Chapter 38

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Kyle, he was just as I remembered him. Even after all those long years he remained the same. The same arms that held me when I cried, made my favorite Mac and cheese when threw a tantrum and didn't wanted to eat. The same one which built me a swing on the old oak tree in our backyard.

But I saw his eyes no longer the beautiful hazel one. He was no longer my brother. My older brother who had vowed to protect me. Now he is no longer that sweet Kyle. He was gone the day he had stabbed me. I still have the scar to remind me of all the things that I lost and I am not keen on giving anything more.

"Why are you so silent sista." That word made me cring. "Don't call me that you are no brother of mine" I spat venomously. "But that is what I am fel and I thought families suppose to stay together. But you left me alone. You know you have hurt me sista"

Xander growled lowly. Kyle's eyes snapped at my mate. "If it is not the pathetic Alpha King. So tell me Xander how did you like when your brother died of agony that night" Xander's growl turned ferocious signaling his wolf was about to surface.

I placed my hand over his knowing that it can and will calm him down. Xander looked at me for a fleeting moment and then put me behind him. "What do you want. You wanted to meet me and your queen. We are here now state your purpose for tormenting my mate and killing her family." Xander said too calmly for my liking.

Kyle's eyes turned darker than before I didn't knew if that was possible. The pools of black held no signs of life. I knew that then the brother I know was now long gone. And any hopes of saving him is now gone with it. "I am all the family she needs and when I am done here we will become the ruling brother and sister together the duo world will fear" Kyle's canines lengthen.

He didn't shifted fully. His human features were still there just claws in place of nails. How can he half shift like that? "Kyle let's talk this rationally" I said softly. His eyes turned soft showing me the little bit of my brother that I remember. "Sister Fel you know that I want us to be family again." He said.

"Destiny no I know what you are thinking and I swear to goddess if you took one step ahead in his direction I will personally lock you into dungeon and never let you out" Xander's voice was dangerous and the warning was clear. Though the locking in dungeon part was little bit extreme even for him.

Suddenly I felt his grip tighten over me as the hunters and my former pack members started to fill the area. My luna instincts took over. "Xander he is controlling them and there is an insider who is giving him details of our every move."

Xander nodded "Everyone commence the plan now we need backup dart them do not mortally hurt anyone. Tranquilizers only the wolves are under his control. Do not hurt anyone. Take positions now"

I love the powers being Luna queen give me. I feel their strength like it was mine. I feel them unite against a common enemy as I let myself ran wild. Xander looked at me before shifting as my former pack members begain to shift and the hunters got their weapons ready.

I saw Xavier's wolf fighting off the Hunter biting on lightly until he fell unconscious. I ran and doudged an arrow an a growl from Kyle ripped the forest. He took the hunter who tried to shot me and took his heart out ripped out of his chest.

"No one hurt her I need her in one piece" He growled almost animalistic. I cannot believe he is my brother. I felt the arrow landed on my right as I swept passed and knocking another hunter out.

I saw Daniel's brown wolf swept passed me. Missed me little Angel?

Daniel can he stop being cocky in middle of war zone. "Shut up and fight Daniel" I growled. He swiftly moved biting the hind leg of a wolf that was behind me. Be careful

Daniel warned as he ran past me. "Archers are you ready attack" Soon there were arrows laced with darts started to fly and the hunters and wolves dropping before they can anticipate where the arrows were coming from. They didn't thought about this.

Suddenly I felt someone behind me. I stiffen and kicked the person with my hind legs. But he held me and flipped me around. I came face to face with Kyle who was yet to shift but his wolf was in control. He slashed around my belly and my fur was getting soaked by crimson fluid.

I was in pain But I couldn't let him see that. He cannot have me not if it I can help it. I heard Xander's growl followed by Daniel and few others I think Princeton, Ken and Renan. They circled us ready to attack but him holding me put me into risk.

I shifted to my human form and looked at Kyle. I was loosing too much blood for my liking. But I know I have to survive this. I doubt I will be lucky this time. "

Try to harm me and she dies" Kyle said emotionlessly.

He picked me up and tried to take me with him. But my mate and my friends had him corner. I think Kyle is a cowerd for using me as a shield. He knows Xander or my friends will not attack me as long as I am with him. So with all the strength I left I bit his shoulder tasting his poisonous blood fill my mouth. He howled in pain dropping me in shock.

Then I saw it a blur of figure passed me and hugging him. I spat his blood and my eyes widen in surprise. Paige the petie girl was hugging kyle while he bled. "Paige get away from him." Princeton's voice rang into the back. "I...I cannot" She said.

"Why the hell not?" I asked in a weak voice. Black dots already started to cloud my vision and senses. "Because he... He is my mate" She said sobbing harder. Did she lied was it all just an act when she said Ronan was her mate?

A/N: Two more chapters to go and then this is the end for now. I will shortly publish the sequel Alpha's warrior do check my profile or follow me for the updates...

Thank you





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