⌲10: Danger

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After yesterday's commotion I can't help but stay in my own bubble for some time now and question things. Like who Alpha Hyungki is? Yesterday in Jimins office had been tense. When jimin hugged me I let him. I knew he was in a tense situation despite not knowing the reason behind it. I asked him but he just said he was a bad guy.

All those thoughts about this Alpha guy had me feeling suffocated at the window i was staying at. That's why i decided to take a stroll outside since I want my wolf to enjoy the brushing feeling of the wind again.

"Dana... where you goin?" Out of nowhere kelly asked from my back.

"Going for a run ,wanna come?"

"Sorry gotta do something with the pack" she said. I nodded in response and decided to go out.

The moment I step out I felt great. The wind immediately brushed unto my fair skin and run through my hair. I took a deep breath taking in all the fresh air I can before walking further to the woods. I wonder what Jimin was doing considering he has alpha duties to do. I decided to mind link him ,for which was actually our first.

'Jimin-ah what are you doing?' I mind linked him. I can already feel the joy radiating from him and it made me smile.

'Alpha Duties... and meeting Bangtan today...what about you?' He replied back

'Just taking a run for some time'

'Oh ok be careful then... be back soon'

'Yup see you soon' then after that I shut the link off.

I found a big tree to put my clothes at and strip down ,so I did. I stripped down the big tree and just a snap of a finger I was back with my wolf. It felt great. Something that felt free. I ran and ran and ran. Just the same feeling I always do when I'm out with my wolf. I did my best to roam around the whole forest trying to get use to it and hoping I won't cross out from the pack territory or even go to other packs lands but then again all that fun stuff had to come to an end when I smelled that disgusting smell from yesterday's tragic incident.

Out of nowhere there were three big wolves in front of me. Immediately my wolf was in a fighting position sending daggers and growls at them. There was one wolf that recently came in he was bigger than anyone else just like Jimin's I knew just by looking he was an alpha.

I stepped back a bit and send louder growls at them. The alpha then growled at me and I won't lie when I said that it scared the crap out of me. Then again out of nowhere the wolf that was from my left side awhile ago was now on top of me. Although I think he should've thought it through. I kicked him of me with all four of my paws that sent him hit a big trunk of a tree. The other one decided to attack to but I had to use my powers to crack his neck off. When I looked around the big bad alpha was no longer there but the other wolf that was with him.

"I must say Dana I thought your powers were weak..." out of nowhere the big bad alpha was now in front of me all dressed well with leather jacket and everything black. In response I sent him a growl.

He came closer and said "Just the type of girls I would like to get..." he finished of with a chuckle. I tried mind linking Jimin or anyone in the pack about my current state but no one seem to answer ,everyone was blocked.

As if hearing my thoughts he said "Don't even try Dana it won't work..." he chuckled "... you better watch out. I'll come back for you when you don't even know it and I'll make you look ten times worst than those girls you just saw ,lastly you'll watch everyone you love suffer before your eyes."he said again. I wanted to attack ,I wanted to do everything I can but I couldn't. I was afraid. A coward. He then vanished. Yes. Vanished. He was completely gone. I knew my wolf was pissed at my action.

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