⌲6: Feelings

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Dana's POV

I woke up yet again in the same room I woke up the following days. Little ray of sunlight was hitting the room. I sit up trying to remember what happened last night and most importantly how in the world I ended up back to Jimins room. I sat up and my stomach tingled a little bit but not as much as it did last time I remember. I looked over to my side to see Jimins back and sleeping tightly I can't help but a small chuckle escape my mouth thankfully he didn't move. I stopped for a moment to appreciate the nice silent air in the room before I saw the gown I wore last night on the floor. Ripped. My eyes widened as I slowly avert to myself. I was wearing only a t-shirt and my undergarments. The scent coming from the shirt was obviously jimins. I would never wear a tank top also its too big for my size.

"Jimin!" I shouted at the top of my lungs sending jimin standing straight from bed.

"What?!" He shouted back from fright. His bed hair all over the place and his half opened eyes were dazzling in mine.

"Did you?" I said while slowly addressing my clothes.

"Changed you? Yes." He said straightforward.

"Why... y-you-" I was about to nag and shout at him ,all my hate and anger I was feeling for being too straightforward and changing me to my clothes but I was stopped by something soft on my lips. It was never the less jimins. My eyes widened and was punching his chest but he did not budge a move at all. Ain't gonna lie when I said it felt great.

"Last night was great babe" Jimin said while leaving with his smirk and of to the bathroom. I noticed he wasn't wearing any shirt. I can clearly see those muscles all over his magnificent body. I must be drooling now.

"Wait what?!" I asked him finally realizing what he said.

"We didn't actually..." I politely asked him hoping we didn't actually mate. I dashed to the bathroom where he was only inches away from closing the door. His expression was shock making his eyes finally wide open while he stare at me. I pulled over the right side of the shirt and put it down checking if ever he marked me. I let out a loud sigh. I thought he would've marked me without my consent.

"Do you actually think I'll mark you?" He said in his raspy and serious tone that actually gave me goosebumps. I gulped a little but then looked at him with one of my own serious face.

"To be honest ,yes..." i told him honestly trying to hold my fright of him getting mad at me and finally leave the bathroom for him to do his thing ,but of course the typical jimin had other ideas. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back slamming me to the wall. Causing my mouth to escape a small gasp. It actually hurts.

"Then I guess I should start doing that by now" his raspy manly voice spoke again as his hands slowly remove the hair that was on my right shoulder. He slowly leaned in my shoulder. My eyes widened not sure if it was what he said or what he was doing. I pushed him off me and thank god he moved considering I have strength of my own while he just yet again laughed at me. That bastard.

I decided to meet the rest of the pack today and thank them for letting us stay here. I also wanna spend my time with kelly whose birthday is tomorrow she'll finally turn 18. I walked downstairs to see kelly cleaning some dishes. This girl seriously will be a great mom I just know it.

"Hey girl..."I tapped her bum lightly while grabbing myself a dirty plate to help.

"Oh hey..." she said

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