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"I-I Hyungki Lee former alpha of the Lee Pack submit myself to Alpha Jimin of the Park Pack." Hyungki said through the silent area as his knees slowly kneeled upon the wolf before him.

Jimin contemplated for a long time wether or not to kill him. He said he harmed me and wanted to punish him by death but I pleaded not to. Emma was a wonderful woman who deserve love from the person she loves that's why when I had the chance I had to persuade him to it.

Eventually Jimin submitted and agreed to terms in which Hyungki was now submitting before him.

"I can not tolerate you in my sight as the memories as of today will always linger before me." Jimin's dominant or alpha tone sounded before everyone making some wolf submit to his authority. "I will let you live and love ,I will be giving you this chance but ,only a chance. Go and live a better life with the person you love." Jimin said with pure tone.

The war ended peacefully after all.

Sweat was building in me as I breathed ruggedly I can not hold any longer.

Where is he?

I asked for about a thousandth time now. He can not possibly miss this historical moment. I don't know if I can do it without him either.

'Jimin where are you?' My voice raspy as I mindlink him.

'Love ,I'm coming wait.' He said

'Faster! I can not hold any longer.' I said breathlessly.

Just when I can no longer hold it I looked over an old woman that is also the pack doctor telling her to proceed. She nodded and did her job. Kelly looking at me with worry in her eyes. I nodded at her with a smile assuring her that I'll be fine.

The old woman placed a long cloth mid my thigh flowing to my feet. She placed softer pillows below my head hoping it can lighten me up. Before my screeching scream filled the air as I can feel water drip from me.

My water broke.

Was all I can said before a hysterical came crashing towards my belly. More sweat slowly building up inside of me. Still Jimin was not here.

"Luna ,get ready to push." The woman said giving me a head start.

I took a deep breath trying to tame my beating heart. 'I'll be okay.' 'You can do it' I said to myself. I was gonna be okay. I was going to be a great mother. When I finally motivated myself I looked at the old woman signaling her I was ready.

Not until the door opened revealing a panthing Jimin with his eyes search rapidly until landing on me where he softened before realizing it's that time. Kelly soon stand up before bowing and leaving the room herself leaving me ,the old woman ,and Jimin alone.

"Sorry I was late ,I'm here now though." Jimin said holding on to my hand.

I just nodded my head feeling the pain in my belly in which I can no longer take. That's where I pushed the living creature in me. The living creature that starts our family.

"AHHH" I screamed out to pain as I held unto Jimin's hand and if I'm not mistaken I think I heard a click from his bone. Oops hope I didn't break his finger.

"You're doing great Luna." The old woman then said ,this gave me more courage to push harder to get my child out of me and cradle in my arms.

But every thing has it's weakness as well ,I was losing energy. Jimin must have sense it when he rose up and looked me in the eye and kissed my forehead and sent that all too familiar sparks flashing.

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