Chapter 12: Home

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I told them my story, beginning with how I joined the Edo vigilantes. When I finished, every man in the room seemed impressed.

"So you gained his trust, grabbed supplies, found shipping papers and smuggled yourself out of a different country away from a skilled assassin. That is very impressive. You should join the Nagasaki vigilante." Makoto had sent one man he called Kagura to get some tea. He had bright blue hair that went just past his shoulders and a little part was held with a bead. One eye was covered by an eye patch but the visible one was green.

"I'm flattered about the offer, but my life is in Edo. My job, my home and my friends." I looked around the room as I sipped my tea and frowned. "Kin said you guys had a girl here as well. Where is she?"

"She left. She wanted to return to her village. So it's just us." Ukyo was smiling as he sat next to us. I had learned all of their names as I talked with them. I had also told the man who led me here, Asagi, who I learned was a priest, not to inform the Edo vigilante that I was back. I wanted to surprise them.

I held back a yawn as I stood up. "Can you please tell me how to get back to Edo? I want to get back as soon as possible. Who knows what they'll get up to if they aren't kept in check." I smiled as I thought of my friends, holding in another yawn.

"You aren't seriously thinking about leaving tonight, are you?" Ukyo seemed shocked when I said that. They all did. "You're tired. You won't get far tonight. Just stay in Nagasaki for a bit."

"I can't. I have no money for lodgings or supplies here. I can manage on my own. I'm stronger than you would think." I began walking to the door.

"More like foolish." I stopped and turned to see Asagi smirking at me. "You're running on fumes. That's not healthy. Don't be stubborn."

I glared at him and walked out anyway. Makoto had given me a map and I began walking through the streets. When I reached the edge of the city, I felt my fatigue hit me but I kept going. If I could find a large tree, I could climb up and tie myself to a branch so I wouldn't fall out. I'd rather find a cave though. Safer.

I walked and finally came to a towering tree. I tried to pull myself up but I was so tired that I fell. As I hit the ground, my eyes closed. I didn't care, I would just sleep there.

I heard a snicker and a sigh as my body was lifted up. There was something calming about the arms that held me, causing me to fall asleep.

When I woke up, I was in an unfamiliar room. I felt a nice warmth behind me and nuzzled back into it before I came to my senses. Turning around, I saw Asagi laying on the futon with me. His eyes opened as he looked at me.

"You know, for a priest, you're surprisingly forward. Taking me to bed with you right away. While I am clothed, that could have happened after. I don't recall doing anything but I guess you were just that forgettable." I chuckled at him.

"To think I went out of my way to make sure you were safe." He shook his head in a joking manner but smiled anyway. "You're lucky I don't seal those lips of yours."

"And how would you do that?" I was grinning now.

"Wouldn't you like to know." He poked my nose then got out of the futon. "I am sorry for being in the bed with you, but you were holding me really tight and I didn't want to wake you."

"Thank you. I really appreciate it." I sat up as well and stretched. "I should head out now. I want to get home."

"Let's get you some stuff first then." Asagi handed me my map and let me bathe first. Yuzuki had apparently provided me with a new kimono which I appreciated. I fixed up my hair and did my makeup. I walked up to Asagi who was putting some food in a bag for me. He looked up when I walked over and nodded as if he approved. "So you can look nice."

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