Chapter Eight

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The next day, Shida found herself  naked and lying on someone else's  bed.  She stood up, wrapped a blanket on her body and started to search for her clothes but it wasn’t there. She looked at herself in the mirror.

“ARGHHH~ What am I doing?” she said as she scratched her head hard.  She heard some noise downstairs, so she went down to check it out. At the kitchen she saw Ryosuke not wearing any clothes except  a towel wrapped around his waist. She stopped. She looked at his body with great intensity and thought of only one thing.

She immediately crossed her arms on her chest.


“AH! Shida.”



Shida pointed him and herself .

“D-d-did s-s-ome-t-t-thing h-a-appen?“

Ryosuke just smiled.


“YA! Don’t put all the blame on me, you’re the one who undressed yourself.”


“Don’t worry I took a good look.“ (Smirks)


She shouted as she threw a shoe at him.

When they were about to leave for school, Ryosuke saw that Shida’s eyes were teary and her nose was red and there was a tissue inserted on her nose.

“WOI! What’s wrong?“

“What’s wrong?! YOU'RE ASKING ME WHAT'S WRONG?! I-I-I.. (couldn't say what she wanted to say) and you ask me what’s wrong?!!*sobs*(wipe her tears off)

Ryosuke laughed silently. He knew what she meant.

“Just forget about it.“

Shida just stared at him. O______O


During their break time, Shida talked to Ryuzaki and apologized.

“Ano.. Sorry!“ (bow) [A/N : In Japan, they bow when they apologize of greet somebody. It is a form of respect.]


“I don’t know... I just feel like apologizing. I’m notmyself yesterday so whatever I did... I’m sorry!”


“Well then, LATER!“ She said and dashed off somewhere.


During night time, someone knocked on Shida's apartment.

*knock* *knock*

“Hi! I’m Teppei.“

“AH! You’re the man from the C.R“

“(nods) Is Yamada in there?”

“No.. His apartment is downstairs.“

“I have something to show you, but he also needs to see it.“

The two of them went down and called Ryosuke. Inside his apartment Teppei showed them a picture. It was them wearing only a blanket and a towel.

Ryosuke : You didn’t..

Shida : Just what I suspected..

Teppei : I didn’t came here to bully you, I came here to make an agreement. You see, I have several copies of this photo and I can spread them easily and I already asked my assistant to get it ready, you know if you didn’t..

Ryosuke and Shida : WHAT?!

Teppei : Actually this only involves Ryosuke.

Shida: Oh.. Okay! Good.

Ryosuke : So what is it?

Teppei : You will make me you “BEST FRIEND”, your personal journalist and your only photographer and you must also let me stay here with you.

Ryosuke : WHAT?! Forget about it. Spread all the photos the way you want it but I won’t let you live with me and I don’t make friends that easily.

Shida : WHAT?! What if they see it?!

 Ryosuke : So what? They would all know you’re my girlfriend.

Shida : WHAT? Are you nuts?  You’re not even my...

Teppei : Not even WHAT?

Shida : He isn’t my-

Ryosuke : HUSBAND! I’m not yet her husband.

He said as he covered Shida’s mouth.

Teppei : Oh.

Ryosuke : OKAY! OKAY. I will agree but don’t come here after 2 weeks.

Teppei : YOSH! Please sign this up.

After a few weeks things get along.  Nothing much happened.

Shida grew more closer to Ryuzaki and called him Ryuu while Azumi became her best friend. The rumour of being Ryosuke’s girlfriend only spread over the school and wasn’t that much talked about.

She also vommit most of the time that’s why Azumi tease her that she’s already pregnant. One day, when Teppei was burning all the copies of Shida and Ryosuke’s pictures. A girl passed by and saw some. She took it and left.

The next morning (Saturday)

When Shida went down to get the newspaper. She was shocked to see the headline. It said...

“Ryosuke got a girl pregnant”

She went to Ryosuke’s apartment. She knocked hard but no one answered and then after a few minutes later, the door opened.

“What?” he asked with a yawn, eyes closed.

“Look at this.”

“Where?” (eyes closed)(touches Shida’s face)

“BAKA!” spanked Ryosuke’s head with the newspaper. [A/N : Baka- Stupid]

They called Teppei and ask him what happened. Teppei defended himself and told them he really didn’t know how what happened. A few hours later, they received emails from different fans saying the girl is cheap and blah blah blah.  Ryosuke called for a conference together with Shida..

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