwall - mclennon")Where stories live. Discover now