x. casa de parker

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casa de parker
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━━━━━━━━┛ ϟ ┗━━━━━━━━CHAPTER TENcasa de parker ━━━━━━━━┓ ϟ ┏━━━━━━━━

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PETER WAS STANDING outside his door, when Kendra came up to his floor. She was looking at door numbers as she held up her phone, turning corners in the maze of the building.

"Kendra!" She smiled as she heard a familiar voice and looked away from her phone, seeing Peter smiling as he had his keys in the door.

"Hey!" Kendra smiled as Peter unlocked the door, opening it wide for her.

"Uh, welcome to Casa De Parker," Peter spoke, making Kendra chuckle as she walked into the house, looking around at the way it was decorated. She felt like she was walking around in the movie.

"Peter?" She heard Marisa Tomei call out, coming around the corner, her jaw dropped in shock.

"Ms. Stark," She stuttered and Kendra smiled, sticking her hand out.

"You don't have to call me that, Kendra is fine," She chuckled, May brushed off her hand, taking Kendra's with a smile.

"I'm May, Peters aunt, he tells me you go to school with him," May smiled.

"It's wonderful to meet you," Kendra smiled as she pulled away, Peter joining her side.

"Well, uh, I'm almost done cooking dinner so, uh," May looked to Peter for help, unsure of what to say or do.

"Do you want to go to my room?" Peter asked and Kendra looked to him and shrugged.

"Sure!" She spoke and smiled to May, following Peter to where the most iconic scene of his movie took place.

"So I was thinking we maybe finish up our homework, eat dinner, watch something, maybe?" Peter asked as Kendra set her bag down, looking around at his room, admiring the posters and trophies.

She saw a poster of Tony and her smile grew.

"I like this one," she chuckled and looked to him, Peters cheeks were as red as a cherry. Kendra laughed and walked over to her bag and picked it up, walking to his bed and sat down.

"I like your idea, which subject do you want to start on?" Kendra asked and Peter smiled as he took off his own bag, pulling out his books.

"Physics?" Peter asked and Kendra nodded, pulling out her notebook and laptop. She opened up the laptop to reveal the textbook and turned it so that they both could see it. The two worked together quietly, glancing at each other with out the other noticing.

"So uh, did you always know you were his daughter?" Peter asked and Kendra smiled, shaking her head.

"No, my mom didn't want me getting his ego," Kendra chuckled and Peter laughed, "good thing he doesn't have one anymore."

The two shared a laugh as they worked. Not saying much more until they were done. It was something that Kendra never thought she would be doing. If the kids at school knew what she was doing right now, she couldn't even imagine the reaction that it would get from everyone.

"Are you okay?" Peter asked, making Kendra jump up a bit.

"Uh, yeah, sorry, just uh, overthinking everything right now," Kendra chuckled as she looked up at Peter, "I never imagined myself here."

"Yeah, me too," Peter smiled, making Kendra's cheeks blush as she looked away.

"So uh, movies or tv show?" Kendra asked and Peter only smiled.

"There's a lot to learn about me."

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THE THREE SAT around the table, eating some of Mays food that Kendra was dying to try, despite the one time she burnt food, May was a great cook. Kendra was wary, but when she looked to Peter and the woman, she only smiled.

"So uh, how are you liking New York, it must be a huge contrast from the south," May spoke and Kendra nodded.

"My sense of style always leaned towards darker, fall-winter clothes, and if I tried wearing that in Florida, I would probably melt," Kendra smiled, making May chuckle, "but in honesty, New York is great, it definitely exceeded what I thought of it."

"What did you think do it before?" Peter asked and Kendra only tilted her head.

"My family would always fill my head with all these bad things about New York, how terrible the crime is, how dangerous it is for young girls, so for a while, I was honestly scared of it," Kendra spoke and Peter nodded, "Now I know that it's much more than that and there are so many things to enjoy in New York."

Peter smiled as they ate, Kendra jumping at her phone ringing, Tony's face popping up on her screen. Kendra only stared at it, unsure of what May would think if she just answered it

"You can answer it," May spoke up, a confused look on the woman's face. Kendra quickly stood up and walked into the next room, answering Tony's call.

"Hey," she spoke quietly, looking around the living room.

"Hey, when are you getting home, I needed my Happy back hours ago," Tony asked, making Kendra smile.

"Well, I told him after school that I would be doing a few things, I didn't expect him to just sit and wait for me," Kendra spoke, "but I'm at dinner with them right now so I'll try and finish up soon, okay?"

There was silence for few minutes, making Kendra alternate which foot she stood on.

"Alright, have fun," Tony finally spoke and hung up, making Kendra chuckle and walk back.

"Everything okay?" May asked as Kendra sat down.

"Yeah, it's just when I told Happy I had plans, I didn't expect him to sit on standby for hours, waiting for me to call him to pick me up," Kendra spoke and May only widened her eyes and avoided contact with her.

"Oh, he uh, said he was waiting on you?" May asked and Kendra shook her head, furrowing her eyebrows at the sudden unease May felt.

"Is everything okay, Ms. Parker?" Kendra asked and May nodded.

"Yeah, uh, excuse me," May spoke and got up, taking her plate and leaving. Kendra looked to a confused Peter who looked to Kendra.

"I should probably start going," Kendra spoke as she looked down at the empty plate, getting up.

"Uh, sure," Peter spoke and Kendra chuckled as the two walked to the kitchen area where they washed up the dishes and dried them, Kendra walked to Peters room where she grabbed her jacket and her bag and walked out to see Peter standing in the middle of the kitchen with his hands clasped, unsure of what to do.

"I'll uh, see you tomorrow," Peter spoke and Kendra smiled.

"I'll see you tomorrow, cutie," she spoke and patted his cheek as she walked by, leaving the apartment and headed back to the lobby where Happy sat.

"Dude," she threw her arms out, "did you really sit here for hours?"

"What I uh- never mind let's go home," Happy spoke and Kendra sighed as they left the building, wondering what he was doing all these hours.

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