Chapter 1: The Mission

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I entered a teahouse in the red light district in Edo. It was my first time in the city but I didn't have the luxury to take in the sights. I was on a mission. Though dressed like a prostitute, I walked onto the small stage and sat down. I saw the target smoking from a pipe while he sat with someone else. I didn't pay any mind to his companion.

I saw my own partner off to the side, drinking his tea, dressed like a causal man. He gave me a nod and I looked at the owner of the teahouse who also nodded, sending me a cheery smile.

I began my performance of a song and dance. Since it was only men in the teahouse, it didn't take long for all eyes to focus on the only female in the building. Me. I even noticed the target looking over, seeming relaxed.

When it ended, I bowed and made my way through the teahouse, making it look as if I was searching for someone. As I passed the table of the target, I purposely tripped over the hem of my kimono.

"Look out!" My body was instantly caught. Looking up, I saw the target.

Kinshiro Toyama.

He slowly stood me up, a worried look on his face. "Are you ok? You aren't hurt anywhere, are you?"

"I-I'm alright. I'm so sorry for my clumsiness, sir. I thank you for catching me." I bowed my head to him, putting on the act of gratitude.

"It happens. I'm just glad you weren't hurt." He gave me a friendly smile. "It looked like you were looking for someone when you tripped. Do you need help finding them?"

Frowning as I looked around, I sighed. "I came here with a friend, but I don't see him. I'm not from Edo so if he isn't here, I'm lost." Tears welled up in my eyes, adding to my show.

" How would you like to sit with me until he comes back? Safer than getting yourself lost." I accepted his offer, sitting at the table with him across from another man. He had beautiful features and was wearing a gorgeous women's kimono. "This is Hotaka. And my name is Kinshiro. What's yours?"

"Sakura." I gave the first name I thought of.

"That's such a pretty name!" Hotaka smiled at me. "You have a lovely voice. I absolutely loved hearing you sing. And your dance was just beautiful!"

"Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it. And I love your kimono. That color looks great on you."

"Doesn't it!? I thought so too the second I saw it." He stood up and twirled around, showing it off. I wasn't lying when I said it looked good on him.

I heard Kinshiro sigh slightly. "Hotaka, weren't you just saying you had rehearsal today?"

"That's right! Thanks for reminding me, Kin!" Hotaka turned to me again. "I'm a kabuki actor. You should come see me perform some time! You'll love it! Anyway, it was nice meeting you, Sakura!" He waved as he ran out of the teahouse.

"So, what brings you to Edo?" Kinshiro turned to me again.

"My friend wanted to show me around a city since I'm from a really small village." I took a sip of my tea, thinking about how I'd go about his execution.

"If you have any questions about the city, feel free to ask." Another friendly smile.

We proceeded to talk to one another for a couple hours. I learned about Edo and we talked about random things. When my friend didn't show up by the time the sun started to set, he offered me a room at a teahouse he ran. I accepted his offer, figuring it would be easy to kill him there.

We excited the teahouse together and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him. It didn't seem like a romantic way. On the contrary, it was more like he was shielding me.

I felt him move his mouth to my ear. "Please bear with this. This is the red light district. It is not a safe place for any woman, especially when the sun goes down."

That's what he was shielding me from. He doesn't want me to be prey to the other men.

I looked up at the green haired man, surprised by his kindness for a complete stranger. I didn't sense any malice in him at all. He seemed like a genuinely nice man. I was starting to question why I was sent to kill him. Which had never happened before.

We eventually arrived at a larger building and he showed me inside.

"This is Kyokatei. There's rooms in the back. You can use one for tonight. And if you want to take a bath, it's just down this hall." Kinshiro pointed as we continued walking. I was sure he could take bigger steps, but he was kindly matching my pace. Presumably so I wouldn't get lost.

At last he opened a door and showed me inside. It was a large room with a futon and a few other bare necessities.

"Will this be ok for tonight?"

"This is more than enough. Thank you so much." I bowed my head to him and he shook his head.

"No need to be so formal. I'm happy to help someone who needs it. Let me know if you need anything else. One of the maids will show you where my room is. Goodnight, Sakura." He smiled and slid the door shut. I heard his footsteps down the hall and sighed.

I pulled out my claws that had been hidden in my kimono and slid them onto my hands and jumped up into the ceiling.

Moving silently, it didn't take long to find Kinshiro's room. I sat down and watched him for a while until he finally turned out his lamp and got into his futon. I waited a little while longer before jumping down, landing silently in the corner of his room. Walking up to his sleeping form, I raised one of my clawed hands, prepared to bring it down on his neck when I felt hesitation build up.

He's so kind... Why do I need to kill him? Why am I doubting the village? This is what I was raised for. To kill those I was told to. To not ask questions.

I lowered my hand and turned away, going to jump back in the ceiling when my ankle was grabbed. My head snapped down and I saw Kinshiro looking at me in the darkness.

"Who are you?" He spoke calmly and I felt my hand shake. I had been going to kill him, but he was speaking calmly. I didn't get this man.

Part of my face was covered due to my hair falling slightly out of place so he couldn't see my face. "Keomi... My name is Keomi."

"Keomi? Wait..." He sat up and reached towards me but I quickly avoided his grasp. "Sakura? What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry... But I have a mission. I need to kill you. But... I can't. You are too kind. I couldn't bring myself to kill you. I'm sorry." I jumped into the ceiling and made my way to the exit. I exited the building and moved through the dark alley until I found myself in the bright street, red lanterns lighting the way. I easily blended in as I gained distance from Kyokatei.

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