⌲16: Spying

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My eyes blinked for a couple of time before I decided I was finally awake.

The room had small rays of sun. I stood up and decided to fix myself. Ugh I can't believe I'm still in his house. I miss jimin.

Last night I barely slept I bet my dark circle are larger now. I was only thinking about him and the pack. I was thinking on whatever they were doing. I bet he feels very angry and sad because that's what I feel. Last night I felt a sudden feeling of tipsiness wash over me. Even though I cut of my connections with everyone I think Jimin was that drunk for me to feel a tiny portion of it through the bond. That made me sleep immediately.

I finally had the energy to move from my bed I wonder what hyungki is doing. Will he get mad at me for sleeping too much? With that thought I immediately did my morning routine and changed into some leggings and some fit long sleeves T-shirt.

I went out to smell the nice fragrance of waffles and eggs. I went down and sighed in relief. I looked over the grandfather clock and it wasn't that late. There in the kitchen the ever so evil hyungki with a apron. Cooking?

"Finally decided to wake up. Took you quite a while." He said and I swear I can feel his grin from here. I just rolled my eyes even if he can't see me.

"Princess... I made you breakfast." He said delighted.

Why is he like this? Why does he treat me like I'm someone special? Like isn't he suppose to be abusing me right now? Not that I want him to it's just it wasn't what I was expecting.

"I'll take you out late dress well." He said before leaving with a wink.

I looked over my plate. The waffles look disoriented and the egg is field with pepper. I had to eat this because I don't think his willing to make me better food. I held the urge to vomit out the food I just ate. I had to eat to survive anyways.

After some time I decided to take some look around the area. Maybe I can use this to sneak somewhere or get information.

After some moments of walking I found a big oak door. Very different from the others. No joke it was his office. They were some voices coming from the door and I can't help but lean closer. I looked a bit at the small snippet showing a bit of the inside of the room. He was sitting on a leather sit with a phone on his ear.

"Yes... I know what might happen you don't have to remind me." He said

Silence filled for seconds before he replies back again.

"No! I've come far enough for this to happen. It is definitely not danger-"

"Just like what I've said I know what I'm doing and she won't know anything about the book."

The book? Now we're talking. This whole 'escaping from my mate and the pack' thing was definitely worth it. I just need to know what and where this book is and I'll be out of here.

"Stop worrying about me and continue making those potions to protect and heal me fast after I ma-"

Just as I was about to lean closer. I realize he didn't actually got cut of he was walking my way! Oh shit! Oh no! I don't wanna die. Just as he was so close to opening the door a hand grabbed my wrist pulling me to a corner completely tugging me to some unknown place.

A hand was on my hand and we were both silent. The door eventually clicked and we both sigh in relief. I removed the hand in my mouth and turned around to see who it was. It was Emma.

"Miss what were you doing so dangerous? If he sees you he will kill you!" She said not far off a whisper.

"I know but I had to find something out that's why I'm here." I told her. I technically did not care if I just told her my plan after all I don't have anyone else to talk to.

"What is it your actually looking for?" She questions.

"Well... maybe why his mad at Jimin. His weakness?"

She nodded and held my wrist to guide me back to my room. She looked out a bit checking if Hyungki was anywhere near before shutting the door completely.

"I can tell you what I know..."

My eyes widened at her participation in this. I remember her current state. It's no question how she wants this guy to die and rot in hell. I nodded and told her to go on.

"Hyungki's powers is that he can travel. Through dimension ,portals ,or fly."

"He lost his mate." She said with her head down.

"He lost his mate in your mates pack."

My eyes widened. Her head shots back to mine to see my reaction.

"How?" My voice shakier than ever.

"He never listened to anyone ,he dwelled with dark magic. In this moment he didn't know that it was affecting his mate. When he was ready to conquer Jimins Pack his mate died absorbing all the dark magic from him that led her to her death. Your mates parents were very wise and powerful. They were also the people that helped or I guess you can say that told him to stop. He didn't listen obviously. The moment he started fighting for your mates pack his mate died and he blamed your mates parents for her death. Unfortunately his parents died saving Jimin."

She finishes with her hair down and her hands on her lap. I gathered enough strength and cleared my throat.

"Why? What will he do to Jimin?" I croaked our trying to hold my un shed tears back.

She exhaled a bit before continuing. LHe promised for Jimin to suffer the same consequences like him that's why his after you. His planning on killing you in front of him."

I let out a gasp for the information that came to me. He was going to kill me? In front of Jimin? There's a big chance everything can go wrong there's a big chance where in Jimin won't survive the lost of a mate. I can't let him experience that.

I need to get out of here.

I need to save my mate.



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