24.Make up

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Ok...so maybe I was a FEW days late for the make up with Scott but Lizzie was dragging me everywhere and when I say "everywhere" I mean EVERYWHERE!! To EVERY SINGLE mall in the WORLD (okay...maybe I'm exaggerating...) we went to every mall in our city!! ARGH!! Welp...I got a cute galaxy dress which was actually...tight and short...Lizzie picked it out for me and she said to trust her on this...these were her words, "Y/N! You LOVE LOVE LOVE galaxy, I found a really cute dress that brings out your E/C eyes! Anyways, you have an amazing figure which you should show off to Oli! You are always hiding it because of your baggy shirts and big jeans!"

I look at the dress one more time, the party would be in 4 hours and now it was...7.53am hmmmm...

OH YAH! Back to to what I was saying just now...I am a LIL LIL LIL but late...or maybe a YEAR late...buuuuut, on New Years Day, I was having a live stream on  my YT channel joking with my fans about have not being able to wash my hair in a year (geddit? Geddit? Nudge nudge) ok fine! I'll do it...I procrastinate a LOT! Ask ALLLLL my friends and they will tell you, haha

<Time Skip>

I ran over to Scott's house, not panting or sweating like an idiot like I usually look like after running for so long. I knocked on Scott's door and after the second knock a jolly-looking Scott opened the door and smiled happily. The second he realised that it was me who knocked, he started to close the door but I stopped him

Y/N: Scott!
S: what do you want Y/N, you ruined my Christmas, why did you tell me that?? You ruined my Christmas AND my new year! I was so happy when Lizzie cancelled the Christmas party
Y/N: oh yah! She rescheduled the party so it is a new year's party, I know it is a TAD BIT LATE but...just...I'm sorry
Scott: sigh...Y/N, I forgive you but just give me some time alone...

I nodded and waved before walking back to my house...

Sorry for the short chapter, school started on the 2nd of Jan so ye know...getttng busy now, it's a really important year this year so I won't update as frequently as I used to but I'll update when I can! :) ZOOP! ~Galaxy

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