i. routine: interrupted

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routine: interrupted
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━━━━━━━━┛ ϟ ┗━━━━━━━━CHAPTER ONEroutine: interrupted ━━━━━━━━┓ ϟ ┏━━━━━━━━

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IT WAS SUPPOSED TO be a normal day for Kendra, she was coming home from school when the bus suddenly stopped and pulled over.

"Tornado!" One screamed and Kendra jolted up, snatching her bag out of the seat as she went to get off the bus. The roar of the wind sounded like a train as it ripped up trees, the bus was in its path.

"You're not getting off!" The driver yelled.

"Then drive!" Kendra yelled back, pointing towards the fast-paced whirlwind. The driver pulled the bus into drive and she sat down, feeling the lurch as the driver hit the gas.

"Pull into that gas station!" Kendra pointed out as the tornado picked up its speed.

"The hardware store has less windows!" Another yelled and the driver nodded, swerving into the hardware stores parking lot. The door swung open and the students practically trampled each other as they tried leaving. Kendra was finally out as the group of students slammed into the building, everyone hiding in the aisles and against the walls as the tornado stormed through.

Kendra looked up as the roof came up, adrenaline rushing through her as she ran to the baby chickens under the gaping hole the tornado left, doing her best to cover them as glass fell around with other things the tornado carried. Kendra looked around as kids were crying and screaming, she couldn't hear them over the roar of the wind. A large piece of glass sliced her arm and she cried out as the tornado eventually passed and dissipated.

The driver ran out and came back with an emergency kit, getting to patching up the wound. The manager of the store came up to her as everyone ran around, checking in on each other.

"Thank you so much for trying to protect those little chicks," the manager spoke and Kendra smiled, nodded as she took off her jacket for the driver to address the large wound.

"I just didn't want to see them get sucked up in that vortex, you know?" Kendra replied, wincing at the rubbing pressure from the cloth as the driver stopped her bleeding.

"Everyone for the school bus needs to get back on right now!" The driver yelled out.

After those short words, everyone from her school got back on the bus, staring at Kendra as they walked by.

"I'll be right back don't move," The manager spoke and the two nodded as Kendra removed the cover over the chicks, smiling as they all were huddled together closely. Scared, but safe.

"Where did that tornado even come from?" She asked, "I know they're spontaneous but it was clear skies, then bam, tornado!"

The driver shrugged as her put rubbing alcohol on the wound, making her wince again and she watched as the manager came back with a piece of paper in hand. Kendra recognizes it to be a check. The manager gave it to her with a smile and Kendra looked to the bus driver. The driver only nodded. She gently took the check, unsure if she was in a dream.

"Thank you," Kendra timidly spoke and the Manager only shook their head as the driver finished patching Kendra up.

"No, thank you," the manager smiled and Kendra nodded, looking to the driver.

"If that's all, I'd like to go home," Kendra chuckled and the driver nodded, holding their hand out to the manager. Kendra watched them shake and Kendra perked up when the manager turned to her.

Kendra shook the managers hand with a smile and walked over to her backpack against the wall, picking it up and slinging it onto her shoulder. She looked back to the driver as he waved for her to hurry up.

Kendra jogged back to the bus and got back to her seat.

"Everyone call their parents and tell them your safe," the driver spoke as the started up the bus and they all headed out.

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KENDRA LAID IN her new loft bed that she still wasn't accustomed to considering she's hit her head three time already in one night. She didn't hate it, she just was used to her bed being closer to the ground. Kendra did like the added space she has now that her desk is under her bed and not at the end of it.

Kendra was jostled from her thoughts by a knock on the door and she looked over to see her mom walking in, concern on her face.

"Have you seen the news?" Her mom asked and Kendra shook her head, she reached for the remote on her bed and turned on her tv, changing it to the news channel.

The broadcaster didn't seem happy as they switched it to the weather girl.

"It seems as though a newly formed and fast paced hurricane is coming in hot and although we haven't gotten any natural warnings from it, it's growing stronger and faster every thirty minutes and has an estimated time of arrival at six in the morning tomorrow, schools in all the of the state are closing for the night and we here at Wesh 2 news hope you all are safe and can get away from the coast as fast as possible-"

Kendra turned off the tv and got out of bed, looking to her mom, a frown on both of their faces. It was time to get into hurricane mode. She hated hurricane mode, and considering how badly this one was going to hit, Kendra wasn't sure if they would be safe staying in the state, but it's too short of a notice to get out.

She quickly boarded up the windows and washed out the water buckets and hung them outside the house, hoping that it wouldn't be flood considering they lived on a prairie. Kendra stood outside as the sky clouded up and the birds were leaving in flocks. Kendra wished to join them.

She looked to her mother as the woman joined Kendra's side watching the sky.

"I'm going to the store before it then out, what do you need from there?" Her mother asked and Kendra looked back to the sky.

"Just pastries I guess, and ice for the cooler," Kendra spoke and her mother nodded, walking away.

Kendra watched as another flock flew over, cawing down, mocking her.


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