Chapter 14

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Happy New Year Friends Enjoy

My eyes opened as the first rays of sun entered the room. I have to meet Ronan. I have to know why he decided to enter this territory risking his and his little sister's life.

I saw still sleeping form of My mate. Good I will not have anything or anyone chasing me for few hours. I hope when I return he remains asleep. I swiftly left the bed careful not to wake him up.

I shifted into my Silver- white wolf once I was at safe distance from pack house and Alpha House. I hope there are no guards to petrol the premises. I felt I was followed by someone.

Soon I was confronted by Daniel's Grey wolf. He barked and growled at me lowly before shifting into his human form. It made me shift as well. He threw me his shirt and I buttoned it up.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asked. "Just for a run Danny. Can I not Let my wolf out?" I asked innocently. He shied. "I know you much better then yourself." He pulled a pair of shorts to cover himself.

Suddenly there is a small sound of twig snapping and Daniel pushed me behind him. I saw the leaves rustling and then Ronan emerge from shadows of tree in his black cloths.

Daniel stiffen and his eyes narrowed. "Rogue" He said distastefully. "Stay behind me Little Angel" He instructed me. Ronan laughed. "Alpha Daniel Kingston, the most well behaved alpha of all the world believe in peace but have a deadly secret in his heart don't you?"

Daniel stiffens more. What is he talking about? What secret? Daniel has a secret? "Don't fool around with me pup tell me why you are here before I snap that pretty neck of yours" Daniel said in a sinister voice.

I was a little taken aback. I never heard Daniel talk in this tone. "Simple I am here for my sister" Ronan said looking at his nails. Showoff. "which sister? The little girl? She is your sister?" Ronan nodded.

"Not only her" Ronan said softly looking at me. "You cannot have Destiny Rogue she is the Luna Queen" Daniel said. I then walked towards Ronan. "Destiny no..." Daniel Protested.

"Ronan stop fooling around will ya and stop pissing every alpha you cross. It will get you killed one day" I joked. "What is life without little fun?" He asked. "wait you two know each other?" Daniel asked. "We do" We said at the same time.

"I told you to meet me at the clearing why the hell you came here?" I asked Ronan surprised he was not killed yet.

"I cannot wait an longer Princess. You should know it must been a good reason why I risked my sister as a distraction to get to you"

Ronan sounded worried. "What happened Ronan is everything is alright with the pack?" I asked. "It is not the Pack I am worried about. It is you I am worried about sista" He said softly.

"What do you mean Ronan?" I asked. "He knows where are you. He will get you this time sista" Ronan said darkly. "something happen isn't it?" I asked looking at his forlorn expression.

"Christy" He said looking at me. "Your mate?" I asked . Ronan nodded as a look pain flashed across his face. He fell down gasping for air. "Fuck they are doing it again" Ronan said.

I held Ronan as he thrashed in pain. I saw blood coming out of his abdomen. "Ronan you..." I saw him smiling.

"It is least I can do and he knows about it. Torturing her is what will break me down. But I am not going to break this easily and you know it sista"

He looked with me with his golden eyes "I am not going to let him get to you no matter how much pain I will go through. I am not giving you up" he screamed again as another slash appeared over his chest.

"They are using silver and wolfsbane." He said grunting. "Ronan hold on I will get help" I looked at Daniel pleadingly.

"Fine I will call my pack doctors and will make sure your mate founds nothing about it. But one false move and I will kill him myself." Daniel said.

"That won't be necessary my pack needs me" Ronan said trying to get up. He fell down again. "It is not just Christy isn't it?" I asked.

"No pack was attacked and they will come again. They took my pack members. I have... have to find them"

Ronan fell down gasping. My eyes widen he cannot shift that means he will be an easy target and with him gone the rogue alliance will fall apart. He will have both under him. No...

"Daniel he is losing consciousness. Please help me. Please I cannot lose my another family" The wolf surrounded us suddenly. They were in attack stance. Ready for Ronan to kill him.

"Stand down man we are going to take back this Rogue to pack house and we are going to call the pack doctor immediately." Daniel said. "Thank you Daniel" I said softly to him.

I kissed Ronan on forehead. And then they lift him off and put him over one of the wolf's that came with Daniel. I watched them shift and after giving me one last look Daniel too shifted in his wolf and ran into after the pack.

Now my next work is to make sure all the remaning rogues from his pack will be alright including Amara. I walked with new determination towards the Alpha house.

It is now or never for me. I need to show them who I truly am or maybe the pack, the kingdom, the rogue alliance and whole supernatural world will fall prey to an enemy they cannot defeat.

It is time for Alpha Princess to be back.

A/N: What secret does Daniel hiding? why it was called deadly secret? Any guesses? Will Ronan be saved?...

if you really like this chapter please let me know it is just getting interesting I promise

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