Chapter 2

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Moments like this makes me speechless. I am tongue tied. I don't know what to say. Suddenly he released me and He looked at me with cold eyes. I could not comprehend what he was thinking.

I looked into his eyes it held disgust for some reason. Then the unthinkable happened. He said those horrible words.

"I Xander Gabriel Anderson reject you Destine Felicity Donovan as my Luna and my mate".

My face fell. Xander has rejected me.

I tried to calm my breathing I really don't want to be in same room as him. I cannot be in same room as him. Xander has rejected me. Then the words of Carlin came rushing by

You know what your mate will be disgusted with you. There will be no one who will ever going to love you ever

And she was right he didn't wanted me. He resented me. Lots of emotions were going on within me. I felt hurt and betrayal sure through me like hot lava.

Only word that escaped my mouth


He shrugged not thinking that it is important to answer me. Just then Alpha and Luna entered. I gave them a small smile and they smiled back.

They hugged Xander. Soon I was also pulled into the group.

I accidentally touched Xander and it was like thousands of pin prickling me at the same time. It was not pleasurable at all

. It is tormenting. Me every minute. I pulled back swiftly giving a small smile and walking to the corner of the room where I was standing.

I saw Carlin moving towards Xander and how she kissed him on the cheek while wishing him happy birthday.

It took every ounce of my remaining will power not to run away from there.

I was last one to wish him happy birthday. The gifts were exchanged. I watched them marry making silently.

I know no one actually care about my birthday. He is the alpha and I am just the nerd who no one really likes.

I already am designated as pack slut. I didn't slept with anyone still they abuse me and bully me at school. I am just everyone's punching bag no wonder no one wants me. I am weak and pathetic.

Suddenly I felt pain like no other. I cried which made Luna Andrea to look in my direction. Her eyes widen in horror. "Destiny " She shouted as I fell down in pain.

"James darling she is shifting" I heard commotion but all I felt was excruciating pain. I felt my bones breaking making me scream in agony.

I had no one to help me if my family was here there would have made me go through the shift or may be my mate would have made it nearly easy.

But I don't have any of those so I have to endure what is considered as one of the most worst kind of pain known to wolf kind.

I don't know how much time I lie there it felt like eternity before it stopped. I felt no different. I saw my hands but they are paws. Then two wolfs surrounded me I know it was James and Andrea.

James nuzzled my neck in comforting way. Andrea licked my face in appreciation. I guess now the worse was over I can shift back.

I shifted back naked and exhausted from the shift. The pain was there. Still maybe it was because my mate had rejected me. I wanted nothing to just curl into a ball and weep.

I looked at the pack members. The males were now staring at my naked body but I cannot protest. I am too tired to protest. I started to close my eyes last thing I heard was a growl before falling into darkness.

I woke up hooked to all kinds of machines. Feared gripped me what if they knew? No they cannot know about anything.

No I have to make sure this pack does not goes to war over me. I saw My only friend Daniel sitting in the chair.

Daniel came towards me. He looks tired and he have bags underneath his eyes. He sees me and his eyes get filled with sparkle. "Dee you are alright you are OK I thought I almost lost you." he hugged me tighter and I winced.

He pulled back and held me lightly. He kissed my forehead softly. "I am glad you are alright Dee" He said softly to me. I heard a low growl and someone cleared there throat at the same time.

Daniel left me when he saw the doctor with Alpha and Luna and surprise, surprise Xander was also with them. So he is the one who growled but why?

He didn't even liked me. He rejected me. Andrea hugged me softly probably trying not to hurt me. She smiled sadly at me. "Are you alright honey ?" she asked.

I nodded. I tried to look anywhere but at my suppose mate.

I know I have to say the words and the connection will be severed forever. He will be free from the pathetic excuse of a mate. Even thinking about it makes me cry.

I felt my bed dip and someone sitting beside me. Tingles shot up my arm where he had touched me. I didn't looked at him. I cannot. "How are you feeling?" He asked in his deep and warm voice.

"Not dead if that you are asking Alpha Anderson" I said and pulled my hands back from his embrace. I hate it. I hate how weak I feel now.

I hate how he can still rule my life and walk all over me like that. I hate this destiny and bond. If I had power to chose my mate I would have chosen someone who at least had respect for me.

"I am sorry but I had no other choice you are not fit to be a Luna Destiny. I have to think about future too. No one will like to have a weak link." My head shot up and my hand flew to his cheek.

"I am not weak Xander you are the one who is ashamed to be seen with me. I know I have to say the words to set you free I know I have to for your sake and mine then I will just say the words and hope to get a second chance mate. I hope he will have a heart.

Not like you. I..."

Word Count: 1088

Alpha's nerdy mate (Werewolf saga 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now