Chapter 4

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I woke up more refreshed then before. I looked around for Daniel but he was not there. My face fell instantly. Then I saw a note at bedside table. I picked it up and read it

Little Angel,

My mom called and I had to go to attended some pack business. You know how it can get. But I promise I will be back for you as soon as I finish.

p.s. You look like a raccoon go take a shower before I die of heart attack.

Yours always


I do not look like a raccoon. Do I? Suddenly the door opened and Xander came inside with a maid.

Why the hell Daniel cannot use the window instead of the door and I have to face Mr. Alpha at very morning. Way to ruin my good mood.

He looked at me and then stiffen. I looked where he was looking at. My chest and my shirt have decided to slip down of my shoulder. I cannot believe Daniel saw me this way. Damn.

I clutched the note tightly in my hand and adjusted my shirt. Talk about embarrassing. Xander averted his gaze and then looked at me.

"Mother sent some things for you. She thought you will need these. This maid will help you with bath."

I nodded. He then suddenly sniffed the air. Then he came closer his eyes darkening in anger. He sniffed me and then I saw him shaking. "Leave" He said to the maid.

I looked at her pleading. But she looked at me with fear and bolted.

Damn that maid. He came close to me. His eyes still black. "You smell like him" He said through gritted teeth. I scooted back until m back was touching the head board.

I remember the pack teachings. Alpha's are very protective of their mates. And they are possessive too. And I am Alpha's mate.

Even when he rejected me I still am his possession. He stalked me and I can see the predatory eyes of his.


He said pulling me close to him. His nails digging into my torso. I whimpered but his hold became tight over me. My eyes watered with the immense pain I was facing.

"Alpha Anderson please you are hurting me" I said in a small voice. The pressure left me at once. "Did you slept with him?" I didn't answered he didn't deserve to know.

Daniel is my only friend. He is trying to comfort me only.

"Answer me did you slept with him?" He asked in a more commanding voice. I didn't answered. "I am not liable to give an answer to you Alpha Anderson. You are no one to me" I said with an emotionless tone.

But inside my heart is breaking.

"Fine then be like that Destiny I forbid you to meet with him. If he comes within five meter of your presence I will kill him." He threatened.

"And do what Alpha Anderson go on war with his pack he is the next alpha of the Stone hunter pack if you forgot about it".

I said silently. "Do not question my motives you are no one to question me just another member of my pack". I cannot help but laugh bitterly.

"Yet you care whom I fuck. Oh sorry I am already the pack slut apparently you should not care about me." I said venomously.

"I don't care alpha Anderson anymore you are not taking away only friend I have and not to mention only person who is capable of loving me and for the matter of fact we slept together last night" He growled loudly and I was pinned to the wall.

"You are mine Destiny."

He said I felt some liquid trickle down my head yes blood. His claws dug into my back. But this time I welcomed the pain. His other hand chocked my windpipe.

Finally I am going to be in peace. "Xander let her go" I heard someone say as I almost lost my consciousness. I heard his voice before I slipped in darkness again.

I woke up to see Daniel looking at me with concern. His beautiful brown eyes were dark in anger. "Danny" I coughed. "Hold on little angel" he said. He helped me with some water. I looked at the room I was in.

It was not my original room. "Where am I Danny?" I asked.

"You are in pack house unfortunately Alpha Anderson had order you to move out of his house and live in the pack house. So here you are." I nodded.

"Why don't you come with me to my pack you can stay with my mother" He offered. "Daniel you know I cannot It will not be appropriate and also it will arise many question. I am not liable to answer them all now Danny" I said.

I will never be ready to answer those questions ever. "You know I failed and I am a shitty friend. I should never had left you with that monster. If only I had stayed. If only I had stayed with you" He held my hand and sobbed silently.

"Hey princess don't cry." I told him. He smiled at the nickname. "Danny you have a pack to look after.

You are too an alpha remember thought I don't get it. How can you be an alpha?" He rose his eyebrow in questioning mode.

"Yeah why is that? Am I not tough?" He asked. "Tough yes Jerk no. you are possibly one of the sweetest guys I have ever met and I am really very disappointed" I said pouting.

"yeah for what exactly?" He asked drawing circles on back of my palms. "You are not my mate" I said slowly. But I bet he heard it.

"If I could chose who to be with it would have been you little angel in a heartbeat" He said softly.

"Thanks Danny that meant so much to me" I said. "I was not joking you know I would have Little angel" He said kissing my forehead softly.

Word Count: 1010 words

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